Author Topic: The Pokedex Primer to Spellthievery  (Read 21854 times)

Offline Arz

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The Pokedex Primer to Spellthievery
« on: February 26, 2014, 07:02:20 PM »
I choose…

   So kid you’ve chosen to become informed on spellthief class trainers. You can call me Pokemon Master Arz. As a spellthief I earned that title in the matchless tradition of all adventurous trainers and stole it. Writing this primer and reviewing my notes has given me a smirk for every caper I linked. Before I go any further I’d like to thank all who went before me, especially those I forgot or lost links, for helping to inspire future trainers. In that line, please comment if you found a trick or were led astray by this primer on your journey.
   Now a spellthief is unlike any other adventurous class in that its focus is finding and dismantling magic items and pokemon. Your signature ability is to swipe the spells and effects of your challengers. If your journey’s rivals and problems are normal then you should not be playing a spellthief. Alternatively, journey’s that feature caster teams and magic type obstacles can be a road to becoming a master spellthief. So if you wish to make caster class trainers cry bloody tears of frustration please read on.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 03:38:07 PM by Arz »

Offline Arz

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« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2014, 07:19:28 PM »
Hit Die: D6 is low and this class is very MAD making your hit points very low as a melee flanker trying to sneak attack.
Skills: Fair amount of skill points but some odd exemptions in the list can make certain tests difficult.
BAB: Average. Don’t worry, most leagues offer items that can salve your weaknesses.
Saves: Poor in fortitude and reflex, use your willpower to battle on.
Weapons and Armor: Only simple and light, not even shields. Can cast your spells in light armor though.
Sneak Attack: Fuels all later features and not especially difficult to improve. Mostly spent in debuffing don’t expect to assist in damage battles.
Steal Spell (1st-9th): The main utility here is balling in one battle to choose it for the next. Also use this to reduce the attack commands of your casters in team battles. Keep a careful on your storage level as absorb spell will also factor into this number.
Trapfinding: You will be too light on skills to make use of it. Retrain this at the first opportunity.
Detect Magic: Useful at low levels and later basically at will. This mostly covers trapfinding and keeps you aware of dangerous pokemon.
Spellgrace: Mainly for raising saves to absorb spells. Small and infrequent bonus type.
Steal Spell Effect: This can be absolutely devastating in a test of buffs. Even if you can’t steal personal or limited target spells you can deny their effective use to your challenger. Maximize your level and charisma to power this attack.
Steal Energy Resistance: If your challenger has it, you are likely to need it soon. Doesn’t lower immunity though. Very slow progression and not something you can pass on to your team.
Spells: Cast spells as sorcerer of half your level from a specialist wizard list (no conjuration, evocation, or necromancy). Steal and later absorb spell should assure that you won’t run out of slots outside of battle. Although you have a half CL, your biggest problem is the small known list. More spells known equals better versatility with absorb/steal spell.
Steal Spell-like Ability (1st-6th): SLA attacks come from range of race, class, item, or special training. This is useful with allies and enemies and its utility can make this attack your most potent ability. Mind that you only suppress the ability during the time limit of this attack.
Absorb Spell: Now you can defensively gain spell slots. Your main defensive ability that is sorely limited to single target spells with saves. Yet its true use isn’t so obvious; unlimited spell slots gained via @ will casters and items. If you train up to the immediate casting attack, just remember that you aren’t restricted to standard attack spells to cast. Drop a spell that has ritual charging time for gob-smacking effect.
Arcane Sight: Very late and not the most generally useful divination SLA but it is swiftly cast.
Discover Spells: This eliminates the guessing game you have been playing. Bust a challenger’s strategy, make DM cry.
Steal Spell Resistance: Stacking this with similar attacks is pure win for casters on your team. Average SR at this point is lvl+8 so this can be a potent equalizer.

Breakpoints: 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18.


Mimic (EoE): This is a good trade every time because after level 5 smart trainers can take the time to use it @ will.
Psithief (CA): Spells become powers, SLA turn into PLA, choose powers from Psion/Wilder list (no metacreativity or psychokinesis), learn 1 power/level (except learn 2 @ 4/8/11/14), SR equals PR, and exchange arcana/spellcraft/UMD for psionics/psicraft/UPD. Then use the paladin/ranger column to determine power points. If you ignore the prohibition of power augmentation (PLA may still use augments) this becomes average. On the plus side metapsionics is more useful than its magical counterpart and removing components for sneakiness is a breeze.
Skilled City Dweller: Trading Gather Information for Handle Animal is useful for pokemon masters. Knowledge (nature) is more frequently used to identify creatures than local. Tumble should hardly ever need replacing with ride.

Cursed Blow (Dragon353): Give up sneak attack die and spell slots for short duration bestow curse. I believe the penalty should be double the spell level as otherwise the saving throw is pointless. If so this is a true blue attack, able to inflict up to a -18 penalty after stealing a spell.
Hamper Magic (Dragon353): If you only lost steal energy resistance this would be good. Fair trade as a dip. Careful trainer, as it reduces effectiveness of steal spell yet can also stop supernatural abilities.
Spelleater (Dragon353): Healer! Is there no healing item in this dungeon battle? This is a skill for non-competitors.
Spellskill (Dragon353): Math failure! Restart your abacus please. Even the non-competitors are looking at you in shame and harassing you with hints.
Trickster (Dragon353): This is going to make multi-steals very difficult for you trainer. The hit in the skill list is especially vexing. This does make cursed blow really blue since that becomes a gain without loss. It isn’t the most powerful training in all journeys depending on the frequency of items and pokemon.

