I'd like to do a decent Spelldancer, with the primary goal to get the PrC as fast as possible. We start the party at level 4 actually. It seems that Wizzy is the fastest way, to get 3rd level spells (on lvl 5), but I cannot skill perform. So, I'm thinking about a bard... any ideas for a better base class?
Reqs: Combat casting, Dodge, Mobility, Endurance, able to cast 3rd level spells, perform 6, concentration 4, tumble 4
Further I'd want to improve Spelldancer as much as possible to get the best out of it. The tireless feat seems to be a good idea, but is limited to fighters.
Tireless (Fighter)
You can just keep going.
Prerequisites: Con 15
Benefit: You are immune to fatigue. Any effect which would cause you to become exhausted causes you to become fatigued instead.
Special: Tireless can be used in place of the Endurance feat to qualify for a feat, prestige class, or other special ability.
Special: A barbarian receives this feat as a bonus feat at 17th level.
Further, I'm thinking about mixing some PrC on lvl 4, if possible.
Any ideas for the super dancer? Furthermore, any way to use the time while dancing? Or make it less "zzzz... i'm dancing"?
€: Actually i manage to get the needed feats until level 3 or 4 if i take two levels fighter and emulate the 3rd level spells with 1 level wujen (for heighten spell) and human + eldritch corruption or if i take cleric/illumian. Still, i cannot take Spelldancer before level 6 due to the problem, none of these classes provides perform as class skill.