With all the love and focus given to the wizard, cleric, sorcerer, druid & psion a real flavorful class has been ignored by my gaming group, the Beguiler. Reason being is they (they being defined as all gamers I have ever met) will take one of the above fab 5 and tweak them here n there to make slightly different versions of same class. BUT despite their efforts there is always alllllwaaays 75% of the same spells over and over again. And I like the pragmatic approach, its logical and safe, just so often lacking in flavor.
So were starting up a kingdom based campaign, politics, city life, trade, negotiations etc etc and Im thinking ahaa!!! its time for the Beguiler to shine. I mean to say dealing with humans & demihumans is the Beguilers specialty, right?
10th level & gestalt
no TOB
we can pick from 3.0/3.5 & PF (DM must approve)
Im thinking 10 slayer w/ urban tracking / 8 beguiler - 1 mindbender - 1 shadow adept
magicals: bracers of murder (dm ruled it will work with 10th lvl slayer assassinate ability)
ffeat: shadow weave, craven, spell focus enchantment
build advice
spells suggestions
feat suggestions