Base Classes:

Binder – Adds a bit of adaptability. Best for ranged.
Cleric – Avoid stealing from thineself; load out feats and supernatural.
Crusader – Damage soak, cha synergy, and maneuvers.
Divine Mind – All day flanker, hidden talent, mantle, and weapons.
Fighter – Hit & run, Kobold, or Sneak attack Thug.
Ranger – Arcane hunter, martial weapons, trapfinding, and weapon style.
Swashbuckler – Arcane stunt, martial weapons, and Weapon Finesse.
Swordsage – Always take arcane variant for a 5th level spell maneuver. Weapon Foci might help with prerequisites.
Totemist – Add a little beast to your fighting style.
Warblade – Int synergy and maneuvers.

 Prestige Classes:

Blackguard (DMG): Difficult entry but has charisma synergy, weapons, and sneak attack.
Dread Pirate (CV): Easy access for two weapon fighting and finesse weapons.
Fiend of Blasphemy (FF): Only notable for transfer spell-like abilities.
Gnome Paragon (UA): Might come in handy if you took the Trickster ACF. Kind of sketchy and weak unless you are really focused on illusion.
Hellbreaker (FC2): Steal a second spell-like ability and shut down telepaths. Also notable for robbing binders and other supernatural ability users.
Justiciar (CW): Specialize in soft take-downs.
Legacy Champion (WoL): Rebuild your trickster and gain bonus feats.
Maho-Tsukai (OA): Rebuild your spellcasting into a full caster and sacrifice hp/con for material/metamagic. Great dip if you can make the will saves.
Master of Masks (CS): Number of mask SLA stolen: 16; Assassination: priceless. 4 level dip. Archmage and High Priest increase CL.
Obstinate Soul (PCA2): The only reason to be a dwarf. A desert dwarf. A desert dwarf with expanded variable spell effects.
Occult Slayer (CW): Best for the two-handed weapon wielder.
Paragnostic Initiate (CC): Enhance the spell effects you steal through physical augmentation and deny safe casting with spell disrupter.
Sandshaper (Sand): A caster level boost and a huge list of known spells including flesh to salt.
Scarlet Corsair (Storm): Null investment feinting.
Scorpion Wraith (SoX): Steal the prerequisites and you too can ally with the darkness.
Tactical Soldier (Mini): Difficult and ugly prerequisites that do pay for themselves.
Unseen Seer (CM): Its hard to tell that you stopped taking spellthief levels.
Uncanny Trickster (CS): Lose one level and gain skills and tricks.
Witch Hunter (OA): Easy, yet late, entry for charisma synergy. Good skills.


Bard – Approximately a third of bardic music is an SLA. Note that many DC would be based on the bard’s performance ranks as per steal SLA.
Dragonfire Adept – Its invocations are weaker than a Warlocks. Better as a follower.
Factotum – Casts a limited amount of spells as SLA from the Sor/Wiz list. Great adaptability but limited in quantity.
Paladin – Stealing a special mount is a staggeringly singular calling. (:sobbing inside for paladin now) Many ACF are SLA and also has remove disease.
Shadowcaster – Mysteries are not as strong as invocations but some are uniquely useful. More useful as a follower because of the strange advancement into supernatural casting.
Truenamer – Utterances are SLA but the durations are mostly too short to be notable. Truename checks done, again, by the truenamer as per steal SLA.
Warlock – The best invocation user by quantity.

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« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 11:52:45 AM by Arz »

Offline Arz

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« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2014, 07:23:16 PM »
   Spellthieves have a problem in this area. Although they have access to a variety of spells to support this role, you are looking at 8 skills you’d like to max and only 6 points per level without even touching the trapfinding skills. Even worse there are some support skills you’d like to give a few ranks and disguise and sleight of hand that aren’t on your list. For all these reasons it is strongly advised you not take on the trapfinding skills.

Appraise (Int) – Have an underling do this for you if you find it important.
Bluff (Cha) – At least 5 ranks to get the synergy bonus but you should definitely consider maxing it.
Craft (Int) – Are you a dwarf? Then don’t put any ranks here that aren’t required.
Concentration (Con) – This is nearly as important as tumble but you hardly have the ranks to spare.
Decipher Script (Int) – 5 ranks here are good for the synergy bonus to Use Magic Device on scrolls.
Disable Device (Int) – 1 rank is sufficient as a backup. I advise alternate means of disabling traps.
Escape Artist (Dex) – There are better ways to get out of grapples and you won’t have the ranks to waste pulling a Houdini.
Gather Information (Cha) – Useful for social warfare depending on the campaign.
Hide (Dex) – You almost always want to max this skill to achieve your SA.
Jump (Str) – Don’t bother with this unless you need the synergy bonus for tumble.
Knowledge (arcana) (Int) – If you can spare 5 ranks for the synergy to spellcraft, otherwise one point is sufficient.
Knowledge (local) (Int) – Put 1 point here so you can do it trained and ignore it unless guilds or gather information checks are relevant to your campaign.
Listen (Wis) – Slightly less important than Spot.
Move Silently (Dex) – Just like Hide, you pretty much always want this as high as possible.
Open Lock (Dex) – 1 rank is sufficient as a backup. You should have a variety of other means around doors.
Search (Int) – Skip this as you really don’t have the points for the trapfinding role.
Speak Languages (None) – If you really want certain languages.
Spellcraft (Int) – Until you discover spells this is your only means of narrowing what spells to steal from a target.
Spot (Wis) – Max this if at all possible. Your perception skills are what keeps you from suffering rather than benefiting from a surprise round.
Swim (Str) – Don’t swim like a fish, become a fishman.
Tumble (Dex) – You usually need enough ranks to avoid AoOs all day, but there are rules for high DC checks that make you want to max this out. You can stand up from prone as a free action and even make 10-ft steps with high enough Tumble checks.
Use Magic Device (Cha) – This is hands down the most powerful skill in the game, and you want to max this skill out. There are plenty of great wands and scrolls that you need to supplement your casting.

Social Class (City):

Lower: Craft, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Knowledge (local), Profession.
Middle: Appraise, Craft, Knowledge (local, nobility), Profession.
Upper: Diplomacy, Knowledge (history, nobility), Ride, Speak Language.

