What's Feat Rogue doing for you in this build?
Given the goal of Tanking + Healing, as others have noted, a melee Cleric is a better option. Unless you wanted to eschew full spellcasting. I believe the Prestige Paladin is on the SRD, so you can just go with that, assuming you can get the DM to swing Prestige Paladin of Freedom. Otherwise, ditch Paladin entirely and go for Clericy goodness. You can feel free to dip a couple of levels into Fighter for feats and weapons -- it's a caster level hit, but it won't ruin your life.
Sword and Board, alas, isn't well supported in the limited sources you have. But, hell, you're a cleric, so you don't necessarily need the most optimal fighting style. I'd pick up Stand Still to help you be "sticky" and let you keep them on you, and then you and the Druid's Animal Companion can form an invincible shield wall. Given that you have essentially no prestige class options available, that's sort of the best you can do.