"A victim transformed into a kaorti thrall gains the fiendish creature template, except that instead of
gaining the smite good special attack, it gains the ability to cast true strike on itself once per day." [FF109]
Fiendish creature savage progression looks like:
"type change, extraplanar subtype, Darkvision 60 ft., minimum Intelligence, resistances (cold 5, fire 5), smite good, "
"Spell resistance, Resistances (cold 10, fire 10), Damage reduction 5->10/magic."
That would mean that
the 2% of sentient Kaorti Thralls would have a savage progression like this:
1st LA: type change, extraplanar subtype, Darkvision 60 ft., minimum Intelligence, resistances (cold 5, fire 5), true strike 1/day
2nd LA: Spell resistance, Resistances (cold 10, fire 10), Damage reduction 5/magic -> Damage reduction 10/magic
The point of this thread is to see what a regular kaorti would have for its savage progression if we fill in the blanks with its similar abilities. Unfortunately the Fiendish template is pretty much the weakest, most laughable LA+2 template in existence, so we should expect a few more abilities for a normally powered template. The main problem is adjudicating whether an ability should go in the first LA or the second.
The legend is as follows: Red are
penalties, [Groupings are in brackets], italicized is basically
worthless, blue are
benefits that take up one known slot (mentioned earlier), and green are
flexible benefits. I would appreciate feedback on the green, though there isn't much room for change without A) assigning higher level abilities before lower level ones or B) making the LA more uneven / non-symetrical. Enjoy:
1st LA: Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar), 1d6 bite, [Vile Transformation, Material Vulnerability,] Intelligence +4, [Strength -4, Dexterity +4,] Natural Armor +2, SLAs 1/day (Reduce Person, Spider Climb), EWP (Ribbon Weapon)
2nd LA: Poison Immunity, Heal +8, Charisma +6, SLAs 1/day (Color Spray, Ray of Enfeeblement, Alter Self, Fireball)
A few loose ends:Obviously RAW allows for bailing half way through a savage progression, but we are solidly in RAI territory here. PCs who play Kaorti "have resisted the pschological transformation into kaorti" and "abandon their native cysts." (FF110) It does not seem unreasonable to allow only 1 LA of the above, especially since we are following an existing savage progression. Otherwise the whole exercise would be pointless.
But what about the 2RHD? We have a few options. The first fits the above paragraph's fluff nicely. "Resin suits are costly and time-consuming to make; ordinary kaorti (those with 1 HD) are only rarely allowed to use them as a result." (FF110) Or either level drain yourself or use my ECL variant. Take your favorite pick.