Author Topic: Parlor trick: Malconvoker at second level.  (Read 7867 times)

Offline Tubercular Ox

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Parlor trick: Malconvoker at second level.
« on: January 13, 2014, 12:49:15 PM »
I've almost certainly missed a rule, but this makes me laugh so hard I wanted to share.  It depends on two blinkered rulings, though.

Take a Cloistered Cleric 1.  Your domains are Summoner (+2 CL to conjuration(summoning)) and either Trickery, Dragon, or Envy (Bluff as a class skill).  You also have enough skill points for Know (Planes) 4, Bluff 4, and buying celestial and infernal straight up.  Your other choice is regular cleric and some extra Int.

You are a human with two flaws and one trait.  First level feats are Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment Summoning, Extend Spell, and Sanctum Spell.  Your trait is Spellgifted (+1 CL to one school, -1 CL to other schools.  Pick Conjuration.)

Gain depravity (Heroes of Horror).  At moderate depravity, take Eldritch Corruption as your bonus feat.  At severe depravity, take Extra Slot. 

Blinkered ruling one:  Level 1 + 2 (Summoner Domain) + 1 (Spellgifted) gives you the 4 caster levels to qualify for Extra Slot.

Blinkered ruling two:  Level 1 spell + Sanctum Spell + Eldritch Corruption is a 4th level spell so Extra Slot grants a 3rd level slot.

You can now cast summon monster straight up.

Has this been done?  It's hard to know what to search on.

Offline linklord231

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Re: Parlor trick: Malconvoker at second level.
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2014, 03:25:41 PM »
This should probably be under "You Break It, You Buy It". 

I don't think I've seen this before, but it seems like it should work for early entry into other PrCs too.  It does have some pretty major drawbacks though, and getting Severe Depravity on a Wisdom based class before level 2 seems like it's going to be pretty tricky. 
I'm not arguing, I'm explaining why I'm right.

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: Parlor trick: Malconvoker at second level.
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2014, 06:03:50 PM »
... or at least bump it over to the regular C.O. board.
Early qualifying for the sake of early qualifying, isn't usually too bad.

I think the standard DMM and/or Heighten tricks, are right up this alley.
idk squat about Eldritch Corruption or Severe Depravity.

edit --- oh there it is, on PLZ's early entry guide.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2014, 05:09:48 PM by awaken_D_M_golem »
Your codpiece is a mimic.

Offline FlaminCows

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Re: Parlor trick: Malconvoker at second level.
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2014, 08:25:04 PM »
getting Severe Depravity on a Wisdom based class before level 2 seems like it's going to be pretty tricky.

Any Undead or Evil subtype creature has free Corruption and Depravity scores equal to one-half their Charisma scores, +1 if you're undead or +2 if you're an outsider. Moreover, these Taint scores carry no penalties.

So a character could get to Level 2, then burn that level to become a Necropolitan, and then qualify. Since you have both Corruption AND Depravity, you hit Moderate taint twice and thus don't need to reach Severe taint to get enough bonus feats.

Offline Gazzien

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Re: Parlor trick: Malconvoker at second level.
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2014, 03:43:25 AM »
getting Severe Depravity on a Wisdom based class before level 2 seems like it's going to be pretty tricky.

Any Undead or Evil subtype creature has free Corruption and Depravity scores equal to one-half their Charisma scores, +1 if you're undead or +2 if you're an outsider. Moreover, these Taint scores carry no penalties.

So a character could get to Level 2, then burn that level to become a Necropolitan, and then qualify. Since you have both Corruption AND Depravity, you hit Moderate taint twice and thus don't need to reach Severe taint to get enough bonus feats.
You need to be level 3 for Necropolitan - if you're level 2, then you burn your level (you're level 1, now) to transform, then have to pay 1000 XP... which you can't, so you die, and can't be resurrected (or so the ritual says).

Offline TiaC

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Re: Parlor trick: Malconvoker at second level.
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2014, 05:02:57 AM »
getting Severe Depravity on a Wisdom based class before level 2 seems like it's going to be pretty tricky.

Any Undead or Evil subtype creature has free Corruption and Depravity scores equal to one-half their Charisma scores, +1 if you're undead or +2 if you're an outsider. Moreover, these Taint scores carry no penalties.

