Hello minmax!
As the title says, currently working it, and while I've determined that I want to take the full 13 levels of war-hulk and hulking hurler, I have absolutely no idea what to take for the base.
Among the ideas, half-ogre, water orc barbarian. Take orc warlord and LEAD THE HORDE!
Goliath barbarian/bear warrior to be XBOX HUGE AND STRONG LIKE POWERTHIRST!
Race unknown, but wildshape ranger for base to cap the build with warshaper.
Warblade for diamond mind and iron heart, with martial study/stance to get thicket of blades.
Half giant tashalatora, considering ardent for the advanced psionics, or psychic warrior for the bluffs and bonus feats.
Or taking pugilist fighter with the gheden template for being flat immune to raw damage, energy drain and fear.
Any help or further advice would be helpful
For reference, centaur is not available, nor are epic progressions, or monster level progression, but LA buyoff, templates and paragon classes are.