Author Topic: quick Hunter optimization advice? (Pathfinder)  (Read 1694 times)

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quick Hunter optimization advice? (Pathfinder)
« on: January 14, 2015, 04:40:11 PM »
So, I am apparently playing in a 15th level Pathfinder game starting in about 4 hours.  Pathfinder is not my natural habitat, so I'm starting to feel my way around.  The adventure is the Tomb of the Lich Queen, which apparently has some multiversal stuff from Suzerain Savage Mojo in it.  My extremely brief read is that it's akin to Michael Moorcock's eternal champion type of work.

I'll spare you the fluff and get down to brass tacks.  I was planning on making a Hunter 15.  I toyed with an Inquisitor with the Animal Domain as well, but the Hunter seemed more straightforward, I guess.  Inquisitor felt like it had more fiddly bits and skill monkeying.  Also, I wanted to play around with the Teamwork feats, which Hunter hits straightforwardly.

Basic idea:  Samsaran Hunter (Primal Companion Hunter archetype) 15, with a mess of melee Teamwork feats and an AC that trips. 

Any advice as to how to flesh that out would be appreciated.  I have a grasp of the basics -- tripping, Broken Wing Gambit, etc. -- but won't have time to go plumbing the depths of all PF has to offer.  Thanks.