Bard colleges aren't really worth much. Here's the quick rundown:
Blackburn College
Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Knowledge (the planes) become cross-class
Gain +1 to Diplomacy and Gather Information
Brendelwood Academy
knw (dungeon) and hide become cross-class
Gain +1 to climb and knw (nature)
Highspire University
Disguise and Sleight of Hand become cross-class
+1 to knw (history) and knw (the planes)
Society of Symphonic Sortilege
Escape artist and tumble become cross-class
+1 to decipher script and knw (arcana)
Is LA buyoff from Unearthed Arcana allowed? The Draconic template from Races of the Dragon page 74 seems like it'd be nice here, mostly for the stat boosts but the save boosts versus sleep and paralysis effects are useful too as is the theme.
Savage Bard could work well with the different saves and spells. Reflex isn't usually a big deal while fort and will are.
You might want to look at for more Inspire Courage stuff.
You might not need to take Song of the Heart as a regular feat. Page 34 of Eberron Campaign Setting has the section "Music of Creation" which allows taking certain feats in place of getting a new bardic music ability, and Song of the Heart is one of them. However, it could be seen as a bit cheesy to replace Inspire Competence with it since the feat itself says it requires Inspire Competence. Your mileage might vary.