I've done some research and looked through all the forums I could find and paid especially close attention to everyone here on these forums and this is what I've come up with so far.
Looks doable, if you like it you like it.
Something to keep in mind through since you did ask for suggestions.
A character can't use whirling frenzy at the same time that he uses any other form of rage (or similar ability).
Consider, since you like Human, picking up Extra Rage in the early levels. Otherwise the Barbarian actually falls behind a Fighter with Weapon Focus/Specialization which is kind of sad.
And honestly, Barbarian provides a bonus on Will Saves while Raging so you already have an edge above par there. You could drop Steadfast for Boomerang Daze and just start looking at items. Like a Crystal Mask of Mindarmor (MiC, 10k) provides a +4 Insight Bonus to Will Saves and it stacks with a Cloak/Vest of Resistance.