Author Topic: The most math-heavy feat ever  (Read 11526 times)

Offline Craiconn

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Re: The most math-heavy feat ever
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2014, 09:50:52 AM »

Meschlum, on pg. 3, is doing an interesting job at getting down to the meaty part of what we *really* want to know. That being, exactly how many ranks of Knowledge: Enginneering do you need to make a specific level of a metamagic-augmented spell an absolute certainty (I'll assume that means 100%) to be cast via Sacred Geometry.

Because I think a good portion of us wouldn't want to use it at levels where the gamble to lose the slot is just too high. That "too high" percentage total for me is probably somewhere in the low 90s and lower.

I'm also thinking that I'd use a non-guaranteed Sacred Geometry boosted spell only out of combat, as I stated earlier, the 3.5 version of Echoing Spell (the PF version is nerfed) seems like a no-brainer.

Also, taking SG as a high level feat with maxed-out Knowledge: Engineering is about ideal for absolute certainty of success. Especially for persisting 1st through 3rd level spells.

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: The most math-heavy feat ever
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2014, 04:24:27 PM »
(reads link)
I didn't try the programmed math sorts.

It feels like factoring out a Ken Ken puzzle.
The feat that goes to d8 gets 7s into the mix.
2 or 2s * 3 * 5 * 7, yeah that can ascend quickly.

The gitp guys are figuring out the basics rather quickly.
Get a 1 via 2 adjacent numbers like 3-2=1 , or 2 same numbers 3/3=1.
Get a 0 via 2 same numbers 3-3=0.  Multiply 0*(excess dice)=0.
Sum 1 is big multiply near.
Sum 2 is small multiply nearer +/-.
Sum 3 is very small local adjust.

"Reasonable" DM-ing of course shouldn't allow an App at the table.
Do the math sucka, and fast.

Einstein + App is still << Pit Fiend.
 :D  :P
Your codpiece is a mimic.