With this utterance, you instantly restore an item destroyedwithin the last round to its normal, undamaged state. Essen-tially by reminding the item of its truename, you unmakeits destruction. Magic items affected by this power retain alltheir magical properties, unlike items restored with a makewhole spell. The reconstructed item has full hit points. Ths utterance has no effect on any item that has beendestroyed for more than 1 round. You cannot restore adestroyed artifact with this utterance.
School transmutation; Level cleric 2, sorcerer/wizard 2Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)Target one object of up to 10 cu. ft./level or one construct creature of any sizeThis spell functions as mending, except that it repairs 1d6 points of damage per level when cast on a construct creature (maximum 5d6).Make whole can fix destroyed magic items (at 0 hit points or less), and restores the magic properties of the item if your caster level is at least twice that of the item. Items with charges (such as wands) and single-use items (such as potions and scrolls) cannot be repaired in this way. When make whole is used on a construct creature, the spell bypasses any immunity to magic as if the spell did not allow spell resistance.