Skill Tricks:
   Not really as useful for spellthieves as more mundane characters. The combat tricks use many a swift attack that you are already employing and as above, limited skill points. That said they have there uses and qualify you for uncanny trickster, which I’ll assume you’ve taken.

Magical Appraisal – Identify 1/day for 2 skill points. You decide.
Nimble Charge – Its main use, run away!
Up the Hill – Taking this guarantees you will see more difficult terrain.
Group Fake-out – If you like to feint, you probably won’t have the swift action to take on a group.
False Theurgy – This is good for when social turns to combat encounters.
Swift Concentration – This is nice to have for those duration spells you have on wands.
Assume Quirk – Deep cover agents need this even if its cross-class.
Second Impression – Rerolls are great even if they are cross-class.
Social Recovery – A second chance to use a skill you have better chances at succeeding.
Escape Attack – Potentially a swift attack while using Freedom of Movement.
Quick Escape – Only of use for squeezing.
Slipping Past – Ever wanted to jump out an arrow slit? Now you can.
Shrouded Dance – Very useful, but may not be necessary depending on spell selection.
Collector of Stories – Only if you are using knowledge devotion.
Listen to this – Compare and contrast 2 skill points in autohypnosis or this trick.
Mosquito’s Bite – This is even more useful for ranged attacks.
Sudden Draw – The situation will come up and you need to invest in item/ranks for this trick.
Clarity of Vision – Useful but you should have other ways of catching the invisible by now.
Point it Out – Assisting your mates so they don’t get shanked earns trust that you can abuse later.
Spot the Weak Point – Works best with ranged attackers considering there more limited flat-foot options.
Acrobatic Backstab – This becomes useful with free/swift movement.
Back on your Feet – Great interrupt against trippers.
Nimble Stand – Easier to acquire and nice back-up versus persistent trippers.

   Lastly, if using Teamwork benefits 1 rank in balance, climb, and survival will get you far  in your journey, even if not strictly necessary.

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« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 11:45:39 AM by Arz »

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« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2014, 07:32:01 PM »
Okay trainer, smarten up! You are not primarily an arcane caster and should work with your team to refine your list to address their strategic concerns. League officials only allow 3 levels when you can retrain these choices. If you’ve read this far you should understand that there are a variety of hacks that spellthieves can employ.
Pokemon Master Arz follows these guidelines for spell selection: CL-dependent effect, multiple target, short duration, and combat quickened or multi-effect. Additionally many spells were dropped for being more useful as wands or being a caster combat action. If this hasn’t sunk in yet, spellthieves can spam spells during their journey outside of battle. This largely eliminates CL and duration as a concern for buffs. Also you won’t find many battle attack spells on the normal spellthief list and Pokemon Masters are not normal. As part of a team, restricting yourself to personal spells when you have unlimited slots just isn’t how a team works.
Now sometimes league officials are going to limit the limitless in sanctioned battles. So check those rules and stay bent but not broken. Your team and those officials should have a clear conversation on what difficulty tier you are battling.
Karmic Aura (CM): Swift melee dissuader.
Arrow Mind (SpC): Required for archer sneak attacks.
Combat Readiness (DotU): Enough for prepping an ambush.
Master’s Touch (SpC): Great alternative to an exotic shield or weapon feat.
Targeting Ray (SpC): Uncapped buff for ranged attacks.
Serene Visage (SpC): Boost your bluff.
Alibi (EoE): Swift illusory past into your new friend’s life.
Armor Lock (CS): Gish-be-gone and limited target slow.
Burning Rage (PHB2): Every flaming bit can help with steal energy resistance.
Reduce Person (PHB): Useful while sneaking and awesome for throwers.
Shieldbearer (SpC): Animate more shields than your party will ever need. Interesting way to move items to those in need.
Spell Flower (SpC): Hold multiple stolen spells and still cast if spell is non-somatic or one limb is free.
Snuff the Light (DotU): Also suppresses light sources.
Treacherous Weapon (EoE): Immed/std weapon curse.
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Chain of Eyes (SpC): Just about the best spying tool except for the SR.
Listening Lorecall (SpC): Blindsight with enough ranks in listen.
Spymaster's Coin (CS): No save/SR bug to plant on your target.
Price of Loyalty  (PGtE): Deceptive charm person. Just consider all the ways you can slip an opponent a coin.
Bladeweave (SpC): Daze along with your melee attack.
Ray of Stupidity (SpC):  Mind affecting, subject takes 1d4+1 Int damage. 
Sadism (BoVD): Love tap your allies for skill boost, stab enemies for attack luck.
Touch of Idiocy (PHB): Good caster debuff, not an attack by itself.
Blinding Color Surge (PHB2): Invisibility plus a debuff.
Mirror Image (PHB): It’s a good defense but rays may accidentally target them, stopping your ability to absorb.
Shadow Double (DotU): Give yourself a strength sapping flanker.
Alter Self (PHB): Outsiders=defense; Aberrations=offense.
Heroics (SpC) Guess your not so feat poor now.
Mirror Move (Online): Quantity over quality alternative to heroics. Much more useful if alternate source feats are allowed.
Jaws of the Moray (Storm): A bite that causes an auto-grapple. Use with care.
Pyrotechnics (PHB): Fireworks can blind for at least 2 rounds.
Quick Potion (SpC) Bottle up those extra spells you stole for hours.
Sonic Weapon (SpC): Give everyone a humming weapon.
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Disobedience (CS): Accept quests and dominations to get closer to your target.
Dweomer Vortex (AtEoS): An interesting magical protection and swift dispel.
Karmic Backlash (CM): Swift melee dissuader stack.
Warcry (SpC): Cowers foes and allies gain a +2 to attack.
Cone of Dimness (SpC): Large blinding cone with consecutive saves that still leave a miss chance. Mainly for ranged.
Legion of Sentinels (PHB2): Creates a flanking area.
Vertigo Field (PHB2):  Spread that nauseates for 1 round.  Terrain becomes difficult and provides a 20% miss chance but can exclude your allies from the nausea.
Arms of Plenty (LoM): Add two clawed arms that can rend.
Blink (PHB): In many ways better than greater invisibility.
Bite of the Wererat (SpC): Bite, buffs and weapon finesse.
Evard’s Menacing Tentacles (PHB2): Grow two reach tentacles.
Girallon’s Blessing (SpC): Extra limbs and a nice duration.
Halt (PHB2): Immediate charge stop.
Haste (PHB): Cast this on your party all day long.
Scorpion Tail (RoE): I don’t usually mention racial options, however, an extra tail attack that stuns and isn’t personal.
Siphon (CS): Use this to regain the use of absorbed/stolen spells. Expensive even outside of combat.
Shrink Item (PHB): spellTHIEF must loot the game.
Unicorn Horn (CM): Gain a gore attack.
Wand Modulation (CS): Use this to make wands of stolen spells.
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Dimensional Anchor (PHB): A ranged touch attack with SR that halts teleportation and planar travel. 
Friendly Fire (EoE): The selectiveness of this defense can allow magic through but reflect archers.
Melf’s Slumber Arrows (CM): Good for archers, though the repeated swift action to charge is annoying.
Nightmare Terrain (CM): No SR entanglement area with will save. Adds concealment and HiPS.
Phantom Battle (PHB2): The larger area is the only selling point over legion.
Sensory Deprivation (SpC): Remove all senses including blindsight and tremorsense.
Shadow Conjuration (PHB): All those long duration spells are back on your list.
Call of Stone (PHB2): Your only source of petrification magic.
Celerity (PHB2) This is a great way to immediately use great stolen spells.
Investiture of the Eyrines (FC2): Beckon targets closer.
Passage of the Shifting Sands (DM): It’s a movement/transformation that can blind and throw a gust of wind.
Polymorph (PHB): Be anything.
Ruin Delver’s Fortune (SpC): Evasion, fort save bonus, temporary hit points, and all based in charisma.
Voice of the Dragon (SpC): Long duration social skills and a suggestion.
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« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 11:30:47 AM by Arz »

