"Okay, I have our info. Let's finish up our contract and head out."
"I'm surprised Fred sold Cohle out so easy...wait, do you recognize that tent?""Welcome ta Big Bawb's! Home of the biggest, baddest, Bawbiest magic items around!""That's a dark omen..."
"We still owe him for the Chicken Golem.""I doubt he remembers Clucky. Hell, he may not remember us."
"Greetin's strangers! Whut can I do ya fer?""We're looking for an item of specific interest."
"Yer in luck! All our items are specifically interesting!"COME ON DAWN TA BIG BAWB'S!Big Bawb's Big Ass Holy Symbol Body Slot: Throat
Caster Level: 21st
Aura: Overwhelming; (DC:25) All schools
Activation: ---
Weight: 2 lbs.
This appears to be a holy symbol of some sort on a chain, and has restarted the rumors that Big Bawb is some sort of insane deity or ArchFey. The symbols appearance varies depending on the beliefs of whoever is holding it. Should someone pick it up, they must make a DC 20 Willpower Save or be convinced that they have been called to service by some non existent deity. Even worse it grants the poor fool divine powers, making it look as though he is the cleric of a new religion, and reinforcing his delusional belief. The holder gains the spellcasting abilities of a 5th level Cleric (assuming their Wisdom is high enough) with any one random Domain of the DM's choice. The wearer then sets about conquering the known world in the name of their heathen Gawd. To remove the holy symbol once the victim has put it on, Miracle, Wish, or Remove Curse must be cast.
Big Bawb's Big Ass Holy SymbolWondrous item, unique (requires attunement)This appears to be a holy symbol of some sort on a chain, and has restarted the rumors that Big Bawb is some sort of insane deity or ArchFey. The symbols appearance varies depending on the beliefs of whoever is holding it. Should someone pick it up, they must make a DC 18 Charisma Save or be convinced that they have been called to service by some non existent deity. Even worse it grants the poor fool divine powers, making it look as though he is the cleric of a new religion, and reinforcing his delusional belief. The holder gains the spellcasting abilities of a 5th level Cleric. The wearer then sets about conquering the known world in the name of their heathen Gawd. To remove the holy symbol once the victim has put it on, Wish, or Remove Curse must be cast.
Big Bawb's Big Ass Monkey Suit Body Slot: Body, Face, Feet, Hands, Head and Torso
Caster Level: 21st
Aura: Overwhelming; (DC:25) Transmutation
Activation: ---
Weight: 20 lbs.
Big Bawb is an incredible (and incredibly incompetent or insane) magician, known the world over for being one of the most prolific (and disturbing) creators of magic items in the known universe. Exactly how he makes them, or how he churns out so many is unknown. Interrogating Bob hasn't made any headway either. Most of the time he's either drunk, or so incoherent it's impossible to get anything out of him. Yet every so often he disappears for a while, and then shows up with a wagonload of items for sale.
The Monkey Suit appears to be a gorilla costume. When worn it confers the following abilities on it's wearer:
+10 Enhancement bonus to Strength
+4 Enhancement bonus to Dexterity
+4 Enhancement bonus to Constitution
+8 Enhancement bonus to Climb checks, and a Climb Speed equal to your base land speed. You may always take 10 on Climb checks even if rushed or threatened.
Low Light Vision
A +5 Armor Bonus
2 Slam attacks at your highest attack bonus doing 1d6 plus Strength bonus. These Slam attacks are considered magical for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.
There are however some downsides. First, it takes up almost all the available magic item slots. You cant have many other items while wearing it. Second, the user can only eat fruit, water, and alcohol while the suit is in his possession. Third, whenever the wearer is in the presence of tall buildings (tall being defined as more than one story), and a blond female, he must make a DC 15 Willpower Save or be compelled to grab her and climb to the top of the building. he will stay there till she escapes, he is knocked off or killed, or several (1d4) hours have passed and the compulsion has ended.
There are perhaps 5 or so of Bob's Monkey Suits in the world.
Big Bawb's Big Ass Monkey SuitWondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)Big Bawb is an incredible (and incredibly incompetent or insane) magician, known the world over for being one of the most prolific (and disturbing) creators of magic items in the known universe. Exactly how he makes them, or how he churns out so many is unknown. Interrogating Bob hasn't made any headway either. Most of the time he's either drunk, or so incoherent it's impossible to get anything out of him. Yet every so often he disappears for a while, and then shows up with a wagonload of items for sale.
The Monkey Suit appears to be a gorilla costume. When worn it confers the following abilities on it's wearer:
While you are wearing this suit your Strength becomes 23, your Dexterity 16, and your Constitution 18. If your ability scores are already at this level or higher, they are unaffected.
