Author Topic: [PoC] Sample NPCs and Characters  (Read 1622 times)

Offline Garryl

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[PoC] Sample NPCs and Characters
« on: June 24, 2013, 11:16:51 PM »
This thread is for a convenient place to show off and discuss various PoC builds. Partly to have a list of sample NPCs for future use, partly to demo the subsystem, and partly to look at what the mechanics can actually do (and what may need fixing as a result). By no means is this supposed to be restricted only to PoC classes and mechanics. Since it's designed to interact with existing D&D classes and other homebrew, seeing how cybernetics works with other subsystems mixed in is important, too.

For convenience, here are a couple of blank sheets and stat blocks:
Code: [Select]
[b]Name[/b] [b]CR n[/b]
Alignment Size Type (Subtypes)
[b]Init[/b] +n; [b]Senses[/b] n, n; Listen +n, Spot +n
[b]Languages[/b] n, n; telepathy n ft.
[b]AC[/b] n, touch n, flat-footed n; AC relevant abilities
(+n Dex, +n armor, +n shield, etc.)
[b]hp[/b] n (n HD); Health and automatic healing relevant abilities] [b]DR[/b] n/m
[b]Immune[/b] Immunities
[b]Resist[/b] Resistances; [b]SR[/b] n
[b]Fort[/b] +n, [b]Ref[/b] +n, [b]Will[/b] +n; Saving throw relevant abilities
[b]Weakness[/b] Any vulnerabilities and stuff
[b]Speed[/b] n ft. (n squares)
[b]Melee[/b] attack routine 1, if more than one, use more lines. Weapon name +n/+m/+o/+p (xdy+z/19-20/x2)
[b]Ranged[/b] ranged attack routine 1, if more than one, use more lines. Weapon name +n/+m/+o/+p (xdy+z/19-20/x2)
[b]Space[/b] n ft.; [b]Reach[/b] n ft.
[b]Base Atk[/b] +n; [b]Grp[/b] +n
[b]Atk Options[/b] Attack relevant options, like Power Attack and Precise Shot
[b]Special Actions[/b] Stuff like breath weapons, turn undead, and cleric's spontaneous casting
[b]Combat Gear[/b] Non-passive items
[b]Spell-Like Abilities[/b] (CL nth):
At will -- n (+n touch attack; Spell DC; CL if nonstandard)
n/day -- n (+n touch attack; Spell DC; CL if nonstandard)
[b]Classname Spells Prepared/Known[/b] (CL nth):
nth (n/day) -- n (+n touch attack; Spell DC; CL if nonstandard)
[b]Maneuvers and Stances known[/b] (IL nth):
[i]Stances[/i] -- n (nth), n (nth)
[i]Strikes[/i] -- n (DC n) (nth)
[i]Boosts[/i] -- n (nth)
[i]Counters[/i] -- n (nth)
[i]Other[/i] -- n (nth)
[i]Disciplines[/i]: nnn
Each of a NAME's maneuvers can be initiated once per encounter, with no recharge//with recharge by BLANK.
[b]Standard Modules activated[/b] (AL nth):
[b]Energy pool[/b] n; [b]Energy capacity[/b] n;  [b]Modules[/b] n; [b]Socket attachments[/b] n (Available: n, n, n)
Modules name - Attached to SOCKET. Default n energy allocated.
[b]Abilities[/b] Str n, Dex n, Con n, Int n, Wis n, Cha n
[b]SQ[/b] non-attack abilities that could get used, like Summon Tana'ri, or Water Breathing
[b]Feats[/b] feat name, B-bonus feat
[b]Skills[/b] name +n, name +n
[b]Possessions[/b] combat gear plus EVERYTHING ELSE
[b]Advancement[/b] if applicable; [b]Favored Class[/b] if applicable
[b]Bolded name of ability (Ex/Su/Sp)[/b] text of ability

Code: [Select]
[b]Al Race Class Levels[/b]


[spoiler=Ability Scores]
Racial adjustments:
X point buy, items included

Str 8 [0p]
Dex 8 [0p]
Con 8 [0p]
Int 8 [0p]
Wis 8 [0p]
Cha 8 [0p]

[b]HD:[/b] XdX+X (X hp)
[b]Saves:[/b] F +X, R +X, W +X
[b]AC:[/b] 10 (), touch 10, flat-footed 10

[spoiler=Racial Traits]

[spoiler=Class Features]

[spoiler=Feats, Flaws, Traits]


[spoiler=Equip & Wealth]
   WBL: ??

[spoiler=Spells Known & Per Day]

[spoiler=Active Modules and Socket Attachments]


[spoiler=Equipment Wish List]

Offline Garryl

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Re: [PoC] Sample NPCs and Characters
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2013, 11:27:58 PM »
Pulse Cannon Dreadnought (PC)
LN Human Dreadnought 6

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HD: 6d12+18 (57 hp)
Saves: F +9, R +3, W +3; +2 vs. inhaled poisons
AC: 23 (+10 armor, +3 shield), touch 10, flat-footed 23
   +2 AC vs. ranged
Initiative: +2; +4 w/ Share Intuition (initiative)
Speed: 20 ft. (30 ft. base); Wind Strider (back); Warp Beam (feet)
Senses: Listen +2, Spot +2; +4 w/ Share Intuition (awareness)
BAB/Grapple: +6/+10
Defenses: immune to fear; Protected Equipment; Wind Strider
Attacks: longsword +13/+8 melee (1d8+4/19-20)
Attacks: guisarme +13/+8 melee (2d4+6/x3)
Attacks: +1 pulse cannon +14/+9 ranged (1d8+5)
Attacks: +1 pulse cannon w/ cryonic ammo +14/+9 ranged (1d6+5 and 1 cold and DC 15 Ref save or be entangled for 1d4 rounds)
+1 attack, +1 damage, flank, and AoO within 30'
-2 attack, make 1 extra attack

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Good stats for the level, good movement modes (air walk and minor teleportation), albeit with a slow movement speed. Ranged attacks have many of the advantages of melee attacks, being fully Str-based between the pulse cannon and the Kinetic Accelerator module, and allowing for AoOs and flanking against targets attacked in the previous round due to the Crossfire and Pin Down Battle Talents. No tripping or real area BFC (since the AoOs only work against targets attacked in the previous round), but cryonic ammunition allows targets to be entangled for a few rounds. AC isn't shabby, having the advantage of a shield because the pulse cannon is one-handed (the Riot Shield module could be replaced by an actual heavy shield if desired) and heavy armor. Attack bonus is pretty good, too, due to SAD for Str and Warp Beam's +3 on attack rolls. Range is short for a ranged attacker, but hey, air walking and ranged AoOs. This looks like a decent show of the Dreadnought's combat abilities.