Years and years and years ago there were books printed that actually explained the way the multiverse was put together. We're talking D&D basic here. That's always been my problem with manual of the planes and the planar handbook is that it never got into the nuts and bolts of HOW cosmology worked.
I find the D&D immortals boxed set had the best set of rules on cosmology. Basically summed up:
Take 2-d creature and do 3-D things around it. It will think you are magical.
So a 3-D universe is our world.
A 4-D universe is a world with magic.
A 5-D universe is a world with Gods.
When two universes collide they both lose a dimension for a short period of time. A 5-D down grades to a 4-D. Hit it again with another universe, it down grades again to 3-D.
And before you ask, can you hit it again to reduce it again? No. It's too thin. At 3-D it would be like trying to crush a pin with a balloon. You'd need another pin and need to hit it JUST right. Not impossible, just very unlikely, because the planes only remain compressed for a few centuries, at most.
Frankly, there are no real rules on cosmology and you'd be making it all up anyways, So I just use those rules. They are as good as any others.