Personally, i just love teleport spells! I used them to save my character's, and party's, bacon a number of times, and they're also the main reason for my preference of the Travel domain in my clerics.
That being said... I wouldn't call it pointless, but i'd probably set it as a 7th or 8th level spell instead of a 9th.
You could gain additional actions per round by a number of ways, like purchasing a "Belt of Battle" (MIC, p.73), but the "once/round" limitation of the spell doesn't help. Also, strictly by RAW, you're limited to 1 swift/round.
It all comes down to your style of play. If you like blasting from afar, you can keep hoping around the battlefield w/o causing AoOs (swift actions don't cause them) either to escape opponents or to gain favorable tactical positions you would probably only reach by causing AoOs. EDIT: Remember that a battlefield is a 3D environment. Ledges, big rocks, balconies, roofs and such stuff are fair game, as long as you can stand on them (the video game "Dishonored" comes to mind
To aid fallen companions, you can hop to safe distances and cast a spell like "
Regroup" to bring them to you. Or hop next to them and cast another teleport spell to get them to safety.