You have Advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks, and a Climb Speed equal to your base land speed.
You have Advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) Checks based on smell.
Armor Class improves by +2
Your unarmed strikes are magical weapons, and do 1d6 plus Strength bonus.
There are however some downsides. First, you cant have any other items that must be worn on the body while wearing it. Second, the user can only eat fruit, water, and alcohol while the suit is in his possession. Third, whenever the wearer is in the presence of tall buildings (tall being defined as more than one story), and a blond female, he must make a DC 15 Wisdom Save or be compelled to grab her and climb to the top of the building. he will stay there till she escapes, he is knocked off or killed, or several (1d4) hours have passed and the compulsion has ended.
There are perhaps 5 or so of Bob's Monkey Suits in the world.
Big Bawb's Big Bad Rod of Bad Times A'Comin' Body Slot: Carried
Caster Level: 21st
Aura: Overwhelming; (DC:25) Necromancy
Activation: Standard (Command)
Weight: 4 lbs.
This appears to be a short, wooden staff carved with angry faces, that the locals keep telling you to stay the hell away from. And if you’d listened you wouldn’t now be cursed with a rhino’s butt. Why Bob calls it a Rod instead of a staff is beyond us. It allows the use of the following spells:
Blindness/Deafness (1 charge)
Spirit Worm (1 charge, see Spell Compendium)
Bestow Curse (2 charges)
Contagion (2 charges)
Eyebite (3 charges)
Greater Bestow Curse (3 charges, see Spell Compendium)
Once you run out of charges, the Staff casts Greater Bestow Curse on you. Once you grab the staff, you can't get rid of it until you use all the charges, or Miracle, Remove Curse or Wish are cast.
Big Bawb's Big Bad Rod of Bad Times A' Comin'Staff, rare (requires attunement by sorcerer, warlock or wizaed)This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While holding it, you have a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls.
The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff loses its properties and becomes a nonmagical quarterstaff.
Spells. You can use an action to expend 1 or more of the staff's charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: Hex (1 charge), Contagion (5 charges), Blindness/Deafness (2 charges), Crown of Madness (2 charges), Ray of Sickness (1 charge), Bestow Curse (3 charges), or Eyebite (6 charges).
You can also use an action to cast the Tasha's Mind Whip spell from the staff without using any charges.
Big Bawb's Big Dead Frawg Body Slot: Carried
Caster Level: 21st
Aura: Overwhelming; (DC:25) Enchantment and ecromancy
Activation: ---
Weight: 5 lbs.
This, the latest of Big Bob's abominations, appears to be a 3 and a half foot long stuffed Froghemoth toy. It smells incomparably delicious to large monsters (defined as any flesh eating being that has the Scent ability in this case) who must make a DC 15 Willpower Save or wolf it down. Upon being bitten or swallowed the Dead Frawg farts a large quantity of poisonous gas (Contact, DC:20 Fortitude Save, Initial and Secondary Damage 1d3 Con and 1d6 rounds of being Nauseated). It then teleports from the monsters belly back to it's owner, and begins to repair itself if it has taken any damage (will look like new in 24 hours and gas will be recharged).
Unfortunately it may also be detected by any flesh eating creature that has Scent up to a range of 1 mile, who will immediately know your location as long as you carry the Frawg.
Big Bawb's Big Dead FrawgWondrous item, unique This, the latest of Big Bob's abominations, appears to be a 3 and a half foot long stuffed Froghemoth toy. It smells incomparably delicious to large monsters (defined as any flesh eating being that has the Keen Smell ability in this case) who must make a DC 16 Wisdom Save or wolf it down. Upon being bitten or swallowed, the Dead Frawg farts a large quantity of poisonous gas (DC 20 Constitution Save, does 8d6 poison damage an target is Poisoned for 1 hour. If the save is successful, the target is not Poisoned and takes half damage). It then teleports from the monsters belly back to it's owner, and begins to repair itself if it has taken any damage (will look like new in 24 hours and gas will be recharged).
Unfortunately it may also be detected by any flesh eating creature that has Keen Smell up to a range of 1 mile, who will immediately know your location as long as you carry the Frawg.
Big Bawb's Big Fat Suit Body Slot: Body, Face, Feet Hands Head and Torso
Caster Level: 21st
Aura: Overwhelming; (DC:25) Necromancy and Transmutation
Activation: ---
Weight: 50 lbs.
