Author Topic: questions about OA Skills caste/honor splits hi/mid/lo  (Read 1155 times)

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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questions about OA Skills caste/honor splits hi/mid/lo
« on: August 02, 2013, 03:54:59 PM »
I was thumbing through OA the last couple of days
and it's screwy Skills system does not easily make sense.
(or at least to me)

Has there ever been a hashout of the OA skill system?
Has there ever been a more detailed version of OA Honor system?
Is there an official OA / Rokugan web site?

example:  Some of the classes are High Caste but have
Low Caste skills, which if they used them, they'd lose Honor.

 :??? ... and thanks ahead of time.
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Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: questions about OA Skills caste/honor splits hi/mid/lo
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2013, 04:45:45 PM »
My thoughts sans further or deeper rules clarifications ...

The Skills thingie looks to be splitable into 4 categories.

High Caste can use High and Mid skills and still retain Honor+
High Caste can use High, Mid and Low skills , and not be Honor+
Low Caste can use Low and Mid skills, and largely ignore trying to be Honor+
Mid Caste can use Mid but not Low, and still retain Honor+

So to simplify they can be called:  Low , Mid , High , High+Honor
... each description implying the more detailed stuff.

So then the High Caste have to follow the Clan system.
Add the 1 specific Class skill, already available to High, except Scorpion Bluff.
Take 1 of the Clan Ancestor feats instead of Human Bonus.
Some limited # of NPCs (not many) have to deal with the Favored Class nerf.

Not sure how much these details matter, just that they exist.
(so far only in my kitty avatar's vacuum)
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