The Challenge: Design a party of four ECL 12 characters that can perform the feats performed by the characters in
this video. All abilities should be at-will or enough times per day to make it relatively moot. You can assume they all never stop singing. Nothing infinite, no third party, no DCS shuffle, etc. Elegant designs earn more points, elaborate setups, weakly meeting the requirements, or per day limits lose points. Nothing should require setup - all options should be executable at any time.
Specific Requirements - One of the group needs to repeatedly dodge the attacks of a higher-level monk using Touch attacks to trip(large touch AC), execute attacks that chain into other attacks with a thrown weapon, and have a large Perform score, get 'pumped up' by others, execute a single massive hit, and make a diplomacy check in the middle of combat to improve the attitude of a bystander.
Another of the group needs some reason to execute a whole bunch of touch attacks or weak attacks to people who aren't adjacent, as well as 'pumping up' others, and getting 'pumped up' by others.
The third of the group needs to be able to lock down a group of potential attackers so they can't move, and attack anyone who does move, well outside her natural reach, while not using any weapon. She also needs to be able to 'pump up' any member of the group spontaneously as all the others do.
The fourth doesn't need any direct combat abilities but must be subtly supporting whoever is in combat sotto voce.
All four need to be able to sing, and sort of to dance. None can wear any sort of armour.
Points- Are awarded for imaginative builds, proven ability to undertake the feats undertaken in the video, no limitations, and not just hitting the problem with a blunt hammer. Build skeletons are fine - no need to get crazy specific.