This is a suit of sorts made from a dead ooze! The suit covers the users entire body except his face. It can morph it's appearance to mimic any cloth or skin. Effectively the wearer can look like an incredibly fat member of any humanoid race, except for his face. It's obvious he's wearing a suit (it even jiggles, especially in the wind). Most people find this so incredibly creepy that they go along pretending the wearer is what he appears to be just to get rid of him (i.e. he gets a +4 circumstance on intimidation rolls. Hey he's wearing a dead blob!). Due to its jiggly, rubber nature the wearer gets DR 15/piercing. He is also immune to acid, and is immune to falling damage (the suit bounces). The wearer also has a 50% chance of negating critical hits and sneak attack damage.
On the downside....
You have a -4 Circumstance penalty to all Charisma based skills EXCEPT Intimidation because most people think you're a deranged lunatic. The suit is bulky and difficult to move about in, so you lose any Dexterity bonus to armor class. It also uses up most all of your magic item spots, and its virtually the only thing you can wear. Anything else must be carried in your hands or on a horse or cart. And if anyone resurrects the suit it turns into a Medium Ooze of some random type...
Big Bawb's Big Fat SuitWondrous item, unique This is a suit of sorts made from a dead ooze! The suit covers the users entire body except his face. It can morph it's appearance to mimic any cloth or skin. Effectively the wearer can look like an incredibly fat member of any humanoid race, except for his face. It's obvious he's wearing a suit (it even jiggles, especially in the wind). Most people find this so incredibly creepy that they go along pretending the wearer is what he appears to be just to get rid of him (i.e. he gets Advantage on intimidation rolls. Hey he's wearing a dead blob!). Due to its jiggly, rubber nature the wearer gets Resistance to Bludgeoning and Slashing damage. He is also immune to acid damage, and is immune to damage from falling (the suit bounces).
On the downside....
You have Disadvantage to all Charisma based skills EXCEPT Intimidation, because most people think you're a deranged lunatic. The suit is bulky and difficult to move about in, so you lose any Dexterity bonus to armor class. It's also virtually the only thing you can wear. Anything else must be carried in your hands or on a horse or cart. And if anyone resurrects the suit it turns into a Medium Ooze of some random type...
Big Bawb's Big Stinky Bug Suit Body Slot: None, can be worn over clothes or armor
Caster Level: 21st
Aura: Overwhelming; (DC:25) Illusion
Activation: ---
Weight: 10 lbs.
Normally we’d advocate staying away from anything Big Bawb has to sell because the drawbacks of some of his “unique” magic items are legendary. But this suit is (sort of) an exception. So long as you wear it, Vermin or Magical Beasts that are arthropods treat you as one of their own, and don’t attack you. Ettercaps also believe you to be one of them, and you can effectively march through their villages unmolested assuming you don’t attack anyone. All other living creatures think your some lunatic in an Ettercap costume. This works on Vermin despite their known immunity to most mind-affecting effects. The illusion is perfect right down to the touch. Unless a non-Ettercap entity clues them in (i.e. by saying something to the effect of “Hey who’s the freak in the bug costume”?), they get no Save to disbelieve. If someone pipes up (or you attack) they can make a DC 20 Willpower Save to realize “Oh crap, that is some freak in a me suit. GET HIM!!!” It’s ridiculously expensive, so personally we advise stealing one.
Big Bawb's Big Stinky Bug SuitWondrous item, unique Normally we’d advocate staying away from anything Big Bawb has to sell because the drawbacks of some of his “unique” magic items are legendary. But this suit is (sort of) an exception. So long as you wear it, creatures that are (or resemble) arthropods treat you as one of their own, and don’t attack you. Ettercaps also believe you to be one of them, and you can effectively march through their villages unmolested assuming you don’t attack anyone. All other living creatures think your some lunatic in an Ettercap costume. The illusion is perfect right down to the touch. Unless a non-Ettercap entity clues them in (i.e. by saying something to the effect of “Hey who’s the freak in the bug costume?"), they get no Save to disbelieve. If someone pipes up (or you attack) they can make a DC 15 Wisdom Save to realize “Oh crap, that is some freak in a me suit. GET HIM!!!” It’s ridiculously expensive, so personally we advise stealing one.
Big Bawb's Big Stinky Moose Head Body Slot: None, it becomes your head
Caster Level: 21st
Aura: Overwhelming; (DC:25) Transmutation
Activation: ---
Weight: 10 lbs.
This appears to be a Mooses head, but instead of being fixed as a wall mount, it is instead a full head mask. Once someone puts it on it affixes to him, becoming his head, and can't be removed other than by a Miracle/Remove Curse/Wish spell. It does however provide some interesting side effects....as do all of Big Bawb's creations.
