A Cleric 17/ Sorceror 3 (wild) is a nice mix. How you'd want to level him is up to you, but I'd probably go cleric 3, sorc 3, cleric up to 17. I'd actually choose distant spell and twinned spell as metamagics, even if distant spell is poo-pooed as weak. 30' range touch spells is awesome for this role. A combat healer is wonderful, throwing heals or resistance onto whoever needs them the most. Would you stand beside the schlup that just needed your assistance? No, me neither. You could go Sorc 3 (Draconic Gold), just so the Lost Lord sort-of has a Golden Dragon in his slave army, but that'd be boring. Occasional random funkiness adds a nice flare to nova-ing off those sorc spell slots with Wild. Get the spell-slot/metamagic economy going early in the build though, and never look back.
There's not really a terrible domain, but there are some nicer ones.
Even though Nature has some pretty crappy spells, Dampen Elements is absolutely amazing. Free on-call resistance to all the most common spell damage types. A little bit of free anti-resistance weapon damage for you as well.
Trickery means you can not take distant spell, due to Invoke Duplicity doing the same thing, especially at lvl 17. Also, free advantage on stealth all the time for your DPR rogue is nice.
Healing? Well, it's more healing, but boring. Next!
I personally would favour Light in your party makeup, just so you have an extra blaster of some kind. It'll nova out your spell slots pretty damn quickly, but at least it'll get you to lvl 20. It helps the rest of the Lost Lord's party get there as well. Damage < BFC, but you still need damage from somewhere, preferably multi-target damage to soften things up for the Lord's army to deal with. Spreads the load a bit for your actual blaster/BFC magic user when you want, but still brings all the gubbins a cleric brings, with ranged combat medic into the mix. It's a hybrid optional kind of thing. Need extra damage? You've got it. Need healing? You've got it. But you can't do heaps of both. Just evil enough that he'd be allowed to tag along with the Lost Lord though. Your sorcerer will love him come lvl 20. Disadvantage for your enemies against hurty-burny-stuff all the time.
Nature may be more powerful in some ways, but Light spreads the load better. Attack>defense.
You could variant Human the character, give him Magical Initiate (Warlock), just for the Hex spell, because it's an amazing bonus action spell (better twinned). Helps boost your damage a bit, and can synergize beautifully with whatever your group is doing to the poor monster(s). You actually learn the spell, so cast it with sorc or cleric slots all you want. It really is that good that it's worth the feat slot for it.
Umm, take the sage background. It's a weak background in many ways, but you'll need it. Can you cast Wish? No. Not really a problem though, because you've got a nice mix of spells. Can you cast Foresight? No. This is a problem. Your entire adventuring career will be used in tracking down and working out how to cast twinned Foresight.
At least you've got a goal in mind