Alright, let's say that we want to play an old grannie, but we want some protection for our old bones.
So we buy ourselves an adorable moggie at the fair. As we are old and senile, we neglect to notice that, hey, our kitty cat is a Warbeast Magebred Horrid Dire (Pathfinder template) Cat.
This 3 HD CR 2 monster has 37 HP, an AC of 28 (touch 16), two claw attacks that deal 10 damage each on average, a bite attack that adds 8 damage to the mix, multiattack, a speed of 60', and drips acid from its weapons.
Of course we, as an old lady, love our little fluffikins to bits, and dismiss any accusations that its a bloodthirsty monster. Which is naturally pure evil (thank you, Horrid template, for that alignment change
In other words, I have built how most little kids see that evil fuzzball that sweet old lady down the street owns.