Offline Arz

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« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2014, 07:36:01 PM »

Aasimar, Racial Class or lesser (PGtF): Outsider with good skills, bonus to charisma, martial weapons, and a mostly irrelevant cantrip SLA.
Azurin (MoI): Humans that give up skill for essentia.
Daelkyr-Halfblood (MoE): Aberration and as much share spell abuse as your DM will tolerate.
Deepwyrm Half-Drow (DM): Dragonblood and good for retaining trapfinding. Also worth mentioning scorpion tail spell.
Desert Kobold (UA): Claws, size bonus, martial weapons, and sorcerer spell of choice. Dragonwrought makes it blue.
Forest Gnome (MM): Quick razor, better illusions, SLA, scout bonuses, and pass without trace. Whisper, Svirfneblin, Stonehunter, or Desert are also good in specific cases.
Human (PHB): The standard.
Illumian (RoD): Uurkrau reduces MAD and boosts CL. Choose this race instead of the practiced spellcaster feat. Aeshuur and Vauluur have limited use.
Kalashtar (ECS): Social adepts with mindlink. Best use of shards and rewired tattoos.
Lesser Drow (PGtF): Similar to half-drow but adding weapons for lower CL. Racial class version has slightly better attributes and CL.
Neraphim (PH): Outsider providing flat-footing abilities and better weapons.
River Spirit Folk (OA): Amphibious and speak with fish.
Silverbrow Human (DM): Add feather fall and disguise to list and lose skill points.
Strongheart Halflings (PGtF): Humans with a height advantage.
Tibbit (Dragon): Small Monstrous humanoid (shapechanger) that impersonates familiars. Improves upon your physical scores and retains most equipment while still gaining finesse, NA, skill bonuses, plus SQ.

Marrulurk (Sand)3HD+1: Mainly for death attack but also has more SA, feats, and better weapons.
Phaerimm (LEoF)+2: Not as the PC but casting spells as SLA makes them an evil cohort.
Planetouched(FF, MM, MM2, PH)+1~2: Lesser Shyft or Feyri SLA is a winner if allowed at 0.
Sharn (AtEoS)4HD+5: Not as the PC but casting spells as SLA makes them an interesting cohort.


Bloodlines (UA)+1~3: These will improve caster levels, steal spell effect, steal spell-like ability, absorb spell, and steal energy resistance. This can open up stealing 7th level spell-like abilities and higher. Steal spell does advance if you take the master spellthief feat. Not explicit or RAW, steal spell (level), steal energy resistance (degree), and absorb spell (immediate) might advance.
Shadow-Walker (UE)+1: Has a host of SLA at the cost of constitution and light blindness. Bad because you could be stealing all this without losing a level.
Quorbred (SoS)+2: Good immunities plus it stops spells, SLA, and supernatural abilities in melee. Unfortunately it makes you MAD and hinders charisma-based class abilities.
Spellwarped (MM3)+3: Gain beneficial effects when resisting spells. Bad because it may interfere with absorption.


Strength – Dump this and don’t look back.
Dexterity – It determines your reflex saves, AC, and often to-hit. It also raises many of your most important skills and many feats require a certain amount.
Constitution – This determines your survival rate, but you might be swapping bodies later or minimize your risk by keeping your distance.
Intelligence – You just don’t get enough points to cover your needs so you’ll want to raise this.
Wisdom – Often a dump stat but if you’ve covered your needs it will help your perception and will saves.
Charisma – This is your spellcasting stat and affects 3 class features.


