While it might not be immediately accessible or even viable at level 5, Haunt Shift abuse can create some very amusing characters.
Sadly I noted that Stormwrack is not on the approved list. Otherwise I could suggest a way to create a really hard to kill undead character.
A fairly solid niche tactic could be abusing the Destructive Retribution [Corpsecrafter] & Invisible Spell metamagic feats.
A necropolitain template or the Tomb Tainted Soul feat also works well with this combo.
Behold THE Batman!
Build Notes (Assuming level 5 Cleric (You can swap cleric for other things if you want): Now you might be asking why Destructive Retribution? Well to put it simply you are going to prepare a mobile kamikaze squad to engage your enemies.
Animate Dead's material cost is 1 onyx gem worth 25gp per HD of the creature.
Bat's have a HD of 1d8* (1/4). Now this is where you as a DM come in. Since they are getting only 1/4 the HD wouldn't it make practical sense that the cost should also be reduced by 1/4? A weak creature is easier to animate than a stronger one, hence the cost increase per HD. So from a logical stand point the reverse should be true as well. If you use this option it only costs you 6g 25s worth of onyx per bat you animate.
Using Animate Dead, modified by invisible spell, in a Desecrated area with an alter devoted to your god we animate as many zombie bats as we see fit. Now you have a hoarde of diminutive, flying, 1d6 negative energy stealth bombs. Due to the wording of Invisible spell your zombie would now be permenantly invisible. (DM interpretation pending) Add that that you can store all your diminuative undead in a bag of holding!
Average character wealth by level for a 5th level character is 9,000g. If we charge 6g.25s per bat then for a meager 100g we can have 16 bat zombies that each do 1d6 negative energy. That is 16d6 negative energy damage for 100g. Considering Acid flasks (1d6 acid) are 10g a pop and alchemist fire (1d6+1) is 20g a pop. Getting 1d6 negative energy in a 10ft blast for 6.25g a pop is well worth the price. Especially since your source of damage is mobile and invisible. Even if you charge the normal 25g per bat the fact that they are mobile AND Invisible makes the price worth it.
~Pre-Battle Tactics~
1. Command at least 5 animated zombie bats.
2. Animate your maximum number of undead. (Should be 20 HD worth. So at least 20 bats or 80 bats if DM says the 1/4 of a d8 counts as only 1/4 a HD..)
3. Precast Deeper Darkness on at least 2 of the bats. (It lasts 1 day/level. Refresh as needed)
4. Persistant Spell Ebon Eyes on yourself. This will allow you to use your deeper darkness as full cover. Alternatively, you could persistant spell an invisible spelled Spiritual Weapon spell. This would give you an invisible weapon capable of assaulting the enemies and it is difficult to destroy short of a dispel.
5. Purchase 20 eggshell grenades of dust (200g) and instruct 20 of your animated bats to hold them. (Or purchase 80 if DM allows more bats)
6. Store your bats in a bag of holding.
~Battle Tactics~
1st round: Regardless of your initiative, open your bag of holding inside out as a move action, thereby releasing all 25 of your bats. It also releases both the bats with Deeper Darkness precasted on them. As a free action command your 20 bats with eggshell grenades to "egg bomb" the enemies and then have all but the ones with Deeper darkness attack them. Each eggshell grenade that hits an enemy blinds them for 1d4 rounds with no save. Anyone within 5ft of it must make a DC 10 fort of be blinded for 1 round. As your standard action, cast Silence on one of your 5 commanded bats and then use a free action to have it circle the enemies that look like casters. The silence should help deal with casters as well as possibly preventing the enemies from working together. Keep the remaining 4 commanded bats clinging to your person as backup healing.
(Why blind them when they already have full miss chance from Deeper Darkness? A few reasons.... if they somehow can see in magical darkness blindness negates this, if they dispel both of them somehow blindness would still be in effect, or if they somehow stumble outside the radius.)
P.S. Sorry for the poorly formatted post.