Keep in mind the only alignment monk and warlock share is Lawful Evil. You can be a LG or LN monk first and then switch alignments to go for warlock though since monks don't lose anything by changing alignments, but unless you have certain exceptions (like the Ascetic Knight feat) they can't be progressed if you swap to a different class.
Likewise remember that druids can't be LG, CG, LE, or CE, so if you do a druid build you'll need to keep that in mind because, unlike monks, you do lose class features if you switch to a banned alignment.
Your three builds above are fine on the alignment front though, but do keep the alignment issues in mind for future builds. Unless of course the DM gives alignment the middle finger. lol
And yeah, as people who constantly go over D&D stuff we tend to simply memorize certain things, especially if it's something we've used in a build or have otherwise spent a lot of time on.