So a character could get to Level 2, then burn that level to become a Necropolitan, and then qualify. Since you have both Corruption AND Depravity, you hit Moderate taint twice and thus don't need to reach Severe taint to get enough bonus feats.
You need to be level 3 for Necropolitan - if you're level 2, then you burn your level (you're level 1, now) to transform, then have to pay 1000 XP... which you can't, so you die, and can't be resurrected (or so the ritual says).
Or you can be level 2 with 1000 XP.

Offline Gazzien

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Re: Parlor trick: Malconvoker at second level.
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2014, 12:23:31 AM »
getting Severe Depravity on a Wisdom based class before level 2 seems like it's going to be pretty tricky.

Any Undead or Evil subtype creature has free Corruption and Depravity scores equal to one-half their Charisma scores, +1 if you're undead or +2 if you're an outsider. Moreover, these Taint scores carry no penalties.

So a character could get to Level 2, then burn that level to become a Necropolitan, and then qualify. Since you have both Corruption AND Depravity, you hit Moderate taint twice and thus don't need to reach Severe taint to get enough bonus feats.
You need to be level 3 for Necropolitan - if you're level 2, then you burn your level (you're level 1, now) to transform, then have to pay 1000 XP... which you can't, so you die, and can't be resurrected (or so the ritual says).
Or you can be level 2 with 1000 XP.
I always thought losing the level removed the XP you had in that level. My mistake. >W< Ignore me.

Offline linklord231

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Re: Parlor trick: Malconvoker at second level.
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2014, 01:43:52 AM »
getting Severe Depravity on a Wisdom based class before level 2 seems like it's going to be pretty tricky.

Any Undead or Evil subtype creature has free Corruption and Depravity scores equal to one-half their Charisma scores, +1 if you're undead or +2 if you're an outsider. Moreover, these Taint scores carry no penalties.

So a character could get to Level 2, then burn that level to become a Necropolitan, and then qualify. Since you have both Corruption AND Depravity, you hit Moderate taint twice and thus don't need to reach Severe taint to get enough bonus feats.
You need to be level 3 for Necropolitan - if you're level 2, then you burn your level (you're level 1, now) to transform, then have to pay 1000 XP... which you can't, so you die, and can't be resurrected (or so the ritual says).
Or you can be level 2 with 1000 XP.

When you lose a level, your experience point total is set to the midpoint of the previous level.  Going from 2 to 1 puts you at 500 XP, even if you had 2999 before you lost the level. 
I'm not arguing, I'm explaining why I'm right.

Offline TiaC

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Re: Parlor trick: Malconvoker at second level.
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2014, 03:38:53 AM »
getting Severe Depravity on a Wisdom based class before level 2 seems like it's going to be pretty tricky.

Any Undead or Evil subtype creature has free Corruption and Depravity scores equal to one-half their Charisma scores, +1 if you're undead or +2 if you're an outsider. Moreover, these Taint scores carry no penalties.

So a character could get to Level 2, then burn that level to become a Necropolitan, and then qualify. Since you have both Corruption AND Depravity, you hit Moderate taint twice and thus don't need to reach Severe taint to get enough bonus feats.
You need to be level 3 for Necropolitan - if you're level 2, then you burn your level (you're level 1, now) to transform, then have to pay 1000 XP... which you can't, so you die, and can't be resurrected (or so the ritual says).
Or you can be level 2 with 1000 XP.

When you lose a level, your experience point total is set to the midpoint of the previous level.  Going from 2 to 1 puts you at 500 XP, even if you had 2999 before you lost the level.

In that case, you start at level 3 flat, lose a level going to 2 with 1000 XP, then pay 1000 XP. Either way, you only lose 2000 XP.

Offline Hades

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Re: Parlor trick: Malconvoker at second level.
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2014, 06:16:00 AM »
Does severe depravity makes you evil? (don't have HoH right here)

Malconvoker requires a nonevil alignment.

Offline PlzBreakMyCampaign

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Re: Parlor trick: Malconvoker at second level.
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2014, 10:46:38 PM »
you've got the implication the wrong way. You could be neutral undead and fine

oh there it is, on PLZ's early entry guide.
/threaded like a ninja