Author Topic: Suddenly a one-shot PF game tonight [Time Sensitive]  (Read 3034 times)

Offline SolEiji

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Suddenly a one-shot PF game tonight [Time Sensitive]
« on: January 04, 2014, 02:56:48 PM »
So I suddenly have a one-shot to go to in 3 hours.  Want to help me brainstorm ideas to make a character?

The rules are ECL 12, WBL is only 51k, and it is rolled stats (I'll do it later, but it's a beefy 5d6 drop two, so I should be good).

I'm looking at a Wizard, or at least an arcane caster, and probably either Elf or Ratfolk.  However being the indecisive sort I am, I'm not sure where I want to go with this guy.  What would be a fun build idea or gimmick to run with for a one-shot dungeon crawl?

T-3 hours...

Offline jameswilliamogle

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Re: Suddenly a one-shot PF game tonight [Time Sensitive]
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2014, 03:03:37 PM »
Do a Sorcerer as its faster to prepare and you'll have more opportunities to use more spells. Razmiran option if you can. Can you get partial charge wands?

Offline Libertad

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Re: Suddenly a one-shot PF game tonight [Time Sensitive]
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2014, 03:03:57 PM »
Have you played with the other players before?  Do you know what kind of adventure the DM's running ahead of time?

I'd totally do a Summoner, in part because it's both versatile and cool.  Have your Eidolon either be a flying melee tank or a skill-monkey.  Maybe a stealth one, so that you can substitute if you don't have a party Rogue.

I don't think I can write up a build in 3 hours, but try going from there.

Oh, and if your DM has no trouble with evil spells, get a Wand of Infernal Healing.  It's the Pathfinder equivalent of Lesser Vigor, except that it's evil and requires unholy water or a drop of devil's blood as a material component.  You have Charisma and Use Magic Device, so it should be easy to trip it.  The spell's in Cheliax: Empire of Devils, btw.

Otherwise go for the classic Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

Also, what sourcebooks are allowed/do you have?
« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 03:05:42 PM by Libertad »

Offline SolEiji

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Re: Suddenly a one-shot PF game tonight [Time Sensitive]
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2014, 03:24:48 PM »
Sorcerer noted, though I've been playing a glut of Cha guys lately so I was getting away from it if possible.  Also, an amusing idea passed around by friends as a "drunk wizard".  Thats just fluff though.

(EDIT: I should clarify, I am willing to be swayed to a Cha caster -if you really think it'll help, or find a cool gimmick but only Cha can pull it off.  The UMD healing idea is one thing which is helpful, for example...)

Have you played with the other players before?  Do you know what kind of adventure the DM's running ahead of time?


Also, what sourcebooks are allowed/do you have?

I have, this is my usual group but a new DM (rather, one of my usual group is DMing).  I just know it is a "dungeon crawl" and that our characters are guildmembers who already know each other.

Thought of the Summoner, but aforementioned Cha focus and the fact that the Eidolon takes a bit of prep, I figured not.  That said Summoners are totally the bomb.

Infernal Healing eh?  I don't believe there's an alignment restriction so I'll certainly look into it.  With PF's lightening on penalties for cross classing I could always try to be the backup healer like that.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 03:34:16 PM by SolEiji »

Offline SolEiji

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Re: Suddenly a one-shot PF game tonight [Time Sensitive]
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2014, 11:56:05 PM »

Chester "Jacques" Daniels the Catfolk Sorcerer was a huge success.  Got drunk, made a stained glass window, fought ALL OF THE SPIDERS, dropped a golem down an acid pit, and multiplied the party monk by 20.  All while being convinced I am secretly a ninja.

Offline Libertad

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Re: Suddenly a one-shot PF game tonight [Time Sensitive]
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2014, 01:29:01 AM »

Offline Gazzien

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Re: Suddenly a one-shot PF game tonight [Time Sensitive]
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2014, 03:06:47 AM »

(What every response to Chester Daniels needs to be)

Offline jameswilliamogle

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Re: Suddenly a one-shot PF game tonight [Time Sensitive]
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2014, 10:27:14 AM »
Can you highlight the build you went with?

Offline SolEiji

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Re: Suddenly a one-shot PF game tonight [Time Sensitive]
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2014, 10:49:16 AM »

It was a middle aged Catfolk Sorcerer with the Orc bloodline, with the intent of largely filling in the roll of blaster.  I didn't optimize too much as I felt I had a strong enough base for the party already, with some hefty DCs (Charisma 28 after items), with both Quicken Spell and Cold Ice Strike (a swift action blast) for the purposes of pumping out the area effect damage spells.  Amusingly, that never saw the light of day as I ended up doing a bit of battlefield control more than straight blasting.  Spell selection covered some basic blasts (burning hands for free, ear-piercing scream for duel threats, admonishing ray for touch attacks, fireball fore blasts, cold ice strike for big swift blasts) and other spells focused on covering holes.  Basically I sought to have an answer for every situation.

I got to use an amusing combo I always wanted to pull off.  Any of the Create Pit spells (Acid Pit in this case) and then putting a cap over it.  I was going to use Wall of Stone for that, but our other caster popped a Wall of Iron manhole cover for me beforehand.

I chose two alternate racial features, Climber and Scent.  ( )  I had no need for charging bonuses since I wasn't getting much into melee, and a climb speed turned out far more useful in this case anyway (we were in a cave).  Scent was better than low-light, and I got darkvision regardless.  The climb speed is actually what started the fight, as I (knowlingly foolishly) went scouting up above the party only to find the cache of spider babies.  Thank god the ranger's giant panther got himself some spider climb and charged up the wall to save me.  I went airborne shortly after and proceeded to rain spells under cover of darkness and out of range of their darkvision.  The rest of the party were all light sources, so I could see the enemy plenty well.

Plus, the whole Orc bloodline made for an amusing backstory about being a catfolk raised by drunken orc pirates.  Ninja pirates.  Because humor.

Oh, and I freaked out the braggart in the tavern telling his story by offering up an appropriate backdrop of sound effects with Ghost Sound.  That was amusing.

We might be making this more than a one-shot so we'll be looting the dungeon proper, now that we slew Shelob and her Golem Guardians.  I'm excited!