Hello everyone, its been a while.
DnD 3.5
So in my current adventure, my Lv8 gnome beguiler met its maker in the shape of a giant ogre greatsword.
My group is currently trying to find a creative way to bring me back to life... more or less. We are extremely short on wealth so a real resurrection is out of the question. Reincarnation would be possible but there is no temple around the desert in which we are.
Our latest addition to the group is an elvish wizard with a liking to necromancy and some other dark arts. One of his posessions is a magical staff made from a spine and a skull.
We havent completely figured out what this thing is capable of, since we found it, but it can cast death knell to gather charges, which can be used up to cast certain spells. (None of them is anywhere near "good")
And so the idea came up, to revive me in the form of a zombie... which I dont like.
Or a vampire , which would actually be very cool. It fits the beguiler and the character. The problem is obvious, that I would instantly become way more powerfull then the rest of the group.
Not to mention the usual vampire problems like travelling, crossing water and the +8LV adjustment.
Therefore I was looking around for alternatives.
So far the vampire spawn seem more fair for a game then a full blown vampire lord.
But the problems remain.
Of course its up to the DM what can or cant be done, but he likes to hear ideas if we want to play something in particular.
Maybe some homebrewing.
A+1Lv adjustment would be ok for me
So what do you think would be a fair deal for that, slightly more powerfull then a spawn, not too powerfull ? Have you played a vampire before?
Stuff like telepathy, dominate or enthrall would be fitting abilities.
My character is a masterfull alchemist, so maybe I can produce an extra strong sun lotion of some sort... and as I am a gnome I can use a really small coffin to carry it around on my horsy.
I am open for ideas.