I appreciate all of your suggestions, especially sirpercival's powerbard. But they still don't get me much closer to my occultist class. I've chosen the shadowcaster class as a base largely because it uses a different casting mechanic than normal Vancian/spontaneous slot casting. Though I want my occultist class to still be useful, so I plan on using jiriku's shadowcaster remix. The mysteries or rites will cover quite a bit of ground, like the power chords of sirpercival's powerbard class. This would include curses and counter curses, as well as exorcisms and perhaps even summoning. I'm not quite sure what to call the "bundles" of rites though. I've been thinking of using the word litanies but that would make more sense as a rename for fundamentals. Maybe panoply would work. So jiriku's shadow/voidcasters would have patinas of mysteries, occultists would have panoplies of rites and powerbards could have routines of power chords. This could work.