First the mask is now effectively the wearers actual head. He now has a mooses vocal cords, which means he can speak and communicate with other Moose. Which is good because they'll be the only ones he can communicate with till the thing gets removed. Except, every great now and then, when his vocal cords revert to human speech at random just long enough to scream "You will be sacrificed for the glory of the Heathen Mus Gawd!!!!". Clearly, the Gawds do not like you.
Second, he now has an Intelligence of 3, which will be causing him some not so minor complications in life.
Third, he now eats a Moose's diet. The only other thing he can digest is water and alcohol.
There are of course some benefits. Until the mask is removed the wearer gets the following:
+12 Enhancement Bonus to Strength, +6 Enhancement Bonus to Constitution
Low Light Vision
+4 Natural Armor Class Bonus that stacks with other Natural Armor Bonuses
Gore attack doing 1d8 plus Strength bonus, considered magical for purposes of bypassing Damage Reduction
The following Feats as Bonus Feats (whether or not you meet the prerequisite for them): Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun, Shock Trooper (see Complete Warrior).
Big Babwb's Big Stinky Moose HeadWondrous item, unique This appears to be a Mooses head, but instead of being fixed as a wall mount, it is instead a full head mask. Once someone puts it on it affixes to him, becoming his head, and can't be removed other than by a Remove Curse/Wish spell. It does however provide some interesting side effects....as do all of Big Bawb's creations.
First the mask is now effectively the wearers actual head. He now has a mooses vocal cords, which means he can speak and communicate with other Moose. Which is good because they'll be the only ones he can communicate with till the thing gets removed. Except, every great now and then, when his vocal cords revert to human speech at random just long enough to scream "You will be sacrificed for the glory of the Heathen Mus Gawd!!!!". Clearly, the Gawds do not like you.
Second, he now has an Intelligence of 3, which will be causing him some not so minor complications in life.
Third, he now eats a Moose's diet. The only other thing he can digest is water and alcohol.
There are of course some benefits. Until the mask is removed the wearer gets the following:
Your Strength becomes 23 and your Constitution becomes 18 while you have the moose head, unless they are already higher.
You gain Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) Checks based on smell.
Armor Class improves by +2.
Gore attack doing 1d8 plus Strength modifier Bludgeoning damage, considered magical for purposes of bypassing damage resistance.
You also get Charge: If you move at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hit it with a Gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Bowling Ball of St. Cuthbert Body Slot: -(Carried)
Caster Level: 21st
Aura: Overwhelming; (DC:25) All schools
Activation: --- (Use-Activated)
Weight: 14 lbs.
Unknown to many, St. Cuthbert was an avid bowler in life. His personal bowling ball is now a potential weapon of great power. It can be rolled along the ground at an opponent, or thrown at him. This is effectively a ranged attack that uses Strength for attack and damage rolls, with a 30 foot range increment. It appears as a bowling ball made of solid brass with St. Cuthbert's holy symbol (known as 'some freaky alien Gawd' in the Jesters Realm). It is effectively a +3 Holy, Lawful, Returning weapon that does 2d6 damage. If thrown across the ground like a traditional bowling ball, the target must make a DC 20 Reflex Save or fall Prone. If thrown through the air, the target must make a DC 20 Fortitude Save or be Dazed 1 round. Additionally, the Ball constantly has Detect Evil running, and informs the wearer when it has Detected Evil, requiring him to make a DC 20 Willpower Save to avoid immediately attacking said Evil.
Bowling Ball of St. CuthbertWeapon (bowling ball), legendary You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. This is a one handed, heavy, thrown (range 20/60) weapon that uses Strength for attack and damage rolls. Successful hits do 2d6 Bludgeoning plus 2d6 Radiant damage (plus an additional 2d6 Radiant damage if the target is a Fiend or Undead), before returning to the wielders hand. If thrown across the ground like a traditional bowling ball, the target must make a DC 18 Srength Save or fall Prone. If thrown through the air, the target must make a DC 18 Constitution Save or be Stunned 1 round. Additionally, the Ball constantly has Detect Evil and Goodrunning, and informs the wearer when it has Detected an Aberration, Fiend or Undead, requiring him to make a DC 18 Wisdom Save to avoid immediately attacking said Evil.
