Author Topic: Venom Avatars [Template]  (Read 1397 times)

Offline Amechra

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Venom Avatars [Template]
« on: April 12, 2015, 05:54:18 AM »
Venom Avatar

Venom Avatar is a Template which may be applied to a Poison, converting it into a creature.

Size and Type: A Venom Avatar is an Elemental with the [Evil] subtype; their size is determined by the save DC of the Poison.
Poison DCSize

Hit Dice: A Toxin Avatar has a number of d8 HD equal to its Save DC - 10.

Speed: A Toxin Avatar has a 30' base land speed; an Inhaled Toxin Avatar reduces this to 10', but gains a 50' (Perfect) Fly Speed.

Armor Class: A Toxin Avatar has a Natural Armor bonus equal to their HD.

Attacks: A Toxin Avatar receives a Primary Slam attack; if they have 8 or more HD, they may make a second Slam attack each round. If the poison is an Injury poison, they replace both of these Slam attacks with either a Bite or a pair of Claws attacks; they may mix these two sets of Natural Attacks.

Damage: A Toxin Avatar's natural weapon's damage varies based on their size:
SizeBite/Slam DamageClaw Damage

Special Attacks: A Toxin Avatar possesses the following special attacks:

Poison Mastery (Ex): A Toxin Avatar receives a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls against poisoned creatures. In addition, their poison is especially virulent; creatures are denied any bonuses to Fort saves against poison, and immunity to poison from any source other than type only gives a +4 bonus against it. Finally, the save DC against their poison is equal to 10 + half their HD + their Con modifier if that would be higher than the original DC.

Ignis Fatuus (Sp): The Toxin Avatar may use Produce Flame as a spell-like ability at will, with the following alterations:
  • It deals Acid damage instead of Fire damage.
  • If the poison is a Contact or Injury poison, it receives the benefits of Poison Spell for free, inflicting the poison upon successfully damaging a creature.
  • If the poison is an Ingested poison, any food or drink that comes within the light produced by the "flame" becomes imbued with the poison.
  • If the poison is an Inhaled poison, any creature that breaths within the light produced by the "flame" risks inhaling the poison.

Special Qualities: A Toxin Avatar possesses the following special qualities:

Acid Immunity (Ex): Toxin Avatars are immune to Acid damage.

Toxic Body (Su): A Toxin Avatar is laced with their poison; this has a differing effect depending on the poison's type.
Contact: Any creature whose bare skin touches the Toxin Avatar must make a save against being affected by the poison.
Ingested: The Toxin Avatar's flesh and bodily fluids are made up entirely of the poison; consuming any part of their body requires a save against being affected by the poison.
Inhaled: The Toxin Avatar exhales their poison; any creature that comes within 5' of the Toxin Avatar must make a save against being affected by their poison.
Injury: The Toxin Avatar gains the Poison Use special quality, and may apply their poison to a weapon as a free action.
The Toxin Avatar may choose how many doses a given creature risks being poisoned by, to a minimum of zero.

Saves: A Toxin Avatar has a Good Fortitude save and Poor Reflex and Will Saves.

Abilities: A Toxin Avatar's Constitution is equal to the poison's save DC, their Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma are equal to the poison's save DC - 5, and their Intelligence and Wisdom equal their poison's save DC - 10. If their poison affects an ability score other than Constitution, that ability score is equal to their poison's save DC instead.

Skills: A Toxin Avatar treats Craft (Alchemy, Poison-Making), Knowledge (Any), Profession (Alchemist, Assassin, Poison-Maker), and Survival as Class Skills. They receive a +2 bonus to all skill checks involving their poison; additionally, they may make Craft(Alchemy) checks without having any levels in a spellcasting class.

Feats: A Toxin Avatar possesses one feat, as well as an additional feat for every 3HD they have.

Environment: Urban

Organization: Solitary (1), A Poison (3-8)

Challenge Rating: A Toxin Avatar's CR equals 3/4ths of their HD.

Treasure: None

Alignment: Usually NE

Advancement: ??

Level Adjustment: --

Example of creature using template here:
"There is happiness for those who accept their fate, there is glory for those that defy it."

"Now that everyone's so happy, this is probably a good time to tell you I ate your parents."