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« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 11:51:07 AM by Arz »

Offline Arz

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« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2014, 07:39:07 PM »
Did you skip ahead? Well go back to the spell section and use these links to access other parts of the pokedex to gain more feats. They are a restricted resource that you need to train in wisely. Also check the magic section at your Pokemon Store in the following section for other smart buys.

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« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 11:36:18 AM by Arz »

Offline Arz

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« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2014, 07:44:37 PM »
I am here to say that your Pokemon store carries vital life saving ways to spend your match earnings accorded your WBL. Additionally, glance at a few of there publications while waiting for a customization or waiting while a team-mate barters a trade. These league wide scripts can introduce you to people and locations for all levels of larceny or free trade. Gotta catch em all!

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Garb of the Hunting Cat (MIC): Deconstructing the claws into other weapons makes this much more valuable. Holds a lot of value, but the Sudden Strike is slightly overpriced.
Raiment of the Four (MIC): I’d love to be able to deconstruct this since each piece is a wearable runestaff. Stackable resistance is flavorful.
Vestments of Divinity (MIC): Much like the raiment of the four, the cord and phylactery allow spontaneous spell conversion of stolen divine spells. Sadly, the phylactery is massively overpriced in comparison to the bulwark.

Arcane Thieves Tools (MIC): Cheap +7 tools. 1.400
Domain Staff (CC): Only being able to use each spell 1/day makes the best choice domains those with unique spells. Most domains have a few sub-par spells. 16,000
Runestaves (MIC): Custom runestaves are a great place for personal buffs. 3/day is sufficient for 10 min/lvl and 1/day for hourly. Stolen spells allow you to access higher CL/slots than you normally possess.
Glyph Seal (MIC): Reusable portable traps that you can use to place excess stolen spells. 1.000/4.000
Pearl of Power (DMG): Get two uses out of stolen spell. 1.000+
Memento Magica (MIC): Regain spell slots. 1.500+
Orb of Shadow (ToM): Regain mysteries like the pearl.
Metamagic Wandgrip (CM): 3/day and only for your metamagic feats. 6.000
Codex Advocare (EtCR): Gain another least invocation, the main abuse of which is to acquire a warlock’s caster level to combine with master spellthief. 20.000


Blackwheel Company (CoS): Bonus fighter feat, favored in house, leadership, and magic weapon SLA. R4/5
Cabal of Shadows (CoS): Leadership, cheap potion/scrolls, and 5 SLA.
Cairn’s Keepers (Online): Leadership, SR, free treasure, and dispel magic and protection from evil SLA. R3/4
Covenant of Light (CoS): Leadership, free spellcasting, and 4 SLA.
Crimson Codex (CoS): Leadership, free treasure, CL boost, and comprehend language SLA.
Farlaghn’s Way (CC): Etherealness SLA. R4
First Scroll (DM): Gain the dragontouched feat and an extra invocation. R3/4
Guardians of the Green (CC): Control plants and Transport via plants as SLA. R4
Guardians of Rusheme (CoS): Sending and transport via plants SLA plus skills. R4
Iron Watch (CoS): Increased DR, free repairs, and 2 repair SLA. R3/5
Monks of the Dark Moon (CoR): Gain 2 extra shadow spells known and allied attack bonus.
Paragnostic Assembly (CC): Knowledge skill benefits.
Shadow Guard (CC): Leadership traits and Greater Invisibility SLA. R4
Sun Domain (CC): Holy abilities and endure elements SLA. R3/4
Travel Domain (CC): Escape abilities and clairaudience/clairvoyance SLA. R3
Water Domain (CC): Swim and 2 water SLA. R3

Companion Spirit (DMG2):

Chain – 2 compulsion SLA, compulsion effect, CL boost, and an Intimidate pool.
Lightning – 2 speed SLA and electrical resistance.
Shadow – Hide/Move Silently pool and invisibility/silence effects.
Shroud – false life SLA and death ward effect. Kind of morbid.
Thunder – 2 sonic SLA and sonic resistance.
Tower – Expertise pool and stoneskin effect.

Dragon Pact (DM):
   If you have a method to count as a sorcerer this is a great means of extending your spellcasting. Though you can sacrifice stolen slots you will anger the dragon if you can’t keep stealing the proper level of sacrifice. The best slots to sacrifice are the odd spell levels. None of the given pacts are great so I’d suggest using the sidebar guidelines to come up with your own.

Magical Locations/Rituals:

Altar of Blood (DoE): Improves your caster level by 2. Useful for all those spell-likes you didn’t steal. Also has spell-like earthqake and storm of vengeance. (1 month)  40.000gp
Altar of the Dragon's Eye (EotLQ): Grants Aberrant/Least Dragonmark feat. (permanent) 5,000gp?
Bigby's Tomb (CM): Hand spell-like ability 1/day if you can cast evocations (1 year)
Claw of Vulkoor (SoX): Spell-like SMV 1/day limited to scorpions. Difficult to recharge too. (1 month) 10.000gp
Cloudseat (CM): divination as a swift action. (1 year) 2,000gp
Court of Thieves (CS): bonus luck feat. (permanent) 6,000gp
Dragonblood Pool (CM): bonus arcane spell slot of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd lvl. (1 year) 2,000gp
Frog God's Fane (CS): Knowledge bonus feats and treat as trained for those skills. (permanent) 2,000
Heart of Io (DoE): +3/day of Aberrant/Least Dragonmark SLA or gain Aberrant SLA 3/day (1 year) 2,400 gp
Heart of Stone (DMG2): spell-like DR/adamantine (1 year) 2,000gp
Iron Wyrm Vault (CS): Dungeoneering bonus feats. (permanent) 3,000gp
Library of Hidden Skulls (DoE): Detect alignment, pass without trace, read magic, and elven searching are the most useful. Speedy gather information checks might also be handy. (1 month) 2,000 gp
Mystic Glade (DoE): 1 Limited wish SLA @ CL 13. (1/year) 4,000gp
Otyugh Hole (CS): Iron Will! And some other bonus feats. (permanent) 3,000gp
Pillar of Fire (MotM): 5 uses of fireball as SLA @ CL 5. (until used) 4,000 gp
Rainbow Falls (CM): transmutation spell with 3x duration (1 year) 2,000gp
Shattered Dreamwar Gate (SoX): false sensory input as psi-like ability (1 year) 8,000gp
Ritual of Association (SS): Gain a subtype like dragonblood, shadowlands, or shapechanger. (permanent) 56,000gp! +xp
Ritual of Magic (DMG2): Creates personal item and +1 on CL checks. (item)
Shieldstone Cavern (CM): +1 caster level for abjuration spells (1 year) 1,000gp
Shrine of Primal Chaos (Dragon 360): SLA-1/day: suggestion, poison, or cloudkill; +2 profane v mind-affecting, energy resistance 5, or swift +5' reach. (1d4+4 days) 5,000 gp
Soulheart Pool (CM): recast any enchantment spell. (1 year) 4,000gp
Terrible Cyst (DMG2): Smite good for so little! Ask if you can go for the other alignment location quests to collect them all. (until death) 2,500gp
Timeless Fountain (SoX): age one day and time stop as spell-like. (1 year) 5,000gp
Vale of Smoke and Fog (CM): +50% duration of all illusions and +1 Save DC (1 year) 18,000gp

