Author Topic: Assorted house rules  (Read 3779 times)

Offline Prime32

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Assorted house rules
« on: November 25, 2011, 12:33:22 PM »
Things I'd use when running a game. Maybe.

Offline Prime32

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Re: Assorted house rules
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2011, 12:33:32 PM »

Offline Prime32

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Re: Assorted house rules
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2011, 12:39:03 PM »
Virtual Levels
Some of these rules reference "virtual" values. A PC's virtual stats are the same as his normal ones, minus the effects of buffs. A monster's virtual level is equal to its CR. To calculate a monster's virtual BAB, treat it as if it had a number of racial HD equal to its CR; for instance a CR 9 Dragon would have +9 BAB, as if it had 9 Dragon HD. A monster with HD equal to double its CR or more increases its virtual BAB by one step (eg. a CR4 Fey with 8HD would have +3 BAB - average rather than poor), while HD triple its CR increases its BAB by two steps. For monsters with class levels, halve the virtual stats gained for nonassociated levels.

Performing a full attack is a standard action. You get one primary attack and a number of secondary attacks based on your BAB. Secondary attacks are made at a nonstacking -5 penalty which can be reduced by Multiattack, like secondary natural attacks. Everyone gets the Two-Weapon Fighting chain for free. Natural weapons are wielded in the same manner as manufactured weapons, but you cannot make claw attacks with an occupied hand.

Standard-action maneuvers replace one primary attack, and full-round-action maneuvers replace a full attack.

When charging, you may end your movement in any square from which you could strike your opponent. Ride-by Attack implies that this was intended.

Whenever you deal hitpoint damage, increase that damage by your virtual BAB. For instance, a 6th-level wizard casting fireball would deal 6d6+3 damage.

You can make a number of attacks of opportunity per round equal to your Int modifier (minimum 1). Combat Reflexes increases this as normal.

Initiative checks are virtual BAB checks, modified by your Dex score.

Ranged precision damage (and the Point Blank Shot feat) functions within the first range increment rather than within 30ft; for every additional range increment reduce the damage dice by one. For instance, an lv3 rogue with a longbow could deal +2d6 sneak attack damage to a target within 100ft, +1d6 sneak attack damage to a target within 200ft, and could not sneak attack enemies further away. Abilities which increase the range at which you can deal precision damage let you ignore one range increment for every 30ft of increase.


Skill points are not multiplied at lv1. Your maximum rank in any skill is equal to your character level. If you would have a skill as a class skill for any class, you gain Skill Focus in that skill for free. Add the bonus from Skill Focus to your ranks in that skill for meeting prerequisites.

Offline Prime32

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Re: Assorted house rules
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2011, 12:39:39 PM »

Weapon Finesse grants 1.5x your Dex mod to attack if you wield a finessable weapon in one hand and nothing in the other.

The following additional feats are allowed:
"Required" feats
  • Druids gain the benefits of the Natural Spell feat, but must make Concentration checks to cast spells while wildshaped (DC = 10 + HD of form + spell level).
  • Swordsages gain the benefits of Adaptive Style, for swordsage maneuvers only.
  • Breath weapons gained as class features may be used as if the character possessed the Entangling Exhalation feat.
Vow of Poverty
Vow of Poverty is not a feat. You can take the vow without having to use up any slots of anything.
  • The only restriction on equipment you can use is that it must be non-magical. Items which are only magical because of your class features (eg. the kensai's bonded weapon) count as non-magical for this purpose.
  • Only the 1st-level bonus feat must be an exalted one, the others can be whatever you want, as long as you meet the prerequisites. This is a possible interpretation of the text - just clarifying it.
  • At 5th level a character with VoP gains a fly speed equal to their land speed with good maneuverability.

Offline Prime32

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Re: Assorted house rules
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2011, 12:40:57 PM »

Spell Resistance uses these rules.

Specific Spells
Astral Projection: If your projection dies, you die. Your projection's equipment cannot be used by others, and vanishes 1 round after being separated from you. Using up charges of a projected item causes the original to lose charges.
Embrace/Shun the Dark Chaos: Your final build must be possible without the use of these spells (i.e. no trading out weapon proficiencies).
Gate: Cannot be used to call creatures, but can be used to connect two points on the same plane.

The Planes
The Ethereal Plane is folded into the Astral Plane. Since the Astral Plane is tied to every other plane, you can encounter ethereal creatures everywhere. Ghosts cannot take advantage of this to travel between planes, being stuck in a part of the Astral-Ethereal Plane "close" to the plane where they died.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2011, 03:25:10 PM by Prime32 »

Offline Prime32

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Re: Assorted house rules
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2011, 12:41:50 PM »
You can benefit from a maximum of eight items at once. You can wear multiple items on the same slot and benefit from all of them, as long as they could conceivably fit on your body at once (ie. you could wear eight rings, but not two helms).

Heavy armor grants you hardness equal to half your BAB.

You take a -1 penalty to AC against attacks made with exotic weapons, unless you are proficient with that weapon (or have Weapon Familiarity with it from your race).
Magic weapons with powers that duplicate spells use your virtual BAB in place of the caster level if higher, and the saving throw DC of any weapon enhancement is (10 + half your virtual BAB + your Cha modifier). For instance a flame tongue in the hands of an 11th level fighter could fire three rays instead of one, and a +1 greatclub of disruption in the hands of an 8th-level paladin with 16 Cha would have a save DC of 17.


Enhancement bonuses
Normal enhancement bonuses don't exist outside of spells like magic weapon - you can have a flaming sword without having to make it +1 first. Any weapon with an enchantment on it overcomes DR/magic. A weapon with combined enchantments equivalent to a +10 bonus or more overcomes DR/epic.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2011, 06:28:53 PM by Prime32 »

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Re: Assorted house rules
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2011, 12:19:47 PM »
How does that last rule about enhancement work with augment crystals?

I like what you did to vow of poverty. I had something close in mind at first, but that looks nice.
All in all, I like it. Just noticed that natural spell thing nerfed druids in a way, while wizards and clerics still reign in power at the top of the food scale.