Author Topic: Ashworm Dragooning: need critiques  (Read 2476 times)

Offline Silent Wayfarer

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Ashworm Dragooning: need critiques
« on: November 20, 2011, 09:22:04 AM »
So I'm building a level 16 Paladin Ashworm Dragoon, with an eye toward making a supermount. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right (I don't think I am). Should I be using a dragon (very young gold comes to mind) for a mount instead? Other critiques would be nice.

Strongheart Halfling
Paladin 5 / Beastmaster 1 / Ashworm Dragoon 4 / Halfling Outrider 6

Halfling 1 Mounted Combat
Level 3 Skill Focus (Handle Animal)
Level 6 Ride-By Attack
Ashworm Dragoon 2 Mounted Archery
Level 9 Devoted Tracker
Level 12 Natural Bond
Level 15 (free)

Fluffy the Terrible
Large Magical Beast
HD: 21d10+63
Initiative: +2
Speed: 40ft., burrow 40ft. climb 15ft.
AC: 38 (-1 size +2 Dex +27 natural), touch 11, flatfooted 36
Base Attack/Grapple: +21/+34
Attack: Sting +30 melee 1d6+13 (20/x2)
Full Attack: Sting +30/+25 melee 1d6+13 (20/x2)
Space/Reach: 10ft/5ft
Special Attacks: N/A
Special Qualities: Evasive Diver, Tremorsense 60ft, Command other Ashworms, share spells, share saves, link, empathic link, evasion, improved evasion
Saves: Fort +15 Ref +14 Will +8
Abilities: Str 28 Dex 14 Con 17 Int 8 Wis 13 Cha 6


Empathic Link
Improved Evasion
Share Spells
Share Saves
Improved Speed
Command other Ashworms
« Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 09:28:20 AM by Silent Wayfarer »


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Re: Ashworm Dragooning: need critiques
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2011, 08:46:27 PM »
You can get Mounted Combat from a magic item.  Track too, which you need for Devoted Tracker.

Ashworm dragoon is nice for infinite deflection, but an Ashworm only has one attack.  Not a huge problem if you plan to lance charge as your primary attack.  As is though, your build lacks even mounted Full attack.

here are two suggestions for an Ashworm build.

Pal5/BM1/Vandalis Beastkeeper5/Ashworm Dragoon9

Stack 2 VBk levels with Beastmaster, and 3 with paladin.  you get a 23HD ashworm with the Magebred template powering it up further.

Pal5/Bm1/Wild Plains Outrider1/Ashworm dragoon9/Prestige Ranger2

Use the Gloves of the Balanced Hand to qualify for ranger, and pick up Endurance + Steadfast Determination so you can use Tremendous Charge without ever breaking your lance.  Use a bonus feat from dragoon to pick up Martial Stance: Leading the Charge to add 1/2 HD in damage to every charge.  Also gives you a 23 HD ashworm.

If you want a mount that can fight.... yes, please do get a dragon.  Dragon Steed is the feat you need.

Paladin5/Beastmaster1/Vandalis Beastkeeper5/Faith Scion9


Paladin6/Beastmaster1/Wild Plains Outrider3/Faith Scion10. 
Use the ACF from... i think Expedition to Castle Ravenloft that gives your Mount Deathward at paladin 6.  This gives you Wild Plains Offensive so you can fight alongside your mount.


Paladin5/beastmaster1/Halfling Outrider/Faith Scion 
Split the levels between the latter two however you like.  19th level paladin Mount, 21st level Animal companion.  Crazy.