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« Last Edit: April 30, 2021, 12:44:21 PM by Arz »

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« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2014, 07:46:21 PM »
Tactics, Tips, and Tricks

Tactics: Denying Dex to AC. Conditions that deny a character's Dexterity bonus to armor class are: Blinded, Comatose, Cowering, Flat-Footed, Grappling, Helpless, Paralyzed, Petrified, Pinned, Stunned, and Unconscious. Most of these will incidentally be achieved by allies, so pay attention to your party.

Tactics: Flanking. Get on the other side of a target from an ally and hit them in melee. Most parties will have other melee characters, pets or summons with which to flank.

Tactics: Generate Mana. Absorb/steal spell allow you to keep a pool of spell levels available in combination with @ will spells. The best sources of these are creatures and items. The ring of invisibility is the most infamous item of this type. As for critters, formian workers are the core winners at lowest CR. Use this mana to cast all your spells, all the time, out of combat.

Tactics: Trapping Mana. There are a couple of ways to keep mana around indefinitely. Quick potion can bottle it for hours and if nobody shows use energize potion to cap some wealth. Earthbound metamagic can make an hour long trap or a safety zone. Earthbinding takes forethought but can produce spectacular action economy whereas energized potions are free alchemical offense. The old invest or save conundrum.

Tactics: Trigger Charging. There is a lot of good advice on the proper use of staff/wands. Read up on it and pay special attention to acquisition/cost. Combining absorb/steal spell and channel charge will throw most of that advice out the window. Outside of combat you have no limit to the amount of charges available by converting mana. Basically this makes casting short duration buffs consecutively outside of combat possible. A reasonable use of this tactic is to put the long duration and/or personal buffs on trigger items and keep the short stuff in your known. It will really depend on your DM what your limit will be.

Tactics: Staff Siphon. Ever lament that you ran out of spell slots? These three things will eliminate those worries: Channel Charge, Siphon, and a Staff with a cantrip & 4th level spell. This allows you to exchange 5 stolen spell levels for 1 4th level or lower spell slot. Other tamers might have to rest for their spells but you can loot your foes and party all night.

Tip: Enemies are a treasure. Baleful polymorph/flesh to stone can permanently subdue casters. The difficult part is finding means to give your enemy preparation time without releasing them from that condition. As an animal though you can instruct them on the “trick” of spell preparation as a DC 20 Handle Animal check. You could then instruct it in the “purpose” of a pokemon.

Tip: Allies are a treasure. Obviously! So let’s compare a warlock and phaerimm cohort instead. At low to mid-levels the warlock’s personal buffs can’t be beat. Mid to high-levels the sheer versatility of the phaerimm’s known list eclipses its level adjustment. Keep in mind though that the warlock will remain the more potent blaster and flanker.

Tip: Aquaman. Steal speak with animals from any variety of creatures/casters and combine with: Listening Lorecall, True Strike (stolen from Fossergrim), and Aquatic Adaptation (stolen from Dragonfire Adept). Sonar and the ability to swim and speak like a fish are great but a Fossergrim’s True Strike is truly heroic. Constant attack bonus and the ability to ignore miss chances while underwater! Spellthief might be the most powerful class in aquatic campaigns at ECL 6.

Tip: Duplication of role. Two spells can duplicate most of your class abilities. Spell Theft (ECL 9) works as a ranged steal spell effect and Reaving Dispel (ECL 17) can effectively simulate many of your other steals. Take heart in the fact that you get there first and exploit absorbtion for mana recharging that is otherwise the province of psionics.

Tip: Metamagic Components. This variant makes a stolen SLA even more useful and slightly cumbersome to remember more variants. The only real problem is Heighten Spell makes it more difficult to steal in exchange.

Trick: Extra Spells Known. Fair warning, trainer, league officials hate pokedex hacks. That said, the method is simple and implementation is harsh. You’ll need to steal dragonblood spell-pact, one other spell, and learn an artifact spell (SoX). Cast dragonblood spell-pact and trade the artifact spell and stolen spell for two extra spells known. Repeat ad naseum to learn all 1-3+5 spells. Then you’ll probably be chased out of the league by every trainer you’ve defrauded and join team rocket. Suggestion can even make this seem like a good idea, at first.

Trick: Extend Supernatural. Every Hellbreaker has probably lamented that they can only gain one minute of a stolen supernatural ability. This is where the ability rip spell steps up as an extender. You lose the stolen supernatural ability to take another supernatural ability from a pokemon for at least 13 hours. Only problem now is generating an unlimited supply of 7th level spells. See trigger charging for the easiest method.

