Originally Posted by Taliesin
Taliesin Pyrain
Level Breakdown with references and tricks
Chaotic Evil Lesser Aasimar (Players Guide to Faerun) from Thay. Hexblade 5 (CWar)/Pyrokineticist 10(XPH)/Blackguard 3(DMG)/Hexblade 2
1) Dreadful Wrath (Player's Guide to Faerun)
3) Wild Talent (XPH)
5) Bonus: Combat Casting
6) Imperious Command (Drow of the Underdark)
9) Power Attack
12) Cleave
15) Improved Sunder
18) Ability Focus (Heat Death) (MM)
Swearing to Elder Evil (Elder Evils) (Pandorym): Vile Feats:
1) Willing Deformity (Heroes of Horror)
5) Abominable Form (Elder Evils)
10) Deformity (Madness) (EE)
15) Reflexive Psychosis (EE)
20) Deformity (Face) (EE)
14 (6)
14 (6)
14 (6)
12 (4)
18 (10)
18) Hexblade 5/Pyrokineticist 10/Blackguard 3: 1 rank Intimidate, 2 ranks Concentration. Commad Undead, Aura of Despair, Ability Focus(Heat Death)
So, command and rebuke as a 1'st (16'th?) level cleric? Mediocre, still, since it's too late to get feats making use of it. The star here is Aura of Despair, which debuffs enemy saves in 10 ft by -2, stacking with Dark Companion, Curse, and Shaken, for -8 to saves. Oh, and Ability Focus boosts Heat Death to DC 16+cha. So your opponents get DC 25 fort save with a -8 to saves? Yeah, that's not very likely.
19) Hexblade 6/Pyrokineticist 10/Blackguard 3: 1 rank Intimidate, 2 ranks Concentration. Forced Omens (See Dead Levels article,
All right, fine. You get a first level spell per day, Prestidigitation 1/day, another spell known, and +1 to the DC of hexblade's curse. It's not that good, all right?
20) Hexblade 7/Pyrokineticist 10/Blackguard 3: 1 rank Intimidate, 2 ranks Concentration, +1 charisma. Greater Hexblade's Curse, Defomity (Face).
Greater Hexblade's curse is quite nice, doubling the penalty from Curse to -4. Still admittedly 2/day, and with a DC of just 13+charisma (+1 if you have Hexbands, +2 with Veil of Allure), but nonetheless useful, stacked with all your other debuffs. Facial scars provide another +2 intimidate.
Taliesein Pyrain, Level 18:
Chaotic Evil Male Aasimar Hexblade 5/Pyrokineticist 10/Blackguard 3
Humanoid(Planetouched, Psionic)
HP 8d10+10d8+90 (184)
Init +5
Speed 30 ft, 60 ft Fly (good)
AC 21, Touch 15, FF 16
BAB +15/Grapple +20
Attack: +1 Sudden Stunning Longsword, +21 melee, 1d8+6 and 2d6 fire damage, or Flame Lash, +20 ranged touch, 1d8+5+4d6 fire (range 15 ft) or Bolt of Fire, +20 ranged touch, 60 ft, 10d6 fire
Full Attack: +1 Sudden Stunning Longsword, +21/16/11 melee, 1d8+6 and 4d6 fire damage, or Flame Lash, +20/15/10 ranged touch, 1d8+5+4d6 fire (range 15 ft).
Stats: Strength 20, Dexterity 20, Constitution 20, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 6, Charisma 30
Saves: Fort +31 Ref +29 Will +21 (+10 on saves vs spells/spell-like abilities. Immune to Mind Affecting effects)
Special Attacks: Daylight 1/day, Hexblade's Curse 2/day, Flame Lash, Nimbus, Greater Weapon Afire, Bolt of Fire, Firewalk, Heat Death, Conflagration, Aura of Despair, Smite Good 1/day, Detect Good
Special Qualities: Arcane Resistance, Mettle, Resist 5 Cold, Electricity, and Acid, Darkvision 60 ft, Dark Companion, Fear No Fire, Dark Blessing, Aura of Despair, Poison Use
Feats: Dreadful Wrath, Willing Deformity, Wild Talent, Combat Casting, Abominable Form, Imperious Command, Power Attack, Willing Deformity (Madness), Reflexive Psychosis, Cleave, Improved Sunder, Ability Focus (Heat Death)
Skills: Intimidate +43, Bluff +11, Concentration +19 (+23 casting defensively), Spot +0, Listen +0, Hide +11, Knowledge (Psionics) +3, Craft(Alchemy)+2
Items: Wings of Flying of Charisma +6 and resistance +5, Gloves of Dexterity +6 and Energy Transformation, Amulet of Health +6, Belt of Giant's Strength +6, +2 Fearsome Mithral chain shirt, +1 Sudden Stunning Longsword (DC 31, 10/day), Hexbands, Hat of Disguise, Eternal Wand of Hound of Doom, Veil of Allure, Tome of Leadership and Influence +1, Ring of Freedom of Movement, Ring of Evasion,
Spells: 3/day (DC 21)
1) Protection From Good, Charm Person
PP: 2/day
Hexblade's Curse: As previous. DC 26
Dreadful Wrath: As before, DC 31
Abominable Form: As before, DC 23
Heat Death: DC 28
Conflagration: DC 27
Combining stacking save penalties with Heat Death results in instakill capacity on many enemies. That DC 28 Heat Death can be combined with a -6 save penalty (shaken, Dark Companion, Aura of Despair), without even cursing, making a very difficult save for even a Balor. Stacking Dark Blessing and Arcane Resistance is utterly brutal, and Ring of Evasion + Mettle rounds out the immunity to most spells. Reflexive Psychosis is effectively DR 5/- any round you have a swift action, and improves survivability a fair bit. Intimidate, of course, is so high that you might be able to scare the Tarrasque.
With about 400000 gold left over, boosting AC and utility capacity shouldn't be difficult, especially since you can use wands of Blackguard and Hexblade spells.