Author Topic: happy the boards are back  (Read 1678 times)

Offline Unbeliever

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happy the boards are back
« on: November 06, 2011, 10:09:16 PM »
Same handle as I had on BG, fwiw. 

I'm Nick, in NYC.  Posting here on noob forum to keep my account active. 

Favorite Games:  D&D 3.5 is usually the default, usually with some gentle houseruling.  Also a fan of Star Wars Saga Edition, Mutants and Masterminds, and Godlike/Wild Talents. 

Offline Unbeliever

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Re: happy the boards are back
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2011, 10:13:43 PM »
Sorry to double-post, but some further game thoughts, along the "likes and dislikes" feeling.  Also, one of the mods said to post a few times or else our accounts will get deleted, so ...

Disappointed by:
  • Burning Wheel:  I was all set to like BW.  In part, due to the recommendations of the BG podcast.  So, I was thrilled to bump into some NYC folks that were starting a game.  And, there are things I liked about BW, I really do.  But, there is so much that makes this game terrible.  Sorry guys.  First, it does have a setting, it just hides it from you.  Second, the character creation system is a straitjacket and quite imbalanced (so is D&D, too, I know).  Third, it's really hard to figure out how to play.  The combat system is labyrinthine -- the guys I was playing with had been playing BW for years, and they were like "we hardly run actual combats."  That's usually not a good sign.
  • World of Darkness:  I used to spend a ton of my life playing WoD games.  But, after a point, the rules just got to be too much.  They leave land mines all over the place that are ready to blow up your game.  I'm really intrigued by both playing villains and a game that is more social and less adventure-oriented.  The other thing is that WoD games seem to have a "right" way to play it that it channels you into.

Having fits of nostalgia for:  Rifts.  I know, it's terrible on virtually every level.  But, I don't know, maybe it's just a desire for the carefree days when I played it.  Or, maybe it's b/c I like its gonzo combination of anime-style power armor, monsters, and shooting lightning bolts.  I could probably put together a M&M hack for it.  But, I hardly have time to play the games I am currently involved in. 

Guilty Pleasure:  Warhammer 40k.  Love the over the top universe.  I've also just finally gotten around to playing Dawn of War II on my pc, so there's that. 

Want to Tool Around With More:  Godlike and Mouseguard.  I am truly shocked that a game based on adorable little mice with swords interests me so much, but I think it's nicely put together.  And, it avoids most of the defects with its big brother BW, though at the cost of being very simple.  Too simple for me in the long run.  But, I'd totally consider running it.