Hello everyone, I read through the PHB part about starting an encounter, but it confuses me a bit when in use, so I would like to countercheck how this is done correctly.
1: both partys are unaware of each other until:
2: Spot/ Listen checks - are spot/listen checks always made against a monsters hide/move silently check or against a surrounding based check? Usually a walking character is not trying to hide or move silently, a monster in a swamp might though.
3: result: Only 1 side is aware > start of a surprise round, where you can make limited actions. Enemys unaware are flat footed.
after that or:
4: Both are aware of each other: Roll for initiative and begin the turn.
Question there: Even if both are aware of each other, is a character flat footed until he takes his first turn or is he automatically not flat footed once he is aware of the enemy?
Thanks again everyone