Hmm, interesting, but some of the abilities between alignments don't seem to compare very well.
Corrupting aura for example allows a save and deals only minor ability damage, which your opponents at this level are probably immune against. And even if they aren't immune, it's kinda of a chore to keep track "ok, those guys now have minus -1 Wis and -1 Con, those don't, wait, what about last round?"
While the order aura inflicts auto-doom and then basically shuts down energy-based attacks.
Then in the breaths we have glitterdust (a 2nd level spell. A pretty good 2nd level spell, but still only 2nd level), devil chills (your enemy is probably immune), "f*** you undeads and evil ones", and finally "f*** you magic users". So two somewhat lacking effects and then two very powerful effects, one which is extremely situational, and other which will screw over most opponents out there.