Author Topic: Ultroloth  (Read 4899 times)

Offline Shifty

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« on: October 07, 2014, 01:52:16 AM »

UltrolothHD: d8





Yugoloth Body, Hypnotic Gaze, Fires of the Furnace Below, +1 Dex
Telepathy, Yugoloth Power, Yugoloth Resistances, +1 Cha
Grey Gloom (Enfeeblement), +1 Dex
Ultroloth Magic, Hypnotic Gaze (move action), +1 Cha
Sinister Whisper, Yugoloth Resistances, +1 Con
Grey Gloom (Fatigue), +1 Dex
Yugoloth Power, Hypnotic Gaze (shaken), +1 Cha
Ultroloth Magic, Yugoloth Resistances, +1 Dex
Grey Gloom (Enervation), Yugoloth Magic, +1 Cha
Chains of the Prison Plane, Hypnotic Gaze (move or swift), +1 Con

Skill Points: 6 + Int modifier per level (x4 at 1st level). Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana, The Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, and Spot.

Proficiencies: Ultroloths are proficient with all simple weapons plus any one one-handed martial melee weapon, chosen at 1st level. They are not proficient with any armor or shields.

Class Features
Yugoloth Body (Ex): At first level, an ultroloth loses all other racial bonuses and traits and gains outsider traits (darkvision 60 ft., no need to eat or sleep). It is a medium size outsider with a natural armor bonus equal to half its Con modifier and a land speed of 30 ft.

Ability Increase (Ex): An Ultroloth gains +1 to Dexterity at 1st, 3rd, 6th, and 8th levels; +1 to Charisma at 2nd, 4th, 7th, and 9th levels; and +1 Con at 5th and 10th levels. This gives them a total of +4 Dex, +4 Cha, and +2 Con

Hypnotic Gaze (Su): The ultraloth gains a mesmerizing gaze that lulls creatures into a stupor when they meet his swirling colorful stare. Starting at 1st level, the ultroloth can use its gaze attack as standard action against a target that can see it within 25 ft. + 5 ft./2 HD; the target must make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha) or be fascinated. Once the ultraloth has fascinated a creature, it must maintain concentration (as a standard action) to keep the effect going. Should it break concentration (or choose not to concentrate at all), the fascinated creature regains its wits a number of rounds later equal to the ultroloth's Charisma modifier (or immediately, if the ultroloth has a modifier of +0 or lower). The effect also ends in the same manner if the target no longer has line of sight to the ultroloth. This effect is a mind-affecting illusion. Like all gaze attacks, opponents can take certain precautions to avoid the ultroloth's hypnotic gaze, such as by averting their eyes, closing their eyes, using a mirror, etc. A target that has successfully saved against an ultroloth's hypnotic gaze is immune to it for 24 hours, though a target that has broken free due to lapse in concentration or line of sight gains no such protection.

At 4th level, maintaining concentration on a creature that has been fascinated becomes a move action. The ultraloth can maintain concentration on a number of fascinated creatures equal to its Charisma modifier (minimum 1), using a single move action for all of them.

At 7th level, the ultroloth may use its gaze attack to make a subject shaken rather than fascinated. The shaken effect lasts for the same duration (concentration plus a number of rounds equal to the ultroloth's Charisma modifier). It may freely choose which effect to inflict when using its gaze, and may concentrate on maintaining subjects with either condition as a move action.

At 10th level, the ultroloth may maintain concentration on subjects affected by its hypnotic gaze as either a move or swift action (as it chooses). Further, subjects fascinated by the ultroloth's gaze no longer receive a new saving throw when a potential threat appears, and an obvious threat does not automatically break the condition (though it does allow a new saving throw).

At 13 HD, if all levels of the ultroloth class have been taken, the ultroloth may use its gaze attack to make a subject nauseated rather than fascinated. Unlike other effects of its hypnotic gaze, the nauseating effect is not mind-affecting (though it is still an illusion). The nauseated condition lasts for the same duration as other gaze effects and the ultroloth may freely choose which condition to inflict when using its gaze.

At 16 HD, if all levels of the ultroloth class have been taken, the ultroloth's hypnotic gaze affects creatures immune to illusions. Such creatures gain a +5 bonus to their Will saves.