Cursed Rhino Dart Price (Item Level): 3,150 GP per dart
Body Slot: - (Carried)
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate; (DC:20) Transmutation
Activation: - (Ammunition)
Weight: -
This appears to be an ordinary +1 blowgun dart. When it strikes a creature they must make a DC 17 Willpower Save, or turn into an angry rhino. This basically works like Baleful Polymorph, but it turns the user into a Rhino. If it takes damage in combat, it flies into a berserk rage on its next turn, goring madly until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +4 to Strength, +4 to Constitution, and -2 to Armor Class. The creature cannot end its rage voluntarily. In fact, it it loses the Saving throw after 24 hours (and thereby loses it's memory) the Rage becomes permanent. Once it successfuly polymorphs a target, this becomes a regular blowgun dart.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Baleful Polymorph, Rage
Cost to Create: 1,575 GP, 2 days, 126 XP
Cursed Rhino DartWeapon (blowgun ammunition), legendaryYou gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic ammunition (which loses it's magic after the first time it successfully polymorphs a target). A creature struck by the dart must make a DC 16 Wisdom Save or be permanently polymorphed (as per the spell) into a Rhinoceros. Additionally it gains a few abilities if it takes damage:
Advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
+2 damage with successful gore attacks.
Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
Whenever the target starts its turn with 35 hit points or fewer, roll a d6. On a 6, the target goes berserk. On each of its turns while berserk, the target attacks the nearest creature it can see. If no creature is near enough to move to and attack, the target attacks an object, with preference for an object smaller than itself. Once the target goes berserk, it continues to do so until it is destroyed or regains all its hit points.
After 24 hours as a rhino, the target must repeat the Wisdom Saving Throw, or lose all it's memories (and it's new abilities become permanent). A Wish will reverse this.
Dead Chicken Price (Item Level): 30,179 GP
Body Slot: - (Carried)
Caster Level: 7th
Aura: Moderate; (DC:19) Necromancy
Activation: Swift (Command)
Weight: 5 lbs.
This is exactly what it appears to be: A preserved (though somehow still slightly rotting) dead chicken. By shaking it at people and saying the command words you can cast the spell Fear 3 times per day as a 7th level Caster. Something about dead chickens staring at them just totally messes with people.
Prerequisites: Create Wondrous Item, Fear
Cost to Create: 15,089 GP, 15 days, 1,207 XP
Dead ChickenWondrous item, rare (requires attunement) This is exactly what it appears to be: A preserved (though somehow still slightly rotting) dead chicken. By shaking it at people and saying the command words you can cast the spell Fear 3 times per long rest without components or a spell slot. Something about dead chickens staring at them just totally messes with people.
The Little Red Button Body Slot: Carried
Caster Level: 21st
Aura: Overwhelming; (DC:25) All schools
Activation: Swift (Manipulation)
Weight: 2 lbs.
Much like the Wand of Wonder, this is a chaotic item designed to wreak utter havoc. It consists of a small black wooden box with a little red button on top. If opened there is nothing inside. Written on the side in common are the words "Please do not push the button". Of course when the PC's press the button something random will happen (There are persistent rumors the box actually says "Press Button To Increase Drama"). If the effect targets a specific entity, or is an area of effect that needs to be centered, it directly hits 1-25: The button presser, 26-50: A random enemy, 51-75: A random ally, 76-00: A completely innocent bystander who may now have reason to consider you an enemy. If the effect duplicates a spell, the Caster Level is 21st. Range of all effects for purposes of targeting an individual or an area of effect is anything within 500 feet. If a Save is required the Check DC is 23. If an effect says 'until this curse is removed', it can be cured by Remove Curse or similar spells.
01-03: Target turns to Nerf until a Wish, Remove Curse or Miracle is cast.
04-06: Target believes he is an all powerful Gawd for 20 rounds.
07-09: Everything within 50 ft. of the target turns pink, whilst simultaneously gaining a rabid hatred of pink. They attack the nearest pink creature or object each round for the next 20 rounds, not recognizing friend from foe.
10-12: Everything within 1000 ft. of the target takes 3d6 Bludgeoning damage per round, as the sky rains chicksns (Reflex Save for half damage) for 20 rounds.
13-15: 1d3 Rogue Eidolons (see MMII) burst from the ground and begin laying waste to all in their path.
16-18: One random Medium creature turns 100 feet tall for 20 rounds, and goes on a rampage against someone they don't like. Size becomes Colossal, and the target gets 100 temporary hit points,+10 ft. movement to all speed types, their Natural Armor Bonus to AC increases by +14, their Str improves by +32, their Dex lowers by -4, their Con improves by +16, and their damage improves by 4 steps (see Monster Manual on increasing monster size).
19-21: One random target gets a Wish, which has a 50% chance of completely screwing him in a manner left up to the DM.
22-24: One random target inspires violent hatred. For the next hour, any creature seeing it will work tirelessly to end it's life.
25-27: One random target becomes mute, and the Button disappears for 1d4 days, after which the target regains it's voice.
