Hit Die: d6
Level | BAB | Fort | Ref | Will | Special |
1st | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 | Joystealer Body, Figment of Reality, Drain Emotions, Emotion Dependency, +1 Cha |
2nd | 1 | 0 | 3 | 3 | Fey Body, Unheartly Grace, +1 Dex, +1 Cha |
3rd | 1 | 1 | 3 | 3 | Fey Mysteries, Hit a Raw Nerve +1d6, +1 Cha |
4th | 2 | 1 | 4 | 4 | Sense Emotions, No Hard Feelings, +1 Dex, +1 Cha |
5th | 2 | 1 | 4 | 4 | Whispers from the Soul, Hit a Raw Nerve +2d6, +1 Cha |
Skills: 6+int modifier per level, quadruple at 1st level. Class skills are Craft, Bluff, Disguise, Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (the planes), Listen, Perform (any), Profession, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Survival, Tumble, Use Magic Device.
Proficiencies: A Joystealer is proficient with all simple weapons, shortbow and longbow.
Features:Joystealer Body: The Joystealer loses all other racial bonus and gains fey traits (basically low light vision) and the incorporeal subtype. It is a medium sized fey with a flight speed of 30 feet (perfect) and has an incorporeal touch attack as a natural weapon dealing temporary Charisma damage.
At HD 1 the Joystealer's incorporeal touch attack deals 1d2 temporary charisma damage.
At HD 3 the Joystealer's incorporeal touch attack deals 1d3 temporary charisma damage.
At HD 5 the Joystealer's incorporeal touch attack deals 1d4 temporary charisma damage.
At HD 8 the Joystealer's incorporeal touch attack deals 1d6 temporary charisma damage. She may now elect to deal ability drain instead of ability damage.
At HD 12 the Joystealer's incorporeal touch attack deals 1d8 temporary charisma damage. She can now affect creatures immune to ability damage and ability drain, but it deals only half Cha damage/drain to such creatures.
At HD 17 the Joystealer's incorporeal touch attack deals 2d6 temporary charisma damage.
As an incorporeal being, it doesn't have a Strength score and gains a deflection bonus to AC equal to its Charisma modifier. It uses its Dex mod for melee attacks, and can get custom magic incorporeal gear by paying a 10% extra on the price.
Figment of Reality: A Joystealer's incorporeality is initially hampered by their weak connection to the ethereal plane, slowly segregating it from the bounds of a physical existence.
At 1st HD the Joystealer can be harmed by all forms of attacks and can attack others as if she was corporeal. She can interact with unattended corporeal objects for one round three times per day and cannot fly higher than 5 feet off the ground, plus an additional 5 feet per 2 HD. She cannot completely hide within objects and interacts with water as if she had a swim speed equal to her fly speed. She cannot chose not to be heard by Listen checks though she receives a +5 circumstance bonus on move silently checks.
At 5th HD the Joystealer loses the ability to interact with corporal objects but can now fly and interact with water as per the incorporeal subtype and receive a +10 circumstance bonus on move silently checks.
Nonmagical attacks made by corporeal creatures at the Joystealer and melee attacks made by the Joystealer against corporeal targets are now ineffective.
Magical weapons and spells used by corporeal creatures against the Joystealer have a 10% chance miss chance, increasing by 10% at 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th HD (maximum of 50% miss chance, except for positive energy, negative energy, force effects such as magic missile, or attacks made with ghost touch weapons, as usual)
Magical weapons used by the Joystealer against corporeal targets have the same miss chance if they aren't ghost touch weapons.
At 10th HD, the Joystealer is affected by the incorporeal subtype as normal.
Drain Emotions (Su): Once a Joystealer has reduced a creature to 0 Charisma, it can drain emotions from that opponent completely as a standard action at a range of 5 feet per HD.
A creature so drained can't be affected by morale bonuses or penalties, can't rage, and cannot benefit from any other ability derived through inspiration or emotion. The affected creature is also immune to fear effects.
The drain emotions effect can be countered only by finding and destroying the Joystealer who caused it or by casting a Remove Curse spell on the afflicted creature within the area of a Hallow spell.
At 9th HD the spell needed becomes Break Enchantment instead of Remove Curse, and the caster must succeed a caster level check against a DC of 11+HD of the Joystealer.
Additionally, the Joystealer may attempt to steal emotions from a target she has inflicted with at least 1 point of Charisma damage within the last hour.
