Suppose that a human charater (1st level Wizard) has the below mentioned templates and he is then polymorphed to e.g. a
halfling. What will be lost from his templates in his new form?
The character has these abilities from the templates:
- type: psionic subtype
- psi-like abilities (Sp)
- Special Quality: Naturally psionic (gains 1 power point)
- Special Quality: Power resistance (Ex) (HD + 10)
- Abilities: Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4
- Feats: meets prereqs for psionic feats
- Challenge Rating: +1,+2,+3 depending on HD
- Level Adjustement: +2
- type: Dragon
- Hit Dice: increase one HD of the base creature (human)
- Armor Class: Natural Armor +4
- Attack: natural attacks: 1 bite and 2 claws
- Special attack: breath weapon
- Special Quality: Darkvision 60 ft
- Special Quality: low-light vision
- Special Quality: immunity to sleep, paralysis and one element e.g. fire
- Abilities: Str +8, Con +2, Int +2, Cha +2
- Skills: extra skill points and class skills per racial HD
- Challenge Rating: +2
- Alignment: same as the dragon variety
- Level Adjustement: +3
- type: native outsider
- speed: bat wings, fly speed
- Armor Class: Natural Armor +1
- Attacks: natural attacks: 1 bite, 2 claws
- Special Attack: Smite Good (Su)
- Spell-like abilities
- Special Quality: Darkvision 60 ft
- Special Quality: immunity to poison
- Special Quality: Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, and fire 10.
- Special Quality: Damage reduction: x/magic (depends on HD)
- Special Quality: Natural weapons are treated as magic against DR
- Special Quality: Spell resistance equal to creature’s HD + 10
- Abilities: Str +4, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +4, Cha +2
- Skills: extra skill points and class skills per racial HD
- Challenge Rating: +1,+2,+3 depending on HD
- Alignment: any evil
- Level Adjustement: +4
Also the character has taken 1 level of wizard and chosen the following feats for some peculiar reason:
Psionic Body [level dependant feat]
Psionic Talent [human bonus feat]
Note that he can take these psionic feats due to Phrenic template.
Assuming 32 point buy the character has the following odd-ball stats:
str: 8, dex: 8, con: 8, int: 18, wis 8, cha: 18
After templates:
str: 20, dex: 12, con: 12, int: 26, wis 10, cha: 26
His type is psionic Dragon/Outsider.
He also has 2 HD due to half-dragon.
And he has 2 bite attacks and 4 claw attacks. (half of them magic againts DR)
He can fly (with bat wings).
Now he is
polymorphed to a
So what does he lose from his templates or from feats taken?
Here is what I think will happen:
Lost due to Alter Self part of the PolymorphLost due to PolymorphPhrenic:
- type: psionic subtype
- psi-like abilities (Sp)
- Special Quality: Naturally psionic (gains 1 power point)
- Special Quality: Power resistance (Ex) (HD + 10)- Abilities: Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4
- Feats: meets prereqs for psionic feats
- Challenge Rating: +1,+2,+3 depending on HD
- Level Adjustement: +2
- type:
Augmented Dragon
- Hit Dice: increase one HD of the base creature (human)
- Armor Class: Natural Armor +4
- Attack: natural attacks: 1 bite and 2 claws
- Special attack: breath weapon
- Special Quality: Darkvision 60 ft
- Special Quality: low-light vision
- Special Quality: immunity to sleep, paralysis and one element e.g. fire
- Abilities:
Str +8, Con +2, Int +2, Cha +2
- Skills: extra skill points and class skills per racial HD
- Challenge Rating: +2
- Alignment: same as the dragon variety
- Level Adjustement: +3
- type:
Augmented native outsider
- speed: bat wings, fly speed- Armor Class: Natural Armor +1
- Attacks: natural attacks: 1 bite, 2 claws
- Special Attack: Smite Good (Su)
- Spell-like abilities
- Special Quality: Darkvision 60 ft
- Special Quality: immunity to poison
- Special Quality: Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, and fire 10.
- Special Quality: Damage reduction: x/magic (depends on HD)
- Special Quality: Natural weapons are treated as magic against DR
- Special Quality: Spell resistance equal to creature’s HD + 10
- Abilities:
Str +4, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +4, Cha +2
- Skills: extra skill points and class skills per racial HD
- Challenge Rating: +1,+2,+3 depending on HD
- Alignment: any evil
- Level Adjustement: +4
Also the character has taken 1 level of wizard and chosen the following feats for some peculiar reason:
Psionic Body [level dependant feat]
Psionic Talent [human bonus feat]
Note that he can take these psionic feats due to Phrenic template.
Assuming 32 point buy the character has the following odd-ball stats:
str: 8, dex: 8, con: 8, int: 18, wis 8, cha: 18
After templates:
20 11, dex:
12 13, con:
12 12, int: 26, wis 10, cha: 26
His type is
Humanoid Augmented [psionic Dragon/Outsider
He also has 2 HD due to half-dragon.
And he has 2 bite attacks and 4 claw attacks. (half of them magic againts DR)
He can fly (with bat wings).He gains some unimportant halfling traits.I think those Special Qualities are natural qualities unless otherwise stated. So I assume that the character keeps them because Alter Self or Polymorph does not seem to take them away.
I'm uncertain whether he loses his natural attacks or his Natural Armor.
Back in the old boards is this
nice chart about changing shape. But it does not address what happens to natural abilities or attacks of the original form. Is that by the way ported? I could not find it here.
Anyway thanks for reading so far. And if you can help me out, thanks again, I'd appreciate it.