Okay, let's take this to the next level:
Drunken Master.
Now you have no penalty for wielding your gimmicky shuriken - it's an IMPROVISED melee weapon!
Add in staggering charge and have fun, or go Master Thrower/Bloodstorm Blade and make it BACK into a ranged weapon (in addition to increasing base damage).
i somehow see an artificer being useful here. though i don't think that being able to wield it in melee will allow you to put melee enchantments on it.... enter psi-weapon master, kensai, and/or athasian soulknife?
i guess it really comes down to why you can't put a melee enhancement on a ranged weapon... is it because it won't work when used as a ranged weapon, or is it because it magically won't go on a ranged weapon? makes a difference.