For what it's worth, this thread inspired me to go back and make my own Forsaker update. For mine, I based it around my
, where it's not a feat but a free character choice and basically just gives you [X starting level wealth] -worth of magic item equivalents as internal Su powers where X is your current level. I also stripped out all of the physical-based stuff like DR and enhanced weapons (though VoP covers the latter) and instead loaded it up with a ton of anti-magic defenses. Still considering giving it an x/day dispel magic ability and possibly a means to trace lingering magical auras to figure out where a mage teleported or plane shifted to and how long ago. I still don't know if I should add Incarnum to the list of forsaken magic, largely because I lack the capacity to
Among those who cast aside the power of magic, there are some who do so not solely out of a desire to lead an austere life or to give back to their favored causes. Some who take up such vows do so because they plainly despise or fear the temptations of the esoteric arts and the corruption that force often leads its adherents towards. These individuals dedicate their lives to destroying casters and psions that oppose their views and morals or who seem to have been corrupted, as well as the mighty trinkets they are wont to create, lest they fall into the hands of another power-hungry madman. Girded with nearly super-human resolve, these “savages” lead the fight against magic and all its excesses and call themselves Forsakers.
Skills: 8 ranks in either Intimidate, Sense Motive, or Spellcraft
Feats: False Pretenses, Mage Slayer, Residual Rebound*
Special: Must abide by Vow of Poverty (or other alignment-equivalent choice) and renounced the use of masterwork and magic items. Must forsake the use of all spells, spell-like abilities, infusions, powers, and psi-like abilities and avoid from making any pacts with vestiges.
*If the Forsaker selects this feat at the same level he enters the class, he can ignore its requirement
HD: d12
BAB: Full
Saves: Good Fort and Will, Poor Reflex
Skill points: 4 + Int modifier
Class skills: Bluff, Climb, Craft, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (arcana, psionics, religion), Listen, Psicraft, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Spellcraft, Survival, Swim, Tumble
Class Features:
•Ability Bonus (Ex): Beginning at 1st level, the character gains a +1 inherent bonus to any desired ability score that increases by another +1 at levels 4, 7, and 10. At level 2 he chooses a second ability score that gains a +1 inherent bonus that increases by another +1 at levels 5 and 8. At 3rd level, he chooses a third ability score that gains a +1 inherent bonus that increases by another +1 at levels 6 and 9.
•Fast Healing (Ex): Forsakers regain hit points at an exceptionally fast rate. At 1st level, the character gains Fast Healing 1. The amount of Fast Healing increases by +1 for every two forsaker levels thereafter. As a full round action, the Forsaker can attempt to instead heal himself for quadruple his Fast Healing rate by making a Heal check, DC equal to the difference between his current and full hp values. Failure means he only heals at the normal rate that round.
•Forsake Magic: In addition to avoiding all use of spellcasting, infusions, psionics, spell-like abilities, pact magic, and magic items, the Forsaker must also refuse any benefits from others' magic — including magical healing. Thus, he must attempt a saving throw against any spell/power that allows one. For most beneficial spells, such as displacement or neutralize poison, a successful save negates the spell's effects; for a cure spell, it halves the benefit. Any Forsaker who unwittingly uses a magic item or casts a spell (while under the influence of a charm person or dominate person spell, for example) immediately afterward loses all the special abilities of the prestige class for one week.
•Spell Resistance (Ex): At 1st level, the Forsaker gains spell resistance equal to 10 + 2 * Forsaker level. The Forsaker can still attempt a save against a resisted spell just to see if it can be rebounded to the caster via Residual Rebound if he wishes (with no penalty if he “fails” the unnecessary saving throw).
•Mettle (Ex): At 2nd level, when the Forsaker makes a Fortitude or Will save that would normally have a half or partial effect on a successful save, he instead ignores the effect entirely.
•Tough Defense (Ex): At 3rd level, a Forsaker gains a bonus to his touch AC (only) equal to his Constitution bonus (if any). At 7th level this also applies to all saves against spells, spell-like abilities, powers, and psi-like abilities.
•Freedom of Movement (Su): At 4th level, for a total time per day of 1 round per level, a Forsaker can act normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement as if he was affected by the spell freedom of movement. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies, lasts until it runs out or is no longer needed, and can operate multiple times per day (up to the total daily limit of rounds).
•Evasion (Ex): At 5th level, the Forsaker gains Evasion, as the Rogue class feature. If he already has Evasion, he instead gains Improved Evasion.
•Slippery Mind (Ex): At 6th level, the Forsaker can wriggle free from magical effects that would otherwise control or compel him. if he fails his saving throw against an enchantment effect, he can attempt his saving throw again 1 round later. He gets only one extra chance to succeed at his saving throw.
•Devour Magic (Ex): At 8th level, the Forsaker can destroy a magic item in a spectacular explosion. Doing so is a standard action and similar to a Sunder attempt. The Forsaker must roll to hit the item (possibly provoking attacks of opportunity) and then instead of rolling damage, he makes a check against a DC of 20 + item's CL, adding his BAB and Forsaker level to a d20 roll. If he succeeds, the magic item is utterly torn asunder and detonates, dealing 1d6 untyped damage per two CL of the item to all in a 20 ft radius except the Forsaker (no save). The Forsaker draws in some of this raw magical force and momentarily gains phenominal power from it, gaining a bonus to all attacks, saves, checks, and damage rolls equal to the item's CL until the end of his next turn.
•Mind Blank (Su): At 9th level, a Forsaker can fortify his mind against assault as per the Mind Blank spell. He can erect or lower this defense as often as he likes, but doing either is a standard action.
•Improved Mettle: At 10th level, the Forsaker only suffers the half or partial effect when he fails his Fortitude or Will save, and still ignores it entirely on a successful save.
Forsakers can multiclass normally, as long as they continue to abide by the strictures of the prestige class. Any Forsaker who willingly violates those strictures (such as by using magic items or casting spells) loses all special abilities of the prestige class and can progress no further as a Forsaker. If he thereafter remains pure (uses no magic) for a period of a year and a day, his abilities are reinstated at their previous levels and he may once again progress in the prestige class.
By level:
1: Ability A +1, Fast Healing 1, Forsake Magic, Spell Resistance
2: Ability B +1, Mettle
3: Ability C +1, Fast Healing 2, Tough Defense (AC)
4: Ability A +2, Freedom of Movement
5: Ability B +2, Fast Healing 3, Evasion
6: Ability C +2, Slippery Mind
7: Ability A +3, Fast Healing 4, Tough Defense (saves)
8: Ability B +3, Devour Magic
9: Ability C +3, Fast Healing 5, Mind Blank
10: Ability A +4, Improved Mettle