Fires of the Furnace Below (Sp): The ultroloth can summon its connection to the furnaces of Gehenna to produce a ray of fire as a standard action at will, similar to a scorching ray spell. The ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit and deals 1d6 points of fire damage, plus an additional +1d6 fire damage for every 3 HD the ultroloth has. The ray has a range equal to 25 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 HD the ultraloth possesses. Spell resistance applies to attacks with ray.

Starting at 8th level, the ultroloth can produce the fires of the furnace below as an attack action, allowing it to make its full iterative attacks with the ray or mix it with manufactured weapon attacks as desired.

Telepathy (Su): The ultroloth gains telepathy with a range of 5 feet plus 5 feet per Hit Die at 2nd level. It can communicate with any creature that has a language using its telepathy.

Yugoloth Resistances (Ex): At 2nd level, the ultroloth gains a bonus to saves against poison equal to its total Hit Dice and acid resistance equal to 5 times its Hit Dice. At 5th level, it gains resistance to cold, fire, and electricity equal to its Hit Dice. At 8th level, it becomes immune to acid and gains spell resistance equal to 11 + HD; it can raise or lower this resistance as a free action.

Three Grey Glooms (Sp): As the ultroloth becomes more powerful, it learns ways to charge its fires of the furnace below attack with the wasting energy of one of its other home planes, Hades. Once per day per Hit Die it possesses, the ultroloth may infuse one of its cinders of Gehenna with a necromantic spell effect as a swift action immediately before shooting it. The ultroloth may choose any of the three options below that it has learned any time it activates uses this ability. There is no saving throw for any of the three grey gloom options, but spell resistance does apply. Targets hit by a grey gloom ray still take the normal fire damage from the fires of the furnace below, in addition to the extra effect.

--Enfeeblement: At 3rd level, the ultroloth may grant his ray an effect similar to a ray of enfeeblement, giving a penalty to Strength equal to 1d6, +1 per two Hit Dice (maximum 1d6+5). If this ray successfully inflicts a Strength penalty to another creature, any penalty to the ultraloth's Strength score is dispelled or it heals 1d6 points of Strength damage, as chosen by the ultroloth.

--Fatigue: At 6th level, the ultraloth may grant his ray the ability to fatigue the target for 1 minute per Hit Die; if the target is already fatigued, it becomes exhausted. If the ultroloth is fatigued, it loses that condition should this gloom cause another creature to become fatigued; if it was exhausted, it becomes fatigued.

--Enervation:  At 9th level, the ultraloth's grey glooms can be used to give the target a negative level. This negative level automatically expires after 24 hours. If this ray succeeds in giving another creature a negative level, one negative level being suffered by the ultroloth is removed.

Ultroloth Magic (Sp): As the ultroloth grows in power, it masters many strange magics. It gains the following spell-like abilities starting at 4th level; caster level is equal to the ultroloth's total Hit Dice, and all saving throws required have a DC of 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha.

4th level: alter self, deeper darkness, invisibility, see invisibility (all usable 1/day per Hit Die)

8th level: gaseous form, prying eyes (each usable 1/day per 2 Hit Die)

9th level: scrying, wall of fire (each usable 1/day per 3 Hit Die)

Sinister Whisper (Su): Starting at 5th level, an ultroloth can, as a standard action, use its telepathy to implant a suggestion (as the spell) to any creature currently fascinated by its hypnotic gaze, up to 1/day per 2 Hit Dice. The creature gets a Will save to resist (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha). Because it is delivered directly to the brain, it is not a language-dependent effect (though it is still a mind-affecting effect). As a supernatural ability, spell resistance does not apply.

At 11 HD, the ultraloth can put a geas on the subject instead of instilling a suggestion.

At 17 HD, an ultraloth can give the same suggestion to every creature he has fascinated at the same time as a full-round action, as mass suggestion.

Yugoloth Power (Su): At 2nd level, the ultroloth gains the Evil subtype; its natural and weapon attacks count as Evil for purposes of overcoming damage reduction. At 7th level, the ultroloth gains DR X / good, where X is equal to one-half its Hit Dice.

Chains of the Prison Plane (Sp): At 10th level, the ultroloth learns to infuse the power of its third home plane, the prison plane of Tarterus, into its fires of the furnace below attacks. Any target struck by two or more of the ultroloth's rays in the same round (whether or not any of them were infused with the grey glooms and whether or not the target was immune to the fire damage) must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Dex) or be entangled for 1 round per Hit Die of the ultroloth. Even on a successful save, the subject is still entangled for 1 round. For every additional ray that strikes the target in the same round after the first two, the subject takes a -2 penalty to their save.