Trick: Item SLA. Certain items cast as SLA but its not possible to SA an item. However, you can ready an action to steal from an ally when he is using the item. Theoretically possible against an enemy but not really practical.

Trick: Weapon Proficiency. Steal or cast from a wand the assassin/wu jen spell fire shuriken. Now you are proficient with all fire shuriken created by anyone. Are you proficient with regular shuriken? Probably, but either way you are proficient with an exotic weapon. Shuriken!

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« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 11:56:14 AM by Arz »

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« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2014, 07:48:11 PM »
Daelkyr Halfblood Spellthief 20
ACF: Mimic
Spells: Alibi, Combat Readiness, Shieldbearer; Blinding Color Surge, Heroics, Quick Potion; Haste, Siphon, Wand Modulation; Celerity, Polymorph, Shadow Conjuration. (Fill out to combat style.)
Feats: Apprentice, Godsblood Spelltheft, Craven, Darkstalker, Channel Charge, Metamagic Spell Trigger, Earthbound Spell.
   This type focuses on versatile ambushes. Trigger items and spells are used for zone effects and pre-combat buffing. Channel Charge keeps all your triggers charged. Siphon/Wand Modulation allow you to create nearly any wand on the fly.

Spellthief 12/Uncanny Trickster 3/Legacy Champion 2/Bloodline 3
   Want to steal a stronger SLA? Steal 8th level SLA with a CL of 16.

Desert Dwarf Spellthief 11/Bloodline 3/Obstinate Soul 1/Uncanny Trickster 3/Legacy Champion 2
ACF: Psithief, Cursed Blow
Powers: Psychic Chirurgery or make contact with a cohort for up to 9th level powers.
Alternate Feats: Improved Dwarven Focus, Linked Power, Metamorphic Transfer, Psicrystal Affinity.
   Steal 9th level SLA with a ML of 19 and go directly to the timeless fountain.

Human Spellthief 20
Alternate Feats: Craft Contingent Spell, Spell Mantle.
   You are always prepared. Contingency, pokemon, and spell trigger give you every single spell option to draw upon at will.

Drow Spellthief 20
Alternate Feats: Gloom Strike, Blend into Shadows.
Items: Ring of Drow Blood, Gloom Mask
   Play hide and seek in magical darkness. Steal all the fun darkness abilities from warlock. Elves who visit the altar of the dragon’s eye have many of the same options.

Strongheart Halfling Spellthief 20
Alternate Spells: Master’s Touch, Reduce Person; Energize Potion, Sonic Weapon; Disobedience; Friendly Fire.
Alternate Feats: Shaped Splash, Planar Touchstone (Oxyrhynchus).
Items: Gloves of the Balanced Hand
   You are the carpet bomber. Once the area has been rendered uninhabitable, you put on your gasmask and finish the job. Precision is determining the proper coordinates.

Forest Gnome Spellthief 20
Alternate Spells: Burning Rage, Master's Touch, Reduce Person, Treacherous Weapon; Heroics, Quick Potion, Sonic Weapon, Shadow Double, Touch of Idiocy; Bite of the Wererat, Disobedience, Evard's Menacing Tentacles, Girallon's Blessing, Unicorn Horn; Friendly Fire, Investiture of the Eyrines.
Alternate Feats: Two Weapon Fighting, Spellrazor, Staggering Strike, Arcane Strike.
   Spell up on natural attacks for an intensely bizarre attack routine along with touch spells.

Kalashtar Spellthief 1/Bloodline 3/Hellbreaker 7/Uncanny Trickster 3/Legacy Champion 6
ACF: Psithief, Cursed Blow, Trickster
Powers: Psychic Chirurgery or make contact with a cohort for up to 8th level powers.
Alternate Feats: Undo Resistance, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Surprising Riposte.
   You and your cohort, Ed Tenebrous, can steal anything but you are mostly focused on the magical organ trade. Steal 7th level powers, 5th level PLA, 9th level SLA, 9th level supernatural, and manifest 2nd level powers with a ML of 15. Take note that psionic feats are considered supernatural.

Daelkyr half-blood Spellthief 3/Bloodline 3/Uncanny Trickster 3/Sandshaper 1/Legacy Champion 10
ACF: Cursed Blow, Trickster
Alternate Feats: Planar Touchstone
      Cast 5th level, steal 7th level SLA, and steal 11th level spells. The idea here is simply to rebuild the skill selection lost by taking the Trickster ACF. Sandshaper, spellwurm, and godsblood spelltheft add to your known list.

Neraph Spellthief 15/Unseen Seer 2/Fiend of Blasphemy 2/Maho-Tsukai 1
Alternate Feats: Magical Training, Master Spellthief, Echoing Spell.
Items: Codex Advocare
   Cast/steal 9th level spells and 5th level SLA with a CL of 110. More importantly, transfer SLA to all properly worshipful party members.

Phaerimm Sorcerer 1/Blah
ACF: Domain, Dragonblood
Spells: Dragonblood Spell-Pact (Change them out at will)
Feats: Draconic Heritage, Empower SLA, Heighten SLA, Maximize SLA, Mortalbane, Quicken SLA, etc.
   Collect a bunch of SORCERMON and DRAGON ORBS so that this cohort can freely exchange its spell list.

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« Last Edit: April 11, 2016, 06:39:48 PM by Arz »

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…Notable Pokemon
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2014, 07:50:23 PM »
Welcome trainer to notable list of pokemon that you can capture and train on your journey to becoming a master.

Ur’Epona (PH/1): Right out of the gate; PLANESHIFT! Only 16 levels to go before you can steal it. Doh! At least they are trainable mounts.