28-30: Pissed off Gnomes suddenly appear in the thousands, violently kneecapping everything within 1000 feet of the target for 2d6 Bludgeoning damage (creatures in the area must also make a Fortitude Save or fall Prone). The Gnomes then leave as mysteriously as they came.
31-33: One random target becomes allergic to air for 2d6 rounds, and must hold their breath or be poisoned (Inhaled, Fortitude Save, Initial and Secondary damage is 1d4 Con).
34-36: One random target vomits a Spider Swarm, which raises merry hell for the next 20 rounds.
37-39: One random building nearby is replaced with a building from another time and place, along with any occupants.
40-42: A loud, disembodied voice can be heard singing about the unpleasant secrets of all creatures within 50 feet.
43-45: One random target explodes, doing 10d6 damage to everything within 20 feet (Reflex Save for half). The target then reforms the next round, and is Stunned in horror at his sudden adventure into the afterlife for one round after.
46-48: One random target becomes possessed by a Arch Devil until he receives a Banishment or Dismissal spell.
49-51: 1d6 random targets switch bodies for 1 Minute.
52-54: A Sharknado appears for 20 rounds.
55-57: A random Gawd appears, drunk off their behind. They suddenly notice the assembled mortals and smile creepily. Pray your DM isn't too harsh.
58-60: A random target receives the benefits of the Haste spell until Remove Curse is cast on it. While Haste is in effect, the target ages at twice the normal rate.
61-63: A random target becomes allergic to Clerics, and takes 2d6 damage any round he touches/is touched by one.
64-66: A random target becomes infectious: any condition, disease or magical effect on him is passed on to anyone he touches/is touched by unless they make a Willpower Save. This effect lasts 1d6 days (the conditions, etc. passed last their normal duration).
67-69: For the next 24 hours, anyone a random target kills rises the next day as a Ghost or Ghost Brute hellbent on destroying him, or at least making his life miserable. In addition to their normal abilities the Ghosts the target creates can always sense if he is within 120 feet as if they had Blindsight and are compelled to Attack him. They are not tied to a location like many Undead and may wander.
70-72: A random target is cursed with a little voice telling him to do things. Bad things. Things involving sheep and a prison break. Until this curse is removed the victim must make a Willpower Save daily or spend up to one hour each day doing an act he knows is illegal, particularly if the act violates his alignment, or would have significant social repercussions for him.
73-75: A random target gets no sleep for 1d4 days as the Gawds take the opportunity to visit him in the small hours and mock him.
76-78: Somehow, a random target attacks himself (roll damage).
79-81: The Gawds require entertainment, and as the randomly selected target has provided entertainment before they watch his antics and occasionally juice things up a little. Your target suddenly finds himself swept into a Bollywood dance number as he and every living thing within 30 feet are struck by an Otto's Irresistible Dance spell.
82-84: A Fiend is so struck with pity by a random target that he offers it power in exchange for it's soul because he really thinks it needs the boost.
85-87: A random 50 foot area is haunted by it's own personal solar eclipse or maybe just generates an aura of doom. For the next 2d6 days, all Morale Bonuses do not function within the area, and Morale penalties are doubled (and apply even to those normally immune to Morale Penalties).
88-90: A random targets personal body odor becomes so bad it could make Satan weep. Until this curse is removed any living creature within 30 feet of it must make a Fortitude Save or be Sickened for as long as it remains within range and for 2d6 rounds after. Beings with Scent take a -4 Penalty on their Saving Throw against it's personal stench, and unlike Stinking Cloud, immunity to poison does not prevent them from being affected by this spell.
91-93: All birds within 1000 feet become permanently inimical to all other life other than birds. As do their children, and all their descendants.
94-96: A random target now has his own personal, demonically hungry mosquito. Until this curse is removed he is Fatigued and takes 1 temporary point of Strength damage per day. He also has a 50% chance each day of contracting any disease from the DMG whose infection method is injury or contact.
97-99: 1d6 Tarrasques awaken, and stand up from their burrows. It is mating season at long last, and they must fight one another for the right to reproduce.
100: A random target is subpoenaed by the Afterlife Court, and has a week to hire an attorney before the court comes looking for her. Optionally, the DM makes up some scary stuff.