Alternate Class Feature: Warlock of the Lower Planes
You have learned magic from one of the mighty lords of the yugoloths.
Level: 1st
Replaces: You do not gain the Fires of the Furnace Below, Three Grey Glooms, Chains of the Prison Plane, and Ultroloth Magic class abilities.
Benefit: You gain the unholy power of a warlock. At 1st level, you gain the eldritch blast, invocations known, and highest grade invocation known of a 1st level warlock. Your effective warlock level increases by 1 at every odd-numbered ultroloth class level, so that you will have the eldritch blast and invocation selection of a 5th level warlock when you are a 9th level ultroloth. Your caster level for all of your invocations remains your actual ultroloth level, however. If you take levels in the warlock class, your effective warlock level is added to your actual warlock level to determine your total eldritch blast power and invocations known, while your full ultroloth level is added to your caster level.

Alternate Class Feature: Cloak of the Mind
Your telepathic whispers leave your victims unable to sense you.
Level: 5th
Replaces: You do not gain the Sinister Whisper class ability.
Benefit: Once per day per 2 Hit Die, the ultraloth may use cloud mind (as the psionic power) against a creature that it has fascinated (Will DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha negates) as a standard action. The cloud mind effect lasts for 1 minute per Hit Die the ultroloth possesses. Because the subject can no longer perceive the ultroloth, threatening actions it takes will not break the fascinated condition. At 17 HD, the ultroloth can cloud the mind of every creature it has fascinated as a full-round action. As a supernatural ability, spell resistance does not apply.

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« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 07:24:53 PM by Shifty »

Offline oslecamo

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Re: Ultroloth
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2014, 01:17:22 PM »
Ok, here's my critique:
-First of all I quite like your approach of customizing several of the SLAs and then making them combo with each other, and looks relatively balanced to boot. Plus the whole "inflict condition to heal condition" is extremley flavourful for an Evil outsider.
-Any reason why Ultroloth magic only gives Wall of Fire and Scrying at 12 HD after the class is finished? It's not like those are high level spells, or even particularly good low-level ones. You could probably put them in the 9th level without much trouble, where otherwise all the Ultroloth is gaining is the enervation option.
-In a similar note something like Evil subtype should come much earlier, 2nd or even 1st.
-The only thing that looks like it may be a bit OP is the Warlock of the Lower Planes ACF. Now ok I agree that warlocks are a bit on the weaker side, but I also consider they're still more than able to pull their weight on your average party, in particular if you aren't playing 15 minute workdays. At least I would suggest that this ACF reduces the HD, skill points and saves of the ultroloth to warlock level.

So overall very good first work on your part!

Offline Shifty

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Re: Ultroloth
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2014, 07:14:20 PM »
-Any reason why Ultroloth magic only gives Wall of Fire and Scrying at 12 HD after the class is finished? It's not like those are high level spells, or even particularly good low-level ones. You could probably put them in the 9th level without much trouble, where otherwise all the Ultroloth is gaining is the enervation option.

No reason other than OCD; I put the other Magic powers at 4th and 8th, so the third one came at 12th. And previously, 9th had more stuff on it before revisions. I have no problem moving them up.

-In a similar note something like Evil subtype should come much earlier, 2nd or even 1st.

OK, that's fair. I mostly was focused on the DR, which I thought should be a little later since it's supposed to be "squishier" compared to the other yugoloths. But there's no reason I can't split the Evil type from the DR.

-The only thing that looks like it may be a bit OP is the Warlock of the Lower Planes ACF. Now ok I agree that warlocks are a bit on the weaker side, but I also consider they're still more than able to pull their weight on your average party, in particular if you aren't playing 15 minute workdays. At least I would suggest that this ACF reduces the HD, skill points and saves of the ultroloth to warlock level.

That sounds like a good idea. I wasn't 100% sold on it myself, but it just seemed like the ultroloth came so close to being a warlock+ that I would offer the option to take it all the way.

I will tweak!

Offline Shifty

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Re: Ultroloth
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2014, 07:26:37 PM »
Decided to go a different way on the ACF: Now it uses one-half your ultroloth level (rounding up) as your warlock level for purposes of eldritch blast and invocations, but your full level for caster level (because otherwise you'll never get through spell resistance). Does that address your concerns?

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Re: Ultroloth
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2014, 11:27:46 AM »
Yes, added to the index, very nice work! Hope to see your other yugoloths!