DRAGOLMON, the Wealthy Pokemon
Type: Dragon
Element: Dragon
Frequency: Extremely Rare
Diet: Pearls
Role: Questing
Strong Vs: Dragon, Electric, Fire, Plant, Water 
Weak Vs: Ice
SLA: Luck bonus (2): Create a lucky gem.

SHIELDMON, the Protecting Pokemon
Type: Construct
Element: Fighting
Frequency: Rare
Diet: None
Role: Tank
Strong Vs: Bug, Dark, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel
Weak Vs: Flying, Psychic
SLA: Shield Other (2): Gotta swipe the amulet. Spell Storing (1-4): It is unknown if the storing ability itself is permanent or even really an SLA.

TREEMON, the Forest Pokemon
Type: Plant
Element: Plant
Frequency: Rare
Diet: Sunlight
Role: Tank and destroyer
Strong Vs: Fighting, Poison, Psychic
Weak Vs: Bug, Dark, Ghost
SLA: Animate Plants (7): Control 2 more treants for 12 days.

(FF section of the Pokedex suffered from corruption of the original Blue League files. League officials do not sanction the use of any of the following.)

AOA, the Reflective Pokemon
Type: Outsider
Element: Rock
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: Magic
Role: Tank and destroyer
Strong Vs: Bug, Electric, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison, Rock
Weak Vs: Fighting, Ground, Plant, Steel, Water
SLA: Reflective Pulse (6): A treasure destroyer. Reflective Spell Resistance (?): 25, probably errata’s to supernatural. If not, this likely only gains the reflective property, while forcing you to look elsewhere for actual SR, which is normally extraordinary.

FOSSERGRIM, the Waterfall Pokemon
Type: Fey
Element: Water
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: Fish and shellfish.
Role: Tank and destroyer
Strong Vs: Fire, Rock, Water
Weak Vs: Electric, Ice, Plant
SLA: True Strike (1): Always on in water. Aquatic spellthief eliminates all miss chances!

KULDURATH, the Sharing Pokemon
Type: Magical Beast
Element: Normal
Frequency: Common
Diet: Omnivore
Role: Tank and mount
Strong Vs: Ghost
Weak Vs: Fighting
SLA: Share Defense (Su): An improved version of share spells and not an actual SLA. Great for mounted trainers.

NERRA, the Reflective Pokemon
Type: Outsider
Element: Normal
Frequency: Common
Diet: Omnivore
Role: Tank and destroyer
Strong Vs: Ghost
Weak Vs: Fighting
SLA: Reflective Spell Resistance (?): 25, probably errata’s to supernatural. If not, this likely only gains the reflective property, while forcing you to look elsewhere for actual SR, which is normally extraordinary.

VINE HORROR, the Algae Pokemon
Type: Plant
Element: Plant
Frequency: Common
Diet: Sunlight
Role: Tank and destroyer
Strong Vs: Electric, Ground, Plant, Rock, Water 
Weak Vs: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison 
SLA: Animate Vine(2?): Indefinite duration assassin vine. Its entangle can be a good trigger for earthbound spells.

(BoED section of the Pokedex suffered from corruption of the original Orange League files. League officials do not sanction the use of any of the following.)

THRONE WARDEN, the Channeling Pokemon
Type: Outsider
Element: Fighting
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: Magic
Role: Tank and destroyer
Strong Vs: Bug, Dark, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel
Weak Vs: Flying, Psychic
SLA: Channeling (2?): Possession for the good guys. Ride herd on a charmed pokemon. Also note that possession is an SLA that the DM may assign to any fiend.

(MM2 section of the Pokedex suffered from corruption of the original Johto League files. League officials do not sanction the use of any of the following.)

AVOLAKIA, the Necromonger Pokemon
Type: Aberration
Element: Dark
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: Undead or carrion
Role: Infiltrator
Strong Vs: Fighting, Poison, Psychic
Weak Vs: Bug, Dark, Ghost
SLA: Suggestion (3): Harder DC with eye contact and quickened. Defensive Aura (?): Permanent deflection bonus. This probably should have been in the errata like the pheonix.

BANSHEE, the Wailing Pokemon
Type: Undead
Element: Ghost
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: Relatives
Role: Tank and destroyer
Strong Vs: Bug, Fighting, Ghost, Poison, Psychic, Rock
Weak Vs: Dark
SLA: Detect Living (5): Only the living in a half-mile radius. Pretty worthless.

TEMPEST, the Storm Pokemon
Type: Elemental
Element: Air/earth/fire/water
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: None
Role: Blaster
Strong Vs: Fighting, Flying, Normal
Weak Vs: Dark, Ghost
SLA: Defensive Aura (?): Permanent deflection bonus. This probably should have been in the errata like the pheonix.

YAKMON, the Evil Overlord Pokemon
Type: Monstrous Humanoid
Element: Normal/Magic
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: Normal and oppression
Role: Tank and destroyer
Strong Vs: Fighting, Poison, Psychic
Weak Vs: Bug, Dark, Ghost
SLA: Body Meld (5): Permanent until dismissed with limited targets and ritual casting time. Better for infiltration than combat because of the memory access.


GRISGOL, the Phylactery Pokemon
Type: Construct
Element: Fighting
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: None
Role: Tank and destroyer
Strong Vs: Bug, Dark, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel
Weak Vs: Flying, Psychic
SLA: Incite Madness (9?): Grant yourself a death curse. More immediately, suppress the curse while fighting it.

TRILLOCH, the Discord Pokemon
Type: Outsider
Element: Ghost
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: Death
Role: Parasite
Strong Vs: Bug, Fighting, Ghost, Poison, Psychic, Rock
Weak Vs: Dark
SLA: Control Rage (3): Doubled effect.

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« Last Edit: March 15, 2014, 03:21:43 PM by Arz »

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Re: The Pokedex Primer to Spellthievery
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2014, 03:27:18 PM »
« Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 03:31:08 PM by Arz »