Not knowing what any of that means
Ok so breaking some of it down. Every Class in 5th gets a path option, think of it like a subclass.
Fighter 3 is a very powerful dip and the "Champion" is it's 3rd level subclass choice used for melee novas and it's primary use is boss killing. Essentially, once per Encounter it gains an extra Attack Action and four times per Encounter you can add +1d8 to your Attack Roll. This gives you a very high damage rate on the first round of combat and helps you hit Tiamat's really high AC (it's 25).
Then one of the Barbarian's subclass options is Totem Warrior which then splits into one of three options it's self. Bear, Eagle, and Wolf. So I'm not sure what you mean by 3rd's Incarnate "Totem Rager" PrC through, probably just a mislabel? Anyway, Bear is extremely defensive since while Raging you pretty much take 1/2 damage from nearly anything and I think that is the direction they are wanting to go since the Barb's offensive choice is Frenzy Berserker instead of Totem Warrior.
Overall, the Class choice is like the default "all-arounder" and it isn't a bad choice by any means.
"Pirate" is probably the Background. All 5th Edition Characters have a non-adventurer history that grants them Proficiency in a few extra Skills on top of the ones your Class provides, extra starting equipment and gold, maybe a Language, and a bonus "Feature" that's up to the DM to incorporate into the Adventure to help you roleplay. Most of the rest kind of speaks for it's self, progress Str to cap or snag a belt, CN is it's Alignment, Half-Orc is it's Race, and "berserker" is probably just a description of being an easily ticked off pirate.
Edit - What is the DM allowing for magic items? Over the course of 20 levels you're supposed to have obtained like sixty of them or so (counts consumables) and the DMG has a low/med/high-magic starting with guideline to use too.