Find Lady Moonfire (Scales of War - Chapter 2 - Siege at Warcrown's Watch)
The leader of the town of Loudwater has left to explore an old tower in the High Forest outside of Dire Wood with a band known as Blood's Brotherhood. Councilman Eoffram Troyas. The Lady's half brother fears the worst with so much time passing, and has asked that you find her and return her to safety.
(In-Progress)Go to Sundabar (Scales of War - Chapter 2 - Siege at Warcrown's Watch)
Sundabar needs able bodied help in defending Warcrown's Watch. it's fortress in the mountain pass to the Vale. If it should fall to the orc hoard amassing, then all the vale will be in danger.
(In-Progress)Who is the Emissary? (Scales of War - Chapter 1 - Rescue at Rivenroar)
A letter found on Sinruth, the leader of the Red Fist of Doom, was from someone known only as the Emissary. This mysterious figure appears to have been supporting or helping guide Sinruth to greater achievements. Who is he and what else might he have a hand in?
(In-Progress)Rescue the Townsfolk (Scales of War - Chapter 1 - Rescue at Rivenroar)
Several townsfolk from Loudwater were taken by the revived Red Fist of Doom. Follow the hobgoblins back to their hideout and rescue the prisoners, returning them to Loudwater. (Successful)
Return the Relics (Scales of War - Chapter 1 - Rescue at Rivenroar)
The relics of the last Red Fist war are kept in a museum called the Hall of Great Valor in Loudwater. A number were taken during the restored Red Fist's raid on the town. Find these relics and return them to Loudwater. (Successful)