Author Topic: 3E /3.5 -- Building a druid  (Read 5648 times)

Offline Goodman

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3E /3.5 -- Building a druid
« on: September 27, 2014, 08:41:36 AM »
Hi all together.

i am rolling a druid for a campaign of a friend, and i need some advice for stats/feats/skills:)
We are playing 3E with the prestige class book (defenders of faith, masters of wild [...] )
GM allowed me to take some things from 3.5 books like feats, races and so on. 

We're starting with Lv 3
I rolled : 15, 15, 13, 10, 10, 9  ( not the best stats to start with, i know )
i talked to my GM and we decided to give my character a +2 WIS -2 CH, due his background story, aside from his racial attribute changes)

my plan:
ST: 9
DEX:   10      
CO: 15      
WIS:   17   (15+2)
INT: 13         
CH: 8   (10-2)

My playstyle : i think, I'll play something between a caster & front-liner with wildshape.
(summoner is not an option. see feat section)

Race: i thought about taking Killoren from Races of the Wild, but i am open for suggestions.

I will take Nature spell at Lv 6. thats for sure. but what about the other feats ?
Spellfocus (Conjuration) + Augment Summoning (3.5 variant) is a possibility, but we have a group of 5 players (2 are are new to DnD) + my animal companion. and i think playing a summoner with 1D4 buffed summonings would slow the fight down even more.
Any other feat suggestions?

Skills: With 13 int i would have 30 skill points with lv3.

Knowledge (nature): 6
Diplomacy: 6
Spellcraft: 6         (GM suggestion)
Concentration: 6
Handle Animal: 6

Animal companion: (we use the 3.5 PHB variant of the animal companion list and level progress)

My idea: Riding Dog, and with lv 4, switch to Ape.

Thank you for reading and helping me. I am sorry for my bad english. I am not a native speaker  :D

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: 3E /3.5 -- Building a druid
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2014, 03:55:44 PM »
No problems ... the game has to go International to expand.

There's a handbook called The Quickstart Druid guide, here:
... and similar enough to 3.0e to work just fine.
However maybe someone on the board here, has a trick
or two specific to the 3.0e version.

Stats ... the standard "point buy" array is 15 , 14 , 13 , 12 , 10 , 8.
So you're nearly right in the middle of that.

Race ... Human is usually the better choice,
but Druid is a strong enough class to handle
whatever race you want to throw at it.
Kiloren can work just fine.
Your codpiece is a mimic.

Offline Chemus

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Re: 3E /3.5 -- Building a druid
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2014, 05:47:31 PM »
The Druid's Handbook is a great place to start. 3.0 Wild shape is a version of 3.0 polymorph, which lets you keep extraordinary abilities (mostly darkvision).

As for races, consider the Jermlaine (MMII, LA 0 w/ 3.5 it's intended to be playable). A fey with horrible physical stats, but tiny size. (-8 str, +6 dex, -2 con, -2 int, +6 wis, -6 cha)

Until 5th level, you'd be a ranged fighter, and caster. Your animal companion could still compete with a fighter well.

Consider a Dragonborn (Races of the Dragon template) Buomann (Planar Handbook). -2 dex, +2 con, +2 wis, -2 cha. Wings, breath weapon, or darkvision, low-light vision, and blindsense. No longer have to not speak, as that was a racial trait of the buomann. Outsider (dragonblood, extraplanar type). Consider the Dragonborn template for the jermlaine as well; it negates the con penalty nicely, just moving the dex bonus down to +4.
Apathy is ...ah screw it.
My Homebrew

Offline Jackinthegreen

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Re: 3E /3.5 -- Building a druid
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2014, 02:28:59 AM »
What is your background story like?  The wisdom change is fairly significant thankfully.

All the rules and such are 3E?  So Haste grants an extra move action and such?

I very much agree on not doing a summoner.  It tends to be a pain even with experienced players, but you might summon a utility creature every now and then such as a unicorn to heal people.

Since it's 3E, what spells/books are allowed from 3.5?