Twice per day per Joystealer HD, as a standard action, the Joystealer may drain the emotions of any one target within range of Drain Emotions. The target creature must succeed on a Will save with a DC equal to 10+1/2HD+Cha modifier or receive a Calm Emotion, Crushing Despair, Good Hope or Rage spell effect with a duration of one round per HD.
Unlike the spells they emulate, the morale bonuses and the penalties of these effects increase by 1 at every fourth HD.
At HD 5, whenever the Joystealer deals charisma damage it may inflict the target with this ability by spending daily uses normally.
A Joystealer cannot steal her own emotions but gains the benefits of the Good Hope whenever she successfully uses this ability.
A Joystealer that gains Bardic Music but may convert two uses per day of this ability into a use of bardic music and one may convert one use of bardic music into a use of drain emotions.
Emotion Dependency (Ex): The Joystealer can eat food but only gains nourishment by successfully using her Drain Emotions or Unlock the Heart ability on a creature. A Joystealer must consume emotions at least once every 48 hours or begin to starve and may elect to inflict minimal Charisma damage on willing "donors" whenever it inflicts any. A Joystealer is usually hungry after a period of 8 hours without consuming any emotion, at which point the color of their eyes take on a deep red hue. Once fed, their eyes return to a golden glow.
Ability Score Increase: The Joystealer gains +1 to Cha at every level, and +1 to Dex at second and fourth level.
Fey Body (Ex): At second level, a Joystealer gains DR/cold iron equal to half her HD.
Unheartly Grace (Su): At second level, a Joystealer adds half of her Cha modifier to all saving throws, and gains evasion, as a rogue.
Fey Mysteries: At 3rd level a Joystealer receives spells known and spells per day as either a second level bard or as a first level sorcerer, but she has a CL equal to her Joystealer level. A Joystealer casting as a sorcerer has three banned schools that may not be changed after their selection.
If she multiclasses as a bard or as a sorceror, the casting progression stacks with the class it emulate. A Joystealer has no restraint on her spells known selection if she multiclasses as a sorcerer but regains them if she later advances her Joystealer level again.
Hit a Raw Nerve (Ex): At 3rd level, the Joystealer's attacks deals extra lethal or nonlethal damage if the opponent is within 30ft and denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the Joystealer flanks her target. Should the Joystealer score a critical hit with a such an attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.
This extra damage is 1d6 at 3rd level, and it increases by 1d6 at 5th level.
A Joystealer can only hit a raw nerve at creatures able to receive morale bonuses and may be altered, improved and used to qualify for feats and other requirements as if it was the Sneak Attack rogue class feature.
If she multiclasses as a rogue or another class granting Sneak Attack or one of its variants, the extra damage dice stack with Hit a Raw Nerve.
Sense Emotions (Su): At 4th level, the Joystealer gains Blindsense with a range of 15 feet per HD, but may only detect the presence and position of entities able to receive morale bonuses. The Joystealer may concentrate as a standard action to learn the current emotional state and charisma score of targets detected by this ability.
At 8th HD, the Joystealer instantly receives this information without the need to expend an action.
No Hard Feelings (Su): At 4th level, the Joystealer has adapted to the wide range of emotions and enjoys them all, channeling them to energize her soul's ghostly form. Whenever the Joystealer is subject to an effect related to emotions in any way (mostly Fear and morale bonus/penalties effects) she may choose to replace the effect by a surge of healing equal to her Charisma modifier.
At 8th HD, the Joystealer gains the option of converting any mind-affecting effect used upon her into healing as well.
At 16th HD, the Joystealer gains the option of converting any enchantment effect used upon her into healing as well.
This channeling affects only the Joystealer and so area effects inflicting such conditions affect other creatures normally.
Whispers from the Soul (Ex): The Joystealer is an urban fey and so learns to sustain herself without drawing suspicion as to her nature using subterfuge and diversions.
At 5th level, whenever the Joystealer inflicts Charisma Damage, Drains Emotion or Unlocks the Heart, she may choose to make her involvement in the violation subtle and unnoticeable by the afflicted target by succeeding on an opposed Bluff check against the target's Sense Motive. Success makes it impossible for the target to believe the Joystealer is to blame for that attack. Failure gives the target a hunch that it is under the effect of a supernatural effect if it normally wouldn't have come to that conclusion.
Additionally, the Joystealer's own ability to understand people has been enhanced by her intimate relationship with emotions, and adds her Charisma modifier to Sense Motive checks.