I know that someone raised this a few weeks ago but I didn't see any substantial replies.
Does anybody have any of the builds for say, The President of Smack or the Prime Minister of Smack that I've heard bandied about in conversations about the KoS.
Any advice on an Ardent based Swiftclaw KoS? Operating under the house-rule that Swiftclaw has full BAB and with liberal use of the Substitute Power ACF
I'm unsure about how linked-power+metapower+synchronicity works but I'll read up on that.
Game is starting at 1st level and running for as long as it runs - its supposed to be a 1-20 but I'll believe it when I see it.
Current plan is to go Half-Giant Ardent5/Swiftclaw10/Ardent5 if the Powerful Build clause on d20pfsrd allows me to manifest large claws and count my unarmed strike from Tash. as one size larger. Also the bonus to str and wis are nice.