echoing Strat above ... d20srd quotes
Psi-Like Abilities And Feats
Creatures with access to psi-like abilities can use the feats Empower Spell-Like Ability and Quicken Spell-Like Ability.
Psionic monsters often possess spell-like abilities that are identified as “psionics,” instead of “spell-like abilities.” For all intents and purposes, creatures with spell-like abilities described as psionics are considered to possess psi-like abilities, and they manifest their powers as described above.
however there is that stupid line :
Psi-Like Abilities (Ps)
The manifestation of powers by a psionic character is considered a psi-like ability
... which is stupid.
Or previous edition copy/paste Double stupid,
because there's a line in the 3.0e book that
specifically calls out all 3.0e psi as (su) ?!
Go bake your noodle on that one for a while.