The Little Red ButtonWondrous item, uniqueMuch like the Rod of Wonder, this is a chaotic item designed to wreak utter havoc. It consists of a small black wooden box with a little red button on top. If opened there is nothing inside. Written on the side in common are the words "Please do not push the button". Of course when the PC's press the button something random will happen (There are persistent rumors the box actually says "Press Button To Increase Drama"). If the effect targets a specific entity, or is an area of effect that needs to be centered, it directly hits 1-25: The button presser, 26-50: A random enemy, 51-75: A random ally, 76-00: A completely innocent bystander who may now have reason to consider you an enemy. Range of all effects for purposes of targeting an individual or an area of effect is anything within 500 feet. If a Save is required the Check DC is 18. If an effect says 'until this curse is removed', it can be cured by Remove Curse or similar spells.
01-03: Target turns to Nerf until a Wish or Remove Curse is cast.
04-06: Target believes he is an all powerful Gawd for 20 rounds.
07-09: Everything within 50 ft. of the target turns pink, whilst simultaneously gaining a rabid hatred of pink. They attack the nearest pink creature or object each round for the next 20 rounds, not recognizing friend from foe.
10-12: Everything within 1000 ft. of the target takes 3d6 Bludgeoning damage per round, as the sky rains chicksns (Dexterity Save for half damage) for 20 rounds.
13-15: 1d3 Rogue Eidolons (see below) burst from the ground and begin laying waste to all in their path.
16-18: One random Medium creature turns 100 feet tall for 20 rounds, and goes on a rampage against someone they don't like. Size/Reach becomes 30 feet, and the target gets 200 temporary hit points,+10 ft. movement to all speed types, their AC increases by +5 (to a max of 20), their Str and Con rise to 30, and their damage improves by 1 die per Size Category gained (creature is considered to be Gargantuan plus one).
19-21: One random target gets a Wish, which has a 50% chance of completely screwing him in a manner left up to the DM.
22-24: One random target inspires violent hatred. For the next hour, any creature seeing it will work tirelessly to end it's life.
25-27: One random target becomes mute, and the Button disappears for 1d4 days, after which the target regains it's voice.
28-30: Pissed off Gnomes suddenly appear in the thousands, violently kneecapping everything within 1000 feet of the target for 2d6 Bludgeoning damage (creatures in the area must also make a Strength Save or fall Prone). The Gnomes then leave as mysteriously as they came.
31-33: One random target becomes allergic to air for 2d6 rounds, and must hold their breath or take 2d6 poison damage each round it inhales.
34-36: One random target vomits a Swarm of Insects (Spiders, see Basic Rules page 291), which raises merry hell for the next 20 rounds.
37-39: One random building nearby is replaced with a building from another time and place, along with any occupants.
40-42: A loud, disembodied voice can be heard singing about the unpleasant secrets of all creatures within 50 feet.
43-45: One random target explodes, doing 10d6 necrotic damage to everything within 20 feet (Reflex Save for half). The target then reforms the next round, and is Stunned in horror at his sudden adventure into the afterlife for one round after.
46-48: One random target becomes possessed by a Arch Devil until he receives a Banishment or Dispel Evil and Good spell.
49-51: 1d6 random targets switch bodies for 1 Minute.
52-54: A Sharknado appears for 20 rounds.
55-57: A random Gawd appears, drunk off their behind. They suddenly notice the assembled mortals and smile creepily. Pray your DM isn't too harsh.
58-60: A random target receives the benefits of the Haste spell until Remove Curse is cast on it. While Haste is in effect, the target ages at twice the normal rate.
61-63: A random target becomes allergic to Clerics, and takes 2d6 necrotic damage any round he touches/is touched by one.
64-66: A random target becomes infectious: any condition, disease or magical effect on him is passed on to anyone he touches/is touched by unless they make a Wisdom Save. This effect lasts 1d6 days (the conditions, etc. passed last their normal duration).
67-69: For the next 24 hours, anyone a random target kills rises the next day as a Ghost hellbent on destroying him, or at least making his life miserable. In addition to their normal abilities the Ghosts the target creates can always sense if he is within 120 feet as if they had Blindsight and are compelled to Attack him. They are not tied to a location like many Undead and may wander.
70-72: A random target is cursed with a little voice telling him to do things. Bad things. Things involving sheep and a prison break. Until this curse is removed the victim must make a Wisdom Save daily or spend up to one hour each day doing an act he knows is illegal, particularly if the act violates his alignment, or would have significant social repercussions for him.
73-75: A random target gets no sleep for 1d4 days as the Gawds take the opportunity to visit him in the small hours and mock him.
76-78: Somehow, a random target attacks himself (roll damage).
79-81: The Gawds require entertainment, and as the randomly selected target has provided entertainment before they watch his antics and occasionally juice things up a little. Your target suddenly finds himself swept into a Bollywood dance number as he and every living thing within 30 feet are struck by an Otto's Irresistible Dance spell.
