In my relentless pursuit of all things grapple related, I've come up with the best possible grappling character in Pathfinder. While grappling itself is quite weak in the damage department, you have the option to Tie Up, which immediately removes creature from combat regardless of their HP. So I set about finding the best possible way to accomplish this. ConceptThe all-stars of this build are the feat Final Embrace (for Grab) and the White Hair ability of the White-haired Witch. The White Hair ability is worded almost exactly the same as Grab, but it's not the same as Grab so the abilities stack. Every time you hit with an attack, you can initiate a grapple with Grab and make a grapple check to tie someone up. Once they're tied up, they need to make an escape artist check equal to 20 + your CMB or snap the ropes. Bloodvine ropes have a break DC of 30, so that's probably not going to happen. The rest of the build is increasing your grapple check to astronomical levels.
Once tied up they are either completely removed from combat or vulnerable to a coup-de-grace. Use a 4x crit weapon for a guaranteed kill against anything that can be crit.
Build by LevelLevel 1-4 is basically just grabbing Constrict from White Haired Witch 2 to qualify for Final Embrace, and the Expert Captor from Order of the Penitent Cavalier 2 to reduce the penalty for tying up non-pinned creatures by -10.
Level 5+ Final Embrace and a level of Bloodrager give you the keystone of the build and a huge boost in strength. While raging and enlarged, you'll have a grapple check of +26
before items. The only other level of significance after level 5 is when you get Spell Sunder at level 10, right around when creatures with Freedom of Movement become more common. This allows you to use your full attack, once to Spell Sunder and once to attack and get off your grapple combo.
StrengthsAnything that can be tied up. The fact that your combo only takes a single turn means they don't really have an option to defend themselves. The fact that it's non-lethal removal means you'll have the opportunity to interrogate, turn in bounties, etc.
Weaknesses Anything that can't be grappled, like Oozes or creatures with Freedom of Movement. Most demons have Greater Teleport as an at-will, which can throw a wrench in your grappling plans. Just be sure to have an ally finish the job before they can blip away on their turn.
Oh, and you'll also be weak to pissed off GMs who've had their game ruined by this totally OP character.