Author Topic: Character for two-man game  (Read 1908 times)

Offline muktidata

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Character for two-man game
« on: August 29, 2014, 08:29:19 PM »
Hey, guys. I'm working on a character for a game with two players and a DM. The DM is really good at off-the-cuff stuff and will challenge us according to our capabilities so wherever I go with my character, he'll follow. The other character is going to be a focused specialist Necromancer and make hordes, save or suck, etc. He's intentionally not doing it out of Cleric, Dread Necro, etc.

I'm going to play a skill-based character since the other guy will cover melee to some extent and casting to some extent. I'd like to figure out a few paths I could go with my build, though, in case RP'ing takes me in a different direction. I've started off my build not committing t too much and just keeping my character somewhat open. I was thinking about being big, stupid, and fighting a bit since I aaaaaaaaaam a Changeling.

Chaotic Good Changeling

Rogue 2/Ranger 1

Stats (unarranged):


Martial Rogue 1 & 2
Changeling Rogue 1
Goliath Rogue 2
Elf Ranger 1
Arcane Hunter
Trap Expert
Shape-changing Ranger (Fast Movement at no trade)

1: Nymph's Kiss
Flaw: Racial Emulation
Flaw: Able Learner
Rogue: Knowledge Devotion (ruled as a Fighter feat)
Rogue 2: Mage Slayer (BAB requirement waived)
3: ????

I'm thinking about:
Iajutsu Focus
Variant'ed Paladin of Freedom 2 or Lion+Wolf Totem Barbarian 2 leading to Warshaper

And that's about as far ahead as I've thought. Iajutsu Focus seems good with pounce.  :plotting

Anyway, I've looked around Google a bit, but what are some Changeling tips and tricks. Also, how the hell do you name a Changeling (who isn't currently disguised)?
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Offline faeryn

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Re: Character for two-man game
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2014, 09:49:11 PM »
Can't offer much assistance on the build but I can help with the last bit:

Anyway, I've looked around Google a bit, but what are some Changeling tips and tricks. Also, how the hell do you name a Changeling (who isn't currently disguised)?

Changeling Tips:
Take advantage of Change Shape to safely move into flanking positions and with the right setup a few sneak attacks in the process.
Pick up the skill tricks Assume Quirk, Second Impression, and Mosquito's Bite. This will help with the previous tip.
A good disguise check can in many situations be more effective than Invisibility, just be prepared to Hide or fight if things go south.

Naming a Changeling:
In the Eberron campaign setting book it actually covers this topic in a short but to the point paragraph. Typically, Changelings have short names rarely consisting of more than 1 or 2 syllables. The only other naming convention besides that is that their names are usually also gender neutral.

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Re: Character for two-man game
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2014, 12:10:25 AM »
I won't have sneak attack. Martial Rogue trades it away for Fighter feats. I'll be skilling up Iajutsu Focus, though, so people being denied their Dex bonus will benefit me.

I'm currently considering 0 points into Hide and Move Silently. There's too much else I want to do. With the social perks of being a Changeling Rogue, Nymph's Kiss, a high CHA, and maxing out talking skills, and being a master of disguise, I don't plan on sneaking much.

The name is freaking me out. Mimic? Ditto? I was thinking about Murdoc. That's a little too dark, though. I have no idea on the name..
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Offline faeryn

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Re: Character for two-man game
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2014, 12:41:03 AM »
I'm playing a Changeling Spellthief in a campaign currently and I named her Cyra... short, simple, barely 2 syllables, and can very well be gender neutral.

Most changeling names are only a single syllable though... but the problem with that is you'd find yourself with a name that is little more than a random sound... Something you can do to help pick a name though would be to think about the character's background... were they raised in a changeling society or did they grow up among other races? if they were raised among other races then they may have been taught at a young age to disguise themselves as a member of the local race and were likely given a name suited to that race rather than a typical changeling name. Though "given" isn't really the right word since changelings unlike most races name themselves rather than be named by a parent, just like how they choose their gender. A changeling's name doesn't have to be gender neutral, they just typically are due to the fact that a changeling can change its gender at will and most changelings don't typically associate to one select gender, so picking a name that is gender neutral is a common practice. If you want your changeling to associate to a selected gender then you can ignore that naming convention entirely if you so desire.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2014, 12:44:49 AM by faeryn »