82-84: A Fiend is so struck with pity by a random target that he offers it power in exchange for it's soul because he really thinks it needs the boost.
85-87: A random 50 foot area is haunted by it's own personal solar eclipse or maybe just generates an aura of doom. For the next 2d6 days, nothing can gain Advantage in this area.
88-90: A random targets personal body odor becomes so bad it could make Satan weep. Until this curse is removed any living creature within 30 feet of it must make a Constitution Save or spend it's Action retching for as long as it remains within range and for 2d6 rounds after. Beings with Keen Smell on their Saving Throw against it's personal stench, and unlike Stinking Cloud, immunity to poison does not prevent them from being affected by this spell.
91-93: All birds within 1000 feet become permanently inimical to all other life other than birds. As do their children, and all their descendants.
94-96: A random target now has his own personal, demonically hungry mosquito. Until this curse is removed he has one Level of Exhaustion he cannot get rid of. He also has a 50% chance each day of contracting any disease from the DMG.
97-99: 1d6 Tarrasques awaken, and stand up from their burrows. It is mating season at long last, and they must fight one another for the right to reproduce.
100: A random target is subpoenaed by the Afterlife Court, and has a week to hire an attorney before the court comes looking for her. Optionally, the DM makes up some scary stuff.
Monkey (On Your Back) Body Slot: Body
Caster Level: 21st
Aura: Overwhelming; (DC:25) All schools
Activation: ---
Weight: 5 lbs.
This vile artifact was created by someone or something truly evil. At least, so it's assumed. Currently none of the evil deities want to take credit for it, and even most of the demons/devils want little to do with it. It appears as a small stuffed toy monkey. Upon being touched or picked up, the eyes snap open, and it comes to life, skittering over its victims shoulder and latching painfully onto his back. Once attached it cannot be removed and seems to invulnerable to physical destruction. That's when the bad things happen...
Events always seem to go wrong while the monkey is on your back. Anytime you or an ally within 50 feet makes any roll there is a 20% chance it automatically fails (or in the case of damage rolls does the minimum damage possible). This usually leads to some form of catastrophe for the monkeys "owner," who then begins to hear a whispering voice in his head telling him everything can be made right for a price. If he agrees to take a permanent Negative level the Monkey will cast one Wish spell for him. The negative levels are stackable, and like the Monkey itself cannot be removed. at least not until you get rid of the Monkey.
There are only 4 ways to remove the Monkey:
1) You must die.
2) A deity must intervene on your behalf, most of which are strangely loath to do so.
3) You must get a Wish spell cast on your behalf after having submitted to utter public humiliation. Like living naked on the streets with a sign around your neck that says "Please abuse me for your amusement" for weeks on end (without using the Monkeys powers to obviate your struggles). This is up to the DM, but it should be bad enough to make the 'owners' mind potentially snap.
4) You must convince the Monkey someone else is more deserving (the Monkey hates arrogance for example), AND convince that someone to accept the Monkey as a gift.
Monkey (On Your Back)Wondrous item, unique This vile artifact was created by someone or something truly evil. At least so it's assumed. Currently none of the evil deities want to take credit for it, and even most of the demons/devils want little to do with it. It appears as a small stuffed toy monkey. Upon being touched or picked up, the eyes snap open, and it comes to life, skittering over its victims shoulder and latching painfully onto his back. Once attached it cannot be removed and seems to invulnerable to physical destruction. That's when the bad things happen...
Events always seem to go wrong while the monkey is on your back. Anytime you or a friendly creature within 50 feet makes any roll there is a 20% chance it automatically fails (or in the case of damage rolls does the minimum damage possible). This usually leads to some form of catastrophe for the monkeys "owner," who then begins to hear a whispering voice in his head telling him everything can be made right for a price. If he agrees to permanently lower his hit point maximum by 1d8 points, the Monkey will cast one Wish spell for him. This damage cannot be removed until you get rid of the Monkey.
There are only 4 ways to remove the Monkey:
1) You must die.
2) A deity must intervene on your behalf, most of which are strangely loath to do so.
3) You must get a Wish spell cast on your behalf after having submitted to utter public humiliation. Like living naked on the streets with a sign around your neck that says "Please abuse me for your amusement" for weeks on end (without using the Monkeys powers to obviate your struggles). This is up to the DM, but it should be bad enough to make the 'owners' mind potentially snap.
4) You must convince the Monkey someone else is more deserving (the Monkey hates arrogance for example), AND convince that someone to accept the Monkey as a gift.
"Of all the things there, can I ask why the button?""Because we will not be pressing the button, nor will we be anywhere nearby when it happens."