[size=18] Kaelik Wizard [/size]
"I heard you like Wizard's, but wanted to create a level 10 character in less than an hour. Have I got something for you."
So a long time ago in a galaxy far far away we were talking about Wizards and mechanics and spells for reasons I don't quite remember but that were vaguely about preparation based casting an infinite uses and/or combat versus noncombat spells being from different or the same pools, and I explained a Wizard based class that was simple and I thought workable. The conversation moved on or something, but I periodically remembered that description, and I kept wanting to make that class. So this is that class.
Prestige Classes: Prestige Classes advance Kaelik Wizard Casting, but do not grant the additional listed class features. In practice this mean you PrC out after level 5 unless you are creating a level 20 character.
Alignment: Wizard's can be any alignment.
Races: Any Race can make a Wizard.
Starting Gold: 6d4x10 gp (100 gold) plus spellbook.
Starting Age: As Wizard.
Hit Die: d4
Class Skills: The Kaelik Wizard's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Dechipher Script (Int), Forgery(Int), Knowledge (Any) (Int), Search (Int), Spellcraft (Int), and Speak Language.
Skills/Level: 2 + Intelligence Bonus
BAB: Bad (1/2), Saves: Fort: Poor; Reflex: Poor; Will: Good
Level, Benefit
1 Spellbooking (15 minutes), Spellcasting (Immediate), Spellcasting (Durational)
2 Summon Familiar, Scribe Scroll,
3 Metamagic Interaction
5 Craft Magic Items, Shorter Durations
20 Archmage
All of the following are Class Features of the Kaelik Wizard class:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Kaelik Wizards are proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff, but not with any type of armor or shield. Armor of any type interferes with a wizard’s movements, which can cause her spells with somatic components to fail.
Special Saving Throw (Ex): Any saving throw triggered by any spellcasting method the Kaelik Wizard uses is always equal to 10+1/2 character level+Int modifier, regardless of spell level.
Spellbooking (15 minutes): A Kaelik Wizard begins play with a spellbook that is exactly like a Core Wizard's Spellbook. At every level up she can write in two additional spells to the spellbook of the highest level she can cast. The highest spell level she can cast is exactly the same as a Core Wizard with the same number of class levels. She can also add more spells to this spellbook in the same way a Core Wizard can.
At any time and for any reason, with 15 minutes of uninterrupted reading a spell out of a spellbook, the Kaelik Wizard can cast that spell immediately at the end of the 15 minutes. The Kaelik Wizard can even do that with someone else's spellbook too, or a looted spellbook. That is 150 consecutive full round actions of reading, followed by the spell being cast in the very next round (or rounds for longer casting time spells).
However, if the duration of the spell is anything longer than 15 minutes, the spell's duration is reduced to 15 minutes.
Spellcasting (Immediate): A Kaelik Wizard starts at level 1 with 6 spell slots, and ends at level 19 with 6 spell slots. At the cost of 15 minutes of preparation, a Kaelik Wizard can prepare 6 different spells, one per each slot from any spellbook(s) she has access to. A Kaelik Wizard may not prepare the same spell more than once. Once a spell is in a slot, the Kaelik Wizard can expend that spell from the slot to begin casting that spell instantly, as if she had just read and mumbled for 15 minutes over a spellbook.
If the duration of the spell is anything longer than 15 minutes, the spell's duration is reduced to 15 minutes.
Spellcasting (Durational): A Kaelik Wizard may cast some spells with a duration longer than 15 minutes. These spells must have a duration that is 10 minutes per level, hours per level, or have a duration longer than 30 minutes. Any spell which requires concentration may not be cast in this way. A Kaelik Wizard may cast one such spell in 15 minutes, or she may cast as many durational spells as she is capable of maintaining in one 15 minute block. After casting the spell, the duration becomes permanent so long as the Kaelik Wizard expends a duration slot to keep the spell active.
The Kaelik Wizard gains one level 1 duration slot at level 1. At each level that a Kaelik Wizard gains access to a new spell level, she gains a duration slot of that spell level, to a maximum of 9 duration slots total, one for each spell level at level 17.
A Kaelik Wizard may cease to use a duration slot to maintain a spell as a swift action, and at that time the spell immediately ends.
SPECIAL NOTE: For most spells, the distinction between instantaneous creation and permanent is just a question of whether the effect should be dispellable. However, for the Kaelik Wizard, it determines whether the spell uses up a duration slot. While I don't know of anything off the top of my head, there might exist an Instantaneous Duration spell that the DM should require to use a duration slot.
Summon Familiar: At level 2 a Kaelik Wizard gains a Familiar the same as a Sorcerer or Wizard. This can also be traded for all the weird things that any Wizard or Sorcerer could trade a Familiar for. The Kaelik Wizard does not need to meet the qualifications for this swap, so she can get Abrupt Jaunt even though she cannot specialize, and she can get Draconic Heritage or a Drakken Familiar without having the Dragonblood subtype.
Scribe Scroll: At level 2 a Kaelik Wizard gains Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat.
Metamagic Interaction: At level 3 a Kaelik Wizard gains the ability to cast level 2 spells. At this time, it should be made clear that any metamagic effect applied to a durational spell requires a higher durational slot to be used. In additional, at level 3, all 6 Kaelik Wizard spell slots are considered level 2 spell slots. This increase will occur again each time the Kaelik Wizard gains access to a higher level slot. So a Kaelik Wizard could choose to prepare a Silent Color Spray at this time.
Extending or Persisting a spell can bring it over the 30 minute duration that makes it capable of being applied to a duration slot, however, the spell must use a duration slot that is sufficiently high level to accommodate the new spell level.
Any method of applying a metamagic feat without increasing the spell level, such as Sudden Metamagic, a Metamagic Rod, Incantatrix Cooperative Metamagic or Metamagic Effect, or Divine Metamagic does not work on a Kaelik Wizard spell. This is distinguished from a +0 increase, such as Invisible Spell, which can still be applied.
Craft Magic Items (Su): At level 5 a Kaelik Wizard can craft any magic item as if he had the associated crafting feat. Nothing else about crafting is changed. This has the effect crafting has in your game, whether that is doubling WBL, guaranteeing the party has the items they want without changing total loot value, or giving them piles of low magic items that they can't all use at once because of attunement slots.
Shorter Durations: At level 5 a Kaelik Wizard can now use Duration slots to make permanent spells with a duration of 1 minute per level in addition to the other stated durations.
Archmage (Ex): At level 20 a Kaelik Wizard becomes a really good Kaelik Wizard. She gains an additional duration slot of each level of spell, she gains 6 additional spell slots, giving her 12 total slots to prepare, and she reduces her spellbook casting time to 10 minutes.
Commentary welcome since I made this in like 20 minutes. I don't care about ways it can be broken that a Wizard can also be broken, but please point out any new exploits that you wouldn't want in your game.