Author Topic: Pummeling Pets, or Pouncing Pummeling Pets Oh My!![ PF]  (Read 1526 times)

Offline Hallack

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Pummeling Pets, or Pouncing Pummeling Pets Oh My!![ PF]
« on: September 22, 2014, 11:13:39 AM »
So I've been playing in a game with a Summoner that has a quadruped Eidolon and DR difficulties and lots of natural attacks got me to thinking....

Pummeling Pet!! 

(Caveat: Yes, I realize this feat will likely be changed to make this idea and discussion irrelevant down the line.  Until then lets have fun :) )

Some pets start with Pounce, others don't.  Animal Companions and Eidolons are the creatures on my mind since they gain their own feats over time.

Before Pummeling let's fight with Style, Dragon Style!
Dragon Style!  - For two feats including Improved Unarmed Strike, 15Strength, and 3 Skill points in Acrobatics you pet can be charging over Difficult Terrain and through Allies which should have HUGE impact on its offensive capabilities. 

Eidolons can accomplish this at 3rd level.
Druid, Hunter, and Ranger Animal Companions can accomplish at 5th level due to how their feats fall. 

If retraining is allowed for Companions Druids and Hunters could have the feat at 3rd level as well.

Pummeling Style
This style requires Improved Unarmed Strike and BAB+6.

If retraining is allowed Eidolons could have the feat at the Summoner's 8th level.  If not they with have to wait for 9th level when they receive a new feat.

Animal Companions meet the BAB requirements at 9th level for Druids and Hunters.  Ranger Companions have to wait for 12th level. Without Retraining however the Druid/hunter companions have to wait for new feat at 10th level, 13th for the Ranger.

These feats, particularly Dragon Style, are attainable at levels that make them viable for use in the majority of games. 

Pummeling Charge of course would also be great but it would come online a bit too late to make it into most games.  Eidolons meet BAB requirements at 15th level and get next feat at 17th.  Animal Companions do not get the BAB until 20th level making it possible to take the feat only if retaining is allowed. 

It should be noted that...
Boon Companion Featof course normalizes Ranger Companion Development to the same progression as Druid/Hunters.