-Your name: my name is miz redavni, yes its invader zim backwards. i grew up with that show(i was born 1990, so by time it was airing i was 11(2001)). at the time it was one of the greatest shows i had ever seen and almost still is.
-Your favorite games: phantasy star online(i play on the schthack server, if you don't know what that is and your a pso fan, its an EXTREMELY well done private server with a massive player base), galactic civilizations 2(a great TBSG(turn based strategy game) that's so freakn massive, if you have all the map settings turned all the way up the game will take a minimum time of 70hrs of game time), skyrim(why? because its skyrim), theres more but eh.... dont feel like it....
-Your non gaming hobbies: criticizing the homeless, they obviously arn't doing it right
-Where you live, including country, without using abbreviations: Oregon
-What other communities you belong to meetups, message boards etc: our fail D&D group, schthack forums
-Your twitter, facebook or G+ handle: screw you