Race: Water Orc
Align: CN
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 ft, Fly: 30 ft (Average)
Chaos Monk 3
XP Have: 6,675 Need: 10,000
HD: 4d8+12
HP: 19 / 33
StatsAbility Scores Saving Throws
Score Mod Temp Mod Total = Base + Mod + Magic + Misc Other
Str: 22 +6 22 +6 Fort: 8 = 4 + 3 + 0 + 1
Dex: 14 +2 14 +2 Ref: 7 = 4 + 2 + 0 + 1 +2 vs gaze attacks
Con: 16 +3 16 +3 Will: 4 = 4 - 1 + 0 + 1 +2 Bonus vs all spells and effects from the Illusion school
Int: 08 -1 08 -1 Initiative
Wis: 08 -1 08 -1 Total = Dex + Misc
Cha: 06 -2 06 -2 -4 = 2 - 6
Special:Fast Healing 3
Darkvision 60'
Total Armor Shield Dex Size Nat Defl Misc
AC : 19 = 10 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 6
Touch: 18 Flat-Footed: 17
Str mod as luck bonus to AC
Total Base Str Misc Total Base Dex Misc
Melee : 9 = 3 + 6 + 0 Ranged : 5 = 3 + 2 + 0
Unarmed Strike +9/+7/+7 1d6+6 x2 - - L B 10' Reach; Counts as Magic for the purposes of DR
Notes: -1 penalty on attack rolls, Search checks, and Spot checks in bright sunlight without goggles
LanguagesFeats1) Extra Mutation: Extra Arms
1) Improved Unarmed Strike (Bonus)
1) Kung Fu Brute (Bonus Chaos Feat)
1) Extra Mutation: Unarmed Strike (Enhanced Reach) (Flaw)
1) Darkstalker (Flaw)
2) Extra Mutation: Supernatural Defenses (Fast Healing) (Bonus Chaos Feat)
3) Extra Mutation: Enhanced Movement (Flight)
FlawsInattentive: -4 to Listen and Spot checks
Unattentive: -6 to Initiative
Class FeaturesProficiencies: Dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, and shuriken.
Cha Focus: Your Unarmored AC Bonus, and the Save DC of all your Chaos Monk Powers or Chaos Feats use your Strength modifier.
Chaos Feat: At levels 1, 2, 6, 10, 14, and 18 the Chaos Monk gains a Bonus feat from the Chaos Feat List (see post further below) if they meet the Prerequisites. They may also choose Improved Grapple or Stunning Fist as a Chaos Feat (as well as any Feats listing those 2 Feats as Prerequisites).
Unarmed Damage (Ex): At first level the Chaos Monks Unarmed Strike Damage is 1d6. This increases to 1d8 at level 4, 1d10 at level 8, 2d6 at level 12, 2d8 at level 16, and 2d10 at level 20. They may choose to deal lethal or nonlethal damage with their unarmed strikes or grapples without penalty. A Chaos Monk's Unarmed Strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for purposes of spells that enhance or improve either one.
AC Bonus (Ex): The Chaos Monk seems to avoid blows as if by magic, gaining their Strength modifier as a Luck Bonus to their AC if they are unarmored, not carrying a Shield, and are carrying no more than a Light Load. This Bonus increases by +1 at 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter (+2 at level 10, +3 at level 15, etc.).
Monk: The Chaos Monk is considered a Monk for purposes of the extra effects Monks can gain from certain Feats (Stunning Blow, Superior Unarmed Strike, etc.), and for some items such as the Monk's Belt. Special Attacks gained from Feats (Stunning Fist, etc) use Strength in place of Wisdom for their Save DC.
Chaos Strike (Su): The Chaos Monk's Unarmed Strikes are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction. If the Chaos Monk gains any Mutations granting it Natural Weapons it's Chaos Strike abilities apply to those weapons as well.
SkillsMax Ranks(7); CC Max Ranks(3.5); ACP(0)
Key Skill Ability Misc
Name Ability Mod Mod Ranks Mod
Balance* Dex 2 = 2 + 0 + 0
Bluff Cha -2 = -2 + 0 + 0
Climb* Str 6 = 6 + 0 + 0
Diplomacy Cha -2 = -2 + 0 + 0
Escape Artist* Dex 2 = 2 + 0 + 0
Gather Information Cha -2 = -2 + 0 + 0
Hide* Dex 9 = 2 + 7 + 0
Intimidate Cha -2 = -2 + 0 + 0
Jump* Str 6 = 6 + 0 + 0
Listen Wis -5 = -1 + 0 - 4 flaw
Move Silently* Dex 9 = 2 + 7 + 0
Search Int -1 = -1 + 0 + 0
Sense Motive Wis -1 = -1 + 0 + 0
Spot Wis -5 = -1 + 0 - 4 flaw
Swim* Str 6 = 6 + 0 + 0
Tumble* Dex 9 = 2 + 7 + 0
*Skill suffers armor check penalty (Penalty is doubled for Swim) Equipment
Mundane Gear
Sundark Goggles
Belt Pouch
Magical Gear
Bracers of Armor +1
Cloak of Resistance +1
Everlasting Rations
Everfull Mug
Handy Haversack
4 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds
137 gp