Alignment: Lawful EvilNeo is a trust worthy kind of guy trying to bring down the system while killing Mrs #2. Just look at his facial expressions, the dude never once looks like he is lying either.
LE is one of the most powerful Alignments out there, secondary to GC selling his Alignment to become LE, and if you remain highly Lawful you can remain a party friendly pragmatist. In other words the party doesn't need to fear you because you gave your word to help them, through leaving you unattended around some humans to be sacrificed is probably a bad idea. Anyway, intended on walking on the darker side of the path will let you overcome some of the background flavor needed for some of the ACF options without a flavor rewrite.
Base Features: Good BAB, d8 HD, three good Saves, 4 Skill Points per level.A good everyman hero can't stand out too much to start with, but he'd better live long enough to fulfill his destiny.
Unarmed StrikeYou start your padawan digital training at the first level and are able to deal improved and lethal damage with your fists, feet, goatee, and penis. Yeah I said it. You were thinking it and I said it. Who is the real dirty person here?
The Monk can also semi-unique improve his Unarmed Strike as both as Manufactured Weapon and as a Natural Weapon allowing you to stack all kinds of things together which I'll cover later.
Flurry of BlowsFoB is a semi-unique trait that kicks a lot of ass. At low levels this allows a Monk to have a superior hit rate* and it always provides additional Attacks, it's like having Whirling Frenzy all the time!
* Example; CR1's avg AC = 15.
18 Str Fighter & Weapon Focus has +6 for a 60% chance to hit once (and only once).
18 Str FoB Monk has +2/+2 for a 65% chance to hit at least once, this includes the 16% chance for both to hit Math.Bonus FeatsThanks to Tank's awesome programs
you can download new combat skills directly to your brain! That's right, people in a flying ship are in fact listening to your thoughts. But don't don that tinfoil hat yet, they like you!
You should check the more detailed ACF threads for more details. There are a ton of Monk ACFs and choices that expand on or alter your list of select-able Bonus Feats so you can typically take any major Feat chain that you like. Two that stand out are linked which are Overwhelming Attack's Power Attack & Improved Bullrush to qualify for Shock Trooper, or Passive Way's Combat Expertise & Improved Trip to qualify for Knock-Down.
Anti-virus Protection, aka Invisibility (exemplars of evil's invisible fist, replaces [improved] evasion)This ability doubles up as both an offensive and defense boost. Once every few Rounds you can turn Invisible until your next turn as an Immediate Action and attacking doesn't break it. Invisibility helps defend you from retaliation from attacks (50% miss chance) and any targeted Spells. So you can avoid Trojens like Agent_Possession.exe, Norton can eat it's heart out.
Offensively, being invisible to your enemy gives you a +2 bonus to your attack rolls (which pays for FoB) and it also renders them Flat-Footed against your attack. This not only means they lose their Dex Bonus to AC, but they in turn cannot use an Immediate Action against you or respond to any Attacks of Opportunity you provoke. I suppose this is akin to some next level stealth technology but unfortunately it's locked in trial mode and you can't use it every round. Maybe Tank can get around to fixing that...
Cracked Fist (complete champion's holy strike, replaces ki strike[magic])Hack your fist to deal +1d6 more damage to Good aligned targets and bypass those "Good" Agent Damage Reductions. To be honest Ki Strike(magic) is a joke since you'll just pick something up to magically enhance your Unarmed Strike anyway, might as well trade it out for an extra d6 when you can.
Wall Walker (dungeonscapes's wall walker, replaces slow fall)I'm pretty sure the machines invented these stupid Gravity rules anyway, so break them and run on the walls doing cart wheels and flips. This also helps out a lot when triggers Feats like Battle Jump (double damage when charging) or Roof Jumper (+<10ft fell>d6 damage) for easy increases to damage. I suppose you could take Aquatic Monk to run on water but you already have enough Jesus parallels as is.
Backup & Restore (champions of valor's broken one, replaces still mind)You gain Lay on Hands to help restore your default statsheet settings. Sure you probably tanked your Charisma but you can buy cheap items for it later and Still Mind isn't that great to begin with. Interestingly, this can be channeled through the Caduceus Bracers to self heal Fatigue/Exhaustion & Ability Damage and you can use this benefit on downed party members.
Purity of BodyOSHA does not approve of leaky nuclear powered death trap ships, but what's a hero to do when humanity has be beaten below New York's sewer system? Keep them off your case with a built in PPE that cures any disease like cancer. Because fuck cancer.
Shadow Blend (champions of ruin's web enhancement's dark moon disciple, replaces wholeness of body)Tank upgraded your Antivirus, so it now attempts to firewall bulletstotheface. This protection is endless and allows you to sneak off to another, better, nightclub while the Merovingian is monologuing to have a good time.
Seriously through. True Sight and See Invisibility cannot overcome this ability. As long is you are not in direct sunlight, such as under a forest canopy, at an inn, dungeon delving, on the elemental plane of water, and so on, you gain Total-Concealment. Just like the SRD's Shadow Mastiff. So unless a monster has Blindsight (and excluding TDs they can be counted on one hand) you are super-invisible to them. Same +2 to attack, no Dex-to-AC, they cannot use immediate actions, can't be targeted by anything, 50% Miss if they even know what square you're in etc is now perpetual.
And it technically has an often forgotten about over abuse option. Unless a creature has Blindsense, Scent, epic Listen Checks, Tremorsense and the like once you move a creature has no idea where you are. They don't actually attack you, they attack the square they think you are in much like the Battleship game. So if you Full-Attack and have the option of a 5ft Step your opponent has a one-in-eight shot of targeting the right square and he only gets feedback for a successful hit if he A) targets the right square & B) Beats the 50% miss chance. That's roughly a 5% chance of finding your target, through 3D dimensional combat from flight/swimming and the option of moving up to 10ft using the training dummy can exponentially reduce the odds of you being hit.
Wireless Connection, aka Blink (exemplars of evil's invisible fist, replaces [improved] evasion)And now you have an Immediate Action Blink, it has duration/cooldown but with a Wisdom score of 16 it has perpetual usage as long as you continue to expend your Immediate Action.
Blink makes you Incorporeal giving you a loose set of rules to dodge none-force effects and run through walls. So you don't have to give away your position to open a door, you can simply walk through it. Or the ceiling, it doesn't really matter. And that 20% chance to dodge a Spell also works against Area Spells that offer no save such as Word of Chaos or Iceberg. And in sticking to the theme here, since apparently being able to perform a dial up connection with your brain is a thing in the 3rd movie. I guess in this case your skull wrapped glucose battery can't pump enough watts to maintain a solid connection causing pathfinding to freak out over the desynchronized movement updates.
Reverse Agent Infection, aka Diamond BodyImmunity to poison, so call Tank to get you poison, lots of poison. And then just bath in it, sure you'll stink to high hell but machines are not even sure if smell exists and PCs never pay attention to it either.
Abundant Step (and the rest)Oh god these things are still going on aren't they? Stop with the Class Abilities, Neo died two movies ago!