Author Topic: Beholder Feats on Beholder Grafts  (Read 1256 times)

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Beholder Feats on Beholder Grafts
« on: December 25, 2013, 04:04:35 AM »
There are a number of feats from the DM #313 that have the suggested race of beholder. These feats modify a beholder, but could very well apply to many beholder grafts as well. For example:

You absorb an eyestalk into your body and sprout it anew within your mouth.

So If I bought an eyestalk graft, this feat sould then have it in my mouth, assuming I had a bite attack to take advantage of the feat.

I'm thinking of including these feats in my handbook, because they could modify the beholder grafts. However, they list as being beholder feats. On the other hand, it's Dragon Magazine, so we're on shaking ground to begin with.

Should I just include the feats and let the DM sort it out?
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Re: Beholder Feats on Beholder Grafts
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2013, 02:53:04 PM »
I would base my answer on 'are the feats worth taking